So I just finished watching The Wire (Vol. Avon Barksdale)

Sep 6, 2007
Thanks to Niketalk for putting me on this show. It took me about a month to finish the series and I can see why people rave about this show. I'm kindof disappointed how Omar got "Got" because didn't Michael beat the living tard out of that little kid for taking Namond stash. Season 4 was myfavorite for obvious reasons and season 5 was
because McNulty is onesick cop (no pun intended). Bodie is another character that brought depth to the series, but too bad he couldn't make it to the final season.
Kenard was hilarious. esp when the cop yoked him up and he was talking reckless

i liked how the dealers were still human...and not just some big ballin' type cats. i liked Bodie and Poot as well.

I HATED Marlo. he was mad outta pocket to the Co-Op...Avon kept it funky
I love the show because there are no clear cut "good" guys and "bad" guys. It's really deep and the way the story is told is great.

The Wire remains probably my favorite series ever.
I understand why the finished the series you know to not drag it on and milk it out. But I wish they would make another season. This show is great. I saw all 5season in 3 weeks and it was so worth it.
I remember making a thread like a year and a half ago asking about this show. What people on here said about it convinced me to buy the first season and giveit a shot, but I just couldn't find the time to consistently watch the episodes or be focused enough to watch the show when I had the time to.

I finally finished the first season in 5 days last week, and went to pick up the second season earlier this week. Great show
^^its ok dont even worry about it

"How my hair look Mike?"

"You look good girl"


i +*%#*@ wit ol' girl snoop
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Kenard was hilarious. esp when the cop yoked him up and he was talking reckless

i liked how the dealers were still human...and not just some big ballin' type cats. i liked Bodie and Poot as well.

I HATED Marlo. he was mad outta pocket to the Co-Op...Avon kept it funky

Marlo is my favorite character. Avon cared about stupid !##@ like controlling the towers and all about respect. I loved Marlo because he didn't try to everbe anything he wasn't. Didn't care about respecting elders or any of that. Wouldn't take !##@ from no man. Marlo can say more with his eyes thanAvon can say with his mouth. All Marlo needed to do was give a dude a look and he would be gone. charecters Greatest thing ever done in American Media in myopinion. Poot, McNulty, Bunk, Marl, String, Bodie, Michael, Namond, Cutty, Carv and Herc, all of the charecters are great.
Originally Posted by Nktran001

For some reason, i can't seem to watch an entire episode without being bored.

on demand ftw!!!!! i dont know what was going on in the political world of the wire,but they sure clapped keema
Damn I miss this show.

Would anyone happen to know when or if HBO will release a box set of the series?
Greatest show ever

"yall aint got no honey nut?"

"snitching Randy"

"nice dolphin n***a"

"a black man can't even style this s**t"

"package up my a** gump"
It was only a matter a time. Now that the fifth and final season of The Wire has made its way to DVD, HBO has seen fit to givethis brilliant show the royal treatment with its complete series box set. This 23-disc package will be released December 9th, 2008, with a retail price of$249.99.

straight murder, dont they retail for like 50.00 each anyway? they dont let you save a dime for giving you their money for all five seasons?

amazon ftw
I was looking up the show on wikipedia and came up with this on the character Snoop"

"Instead of attending school, Pearson worked as a drug dealer. At the age of 14, Snoop was sentenced to 8 years in prison for the second degree murder ofOkia Toomer. She said her life turned around at 18, when a man she called Uncle Lonly, a local drug dealer who looked out for her and sent her money in prison,was shot and killed. It was he who had given her the nickname "Snoop" because she reminded him of Charlie Brown's beagle Snoopy in the comicstrip Peanuts. She finished school while behind bars. After earning her GED in prison, Pearson was released in 2000. She landed a local job making car bumpers,she said, but was fired two weeks later after her employer learned she had a prison record. Pearson is openly gay. Pearson met Michael K. Williams, who playsOmar Little on The Wire, in a Baltimore club. He invited her to come to the set one day. He introduced her to the writers and the producers, and she wasoffered a role in the series."

Seriously, when I first saw her character I thought she was a guy. Ain't no way you can cast somebody like that doing auditions which is why The Wire isone of a kind.
Originally Posted by Fundamental21Ticket

It was only a matter a time. Now that the fifth and final season of The Wire has made its way to DVD, HBO has seen fit to give this brilliant show the royal treatment with its complete series box set. This 23-disc package will be released December 9th, 2008, with a retail price of $249.99.


Packaging looks too generic

I'd rather cop the individual seasons

Just the dept and how interweaved everything was was amazing. It showed how everything is affected by everything. Its real life and if you can't respectthat your whole perspective is wack.
Chris Whoopin Mike Stepfather and Snoop Face Was

Felt Bad For Dukie

Mike Was Real

Kenard Shooting Omar

"Do I Look Like A Faggy"

Damn I Miss The Wire
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