Snagged pictures of Spring Jordan catalog (XII, IV, XI low) {Canadian prices}


I thnk they jus puttin up random prices to get our reaction. i dont believe that will be final pricing. jus a stunt to start hype and attention. arent the usual printouts on high gloss paper?
Originally Posted by MrWavez


2 pairs of XI low for sure

You can count me in for at least 1 of each...thanks for sharing the pics
  2012 is gonna be another good year
Military IV's with the leather triangle and not plastic or whatever the 06 pair were.

All XII's will be copped.
Why does anyone with the slightest drop of business acumen think they are really going to retail 12's for $195 and 4's for $190? How does that make sense? Even with past price jumps, please give me one example in retros jumping $35-$45 over a 6-12 month period? Retros are retailing for $150-$160 this year with XIs running at $180 (due to the packaging). Businesses don't increase the price of their product by 25-30% over such a short time period.

Everyone should relax and use what little common sense is available on NT. C'mon.
If it's seriously $195 for some XII's JB is dead to me, considering they will feel like plastic when the come out. Don't worry fellas they will be an easy cop at that price. No one is waiting in line to pay that. 
Originally Posted by ekhunter1

milk this cow the best way we know how!

If you think a 20-30% price increase YOY is the best way a multi-billion dollar subsidiary of Nike can "milk the cow" you completely miss the mark. The pricing isnt set by the inept Jordan designers. There are serious business minds who analyze price points with projected impact on sales. There's no business who could show data that they can more than offset the drop off in sales at these prices. I don't buy it for a minute. Beyond that, it's bad PR to inflate prices on retro shoes by 35-45 a pair.
Originally Posted by airBOZretroIII

Military IV's with the leather triangle and not plastic or whatever the 06 pair were.

I agree, how they can do this to the beloved IVs defies belief.

Stick thos military IVs where the sun dont shine.

And here was me looking forward to them.

Why the orange jumpman tab on the xii? Leave white!

btw no need to get butt hurt over $195 price....odds of that happening is slim to none. Maybe $170 for all retros next year starting February, especially the iv's.
man playoff 12s,one of the most comfortable jays IMO, i gotta get two pair, It's in my top 5 for Numbered Jays..

Loving the Indiglos Nermindee! they only XIV i'll ever cop!
Originally Posted by chi9bulls

If these prices are for real and this is the new jordan pricing, I'm done, sad to say but I just cant pay around $200 per pair. This will be one of Jordans downfall if this becomes reality for retro releases. Honestly can't see a next generation maintaining Jordan's hype and demand with prices like this. $150 is honestly the max for me, and that already makes me sick and has brought my purchases down significantly. Jordan will be loosing my business if these are seriously released at this price
Originally Posted by BabyJordan0312


It's 150 US

195 CDN

Trust Me


Exactly, thanks BabyJ!  Cant believe people actually thought JB would shoot themselves in the foot and charge 199 for a Retro+ Colorway.

Also, I love the new XI low.  Looks really good and simple.  Can wait to see actual pictures.
liking all of them except the iv never was a fan of that colorway but i will be copping the rest for sure
I highly.. highly doubt that 195 price tag sticks around however....
If the prices are $195 im coppin 1 pair of playoffs then i might be out the jordan game forever
our dollar is so weak, im sure it means something different there is no way these would be 200, come on guys relax
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