If you like the food at some of the local favorites places keep in mind that these places distribute the tips with kitchen staff as well . Not all cooks are created equal
I don't see why taking care of people who take care of you is frowned upon by some people in this thread.
he take cares of u by delivering
u ur mail
something thats in his job description
to where if he didnt do
he wouldn't be doing his job
yall be just making up excuses to try to justify tipping
apples to oranges

there are some jobs that are SOLEY paid off tips

some are also underpaid and tips compensate the missing portion

none of the jobs you listed are those types of jobs

its arguments like those that’ll make the whole convo turn stupid

My mailman/garbage men are taken care of during the holidays, I feel like that's pretty normal.

I'll throw them drinks if I catch them during the summer but that's pretty rare.

I don't see why taking care of people who take care of you is frowned upon by some people in this thread.

I'm also extremely curious as to how females react to this whole "I don't tip" thing.

Do any of you non tippers have stories?

he take cares of u by delivering
u ur mail
something thats in his job description
to where if he didnt do
he wouldn't be doing his job
yall be just making up excuses to try to justify tipping

No, he doesn't just deliver my mail.

Every time I have a package he puts it behind my gate on the side of my house because people tend to steal boxes that are in plain sight.

You know how much **** I be ordering from amazon? :lol:

He doesn't have to do that, just like I don't have to "tip" him during the holidays.

You just make excuses to justify your cheapness and stealing.
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That "Taking care of people who take care of you" line always gets me.
It's their job. They don't give a **** about you. They've already been paid to do it too.

what about those who get paid SOLEY off tips?

meaning, if you DONT tip they dont get paid.
If you're in a financially more fortunate position than a waiter/waitress, what is the big deal about giving back? So many factors go into why you're in the position you are today. Despite what most of us want to believe ourselves, not all our successes are due to our own hard work. If i'm fortunate enough to tip someone and not have to be working a ****** job with ****** wages, I should be glad I'm in that position and not depending on tips.
because if thats how you feel, you shouldnt go at all

its like being cool with drinking/ smoking but refusing to put in
I disagree.

Your boys might want to go, and you go because they want to go.

You simply are just there hanging out. You don't have to pay for any dances or Champagne Rooms.

Don't see the issue.

Maybe because I feel like him. Strip clubs are a waste of MY money, but I have been just to hang with my folks
what about those who get paid SOLEY off tips?

meaning, if you DONT tip they dont get paid.

It's so crazy to me that I, the patron, have to also play the role of employer by making sure the waiter/waitress is being paid. Isn't that the obligation of the organization that employs/contracts you? The whole business structure is ****** up. The fact that I walk into restaurants already having to think about factoring in another 10-20% of my meal costs in order to ensure the employee can make minimum wage is mind blowing to me. This doesn't apply to any other industry BUT the restaurant business.

I tip because unfortunately the stigma of being a "non tipper" has been ingrained into me so deeply throughout life that I can't bring myself to be that guy to simply not tip. Only on a few occasions where the experience was inexcusably bad that I haven't tipped at all.

BUT I think the idea of what we know as "tipping" today isn't even really tipping in the true sense of the word. It should really be classified as more of a tax than anything. Employers need to be obligated by law to pay their servers minimum wage. The fact that you can pay people $2 an hour is criminal.
It's so crazy to me that I, the patron, have to also play the role of employer by making sure the waiter/waitress is being paid.
like damn
let me get ur social and birth certificate
so i can claim u on my taxes if im a be taking care of u
yes, (morally) tacky

if 2 different places sell widgets:

establishment 1 charges $15, the going rate

establishment 2 charges $10, but is only able to offer the lower price because the customer tips the staff, therefore lowering overhead for the owner

if YOU the customer take advantage of the lower price but wont hold up your end of the deal...its tacky, douchy, assholish, whatever

you cant say it doesnt happen in your state because its not always under minimum wage. were talking about underpaid in general and none of us can speak for all owners
I’m buying 10$ straight up. Then tell all the lil homies I got it for ten. Word of mouth. That’s my tip. Matter of fact Lemmie get 2 for the 15
My general rule is a little more compassion no matter who the receiver is is always better for this world.
You can be compassionate without giving away money.

Thinking just handing homelsss ppl money is helping them is flawed.

Hope you ain't doing it to make yourself feel better.
You simply are just there hanging out. You don't have to pay for any dances or Champagne Rooms.

Don't see the issue.

because you’ve removed the logic

again, unless you are in the stripclub blindfolded you cant say you arent partaking

strippers for the most part are paid soley on tips

what you’re suggesting is the equivalent of sneaking into a comedy show with your boys and justify not paying because you didnt listen or laugh at the jokes

it dont work like that
you cant seperate the two
you cant be inside and NOT partake unless you’re blindfolded or looking at the floorthe whole time

“....but i wanna support my boy”


then you know what you gotta do


simple scenario...

strip club is open

NO ONE tips the strippers

they buy drinks at the bar
buy food
pay to get in

who gets paid?

the bartender.
the DJ.
the owner.

who doesnt?

this goes on for days, weeks, months

hmmm, soon no strippers will be there to NOT tip

no more strippers
no more strip club

cmon now, we’re creeping up on McFly status now
It's so crazy to me that I, the patron, have to also play the role of employer by making sure the waiter/waitress is being paid. Isn't that the obligation of the organization that employs/contracts you? The whole business structure is ****ed up. The fact that I walk into restaurants already having to think about factoring in another 10-20% of my meal costs in order to ensure the employee can make minimum wage is mind blowing to me. This doesn't apply to any other industry BUT the restaurant business.

I tip because unfortunately the stigma of being a "non tipper" has been ingrained into me so deeply throughout life that I can't bring myself to be that guy to simply not tip. Only on a few occasions where the experience was inexcusably bad that I haven't tipped at all.

BUT I think the idea of what we know as "tipping" today isn't even really tipping in the true sense of the word. It should really be classified as more of a tax than anything. Employers need to be obligated by law to pay their servers minimum wage. The fact that you can pay people $2 an hour is criminal.

oh i agree

i think it should all be done away with

i think its a greasy loophole employers use to underpay employees

but its how it is currently
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