SO DA' HOMIES SAY ME BEING A "NEAT FREAK" IS...., A female trait but umm... (Stolen)

Originally Posted by jtothadub

eff all that. if a female can't keep her personal living space in order, she can't keep her mind in order.

believe that.
more importantly her box

i remember i went to this one chick's was clean as hell...we went to her room and it was literally a pigsty...i was bothered by it....but itwas embarrassing because she took off her panties and started doming me...her () smelt so bad i didnt even get rock and this was AFTER she got out the shower.i asked if she douched herself before...and that was after like 4 minutes of dome. i told her to crack a window...and we watched some porn after. nothinghappened.

that's why a chick has to be neat if i'm talking to her.
My 4 suitemates and my old roommate are the messiest people I have ever seen. Some things are downright trifling. I'm no neat freak, but I feel like onecompared to them. I'm not a messy person but I'm not a neat freak.
I'm not obsessive about being neat but I clean up after myself. I don't make up my bed but I put things back where they belong so I can find themlater. I prefer a girl to be a neat freak than to be messy because I feel it kind of goes hand in hand w/ personal hygiene. If she doesn't take the time toclean up where she lives then chances are she doesn't put in much time keeping herself clean.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

When was the last time any of you got in a females car and she DID NOT have to clean out the passenger seat?
With a clean room, comes a clear mind. I can never study when my junk is everywhere. Even at other people places i cant stand messy stuff. 96% if the girls Iknow are not clean at all. They do laundry once a month(thats how much clothes they got) just think of all the clothes lying on the ground in their dorm... =/
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