So I just saw my girls foster sister nude

Jul 4, 2011
So I was failing at no jakking June once again look thru a certain site and I see my girls foster sister in one of those low budget hood movies.... It was gross cause she wasn't attractive at all to me and it was a solo thing and that's not my thing, but shocking never the less.... So should I tell my girl about this? I mean I heard some things about her sis, and she heard as well (foster sis ran away at like 16 but they still cool) but I got proof now or should I pretend I never saw? Should I tell anyone? No pics no thread so heres the pics I don't wanna get banned for posting the vid so what's a good way to tell u guys how to see it without getting this locked so y'all can confirm its her?
she isn't bad at all, p.m. would be appreciated
I didnt believe you when you said she was gross...........and then I saw the vid. Shawty look like Harry from Harry and the Hendersons
I can pm better when I get to a comp, my iPhone is making this hard, those that got the pm sent it out so they know it's not duck tales
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