SMH. Dwyane Wade awarded free throws while on bench

MJ's Numbers
1984-85 21 CHI NBA 82 82 3144 837 1625 9 52 630 746 167 367 534 481 196 69 291 285 2313
1985-86 22 CHI NBA 18 7 451 150 328 3 18 105 125 23 41 64 53 37 21 45 46 408
1986-87 23 CHI NBA 82 82 3281 1098 2279 12 66 833 972 166 264 430 377 236 125 272 237 3041
1987-88 24 CHI NBA 82 82 3311 1069 1998 7 53 723 860 139 310 449 485 259 131 252 270 2868
1988-89 25 CHI NBA 81 81 3255 966 1795 27 98 674 793 149 503 652 650 234 65 290 247 2633
1989-90 26 CHI NBA 82 82 3197 1034 1964 92 245 593 699 143 422 565 519 227 54 247 241 2753
1990-91 27 CHI NBA 82 82 3034 990 1837 29 93 571 671 118 374 492 453 223 83 202 229 2580
1991-92 28 CHI NBA 80 80 3102 943 1818 27 100 491 590 91 420 511 489 182 75 200 201 2404
1992-93 29 CHI NBA 78 78 3067 992 2003 81 230 476 569 135 387 522 428 221 61 207 188 2541
1994-95 31 CHI NBA 17 17 668 166 404 16 32 109 136 25 92 117 90 30 13 35 47 457
1995-96 32 CHI NBA 82 82 3090 916 1850 111 260 548 657 148 395 543 352 180 42 197 195 2491
1996-97 33 CHI NBA 82 82 3106 920 1892 111 297 480 576 113 369 482 352 140 44 166 156 2431
1997-98 34 CHI NBA 82 82 3181 881 1893 30 126 565 721 130 345 475 283 141 45 185 151 2357
2001-02 38 WAS NBA 60 53 2092 551 1324 10 53 263 333 50 289 339 310 85 26 162 119 1375
2002-03 39 WAS NBA 82 67 3034 679 1527 16 55 266 324 71 426 497 311 123 39 173 171 1640

WADE's numbers
[table][tr][td]Year[/td] [td]Team[/td] [td]G[/td] [td]GS[/td] [td]MIN[/td] [td]FGM-A[/td] [td]3PM-A[/td] [td]FTM-A[/td] [td]OFF[/td] [td]DEF[/td] [td]REB[/td] [td]AST[/td] [td]STL[/td] [td]BLK[/td] [td]TO[/td] [td]PF[/td] [td]PTS[/td] [/tr][tr][td]03-04[/td] [td]MIA[/td] [td]61[/td] [td]56[/td] [td]2,126[/td] [td]371-798[/td] [td]16-53[/td] [td]233-312[/td] [td]85[/td] [td]162[/td] [td]247[/td] [td]275[/td] [td]86[/td] [td]34[/td] [td]196[/td] [td]140[/td] [td]991[/td] [/tr][tr][td]04-05[/td] [td]MIA[/td] [td]77[/td] [td]77[/td] [td]2,974[/td] [td]630-1,318[/td] [td]13-45[/td] [td]581-762[/td] [td]110[/td] [td]287[/td] [td]397[/td] [td]520[/td] [td]121[/td] [td]82[/td] [td]321[/td] [td]230[/td] [td]1,854[/td] [/tr][tr][td]05-06[/td] [td]MIA[/td] [td]75[/td] [td]75[/td] [td]2,892[/td] [td]699-1,413[/td] [td]13-76[/td] [td]629-803[/td] [td]107[/td] [td]323[/td] [td]430[/td] [td]503[/td] [td]146[/td] [td]58[/td] [td]268[/td] [td]217[/td] [td]2,040[/td] [/tr][tr][td]06-07[/td] [td]MIA[/td] [td]51[/td] [td]50[/td] [td]1,931[/td] [td]472-962[/td] [td]21-79[/td] [td]432-535[/td] [td]51[/td] [td]188[/td] [td]239[/td] [td]384[/td] [td]107[/td] [td]62[/td] [td]216[/td] [td]117[/td] [td]1,397[/td] [/tr][tr][td]07-08[/td] [td]MIA[/td] [td]14[/td] [td]13[/td] [td]512[/td] [td]112-241[/td] [td]1-11[/td] [td]93-132[/td] [td]14[/td] [td]41[/td] [td]55[/td] [td]89[/td] [td]27[/td] [td]11[/td] [td]62[/td] [td]36[/td] [td]318[/td] [/tr][/table]
Conclusion: If you drive to the basket you will get calls no matter what evident from the amount of FT attempts in MJ's early career vs. his late.
Yes MJ got calls. But noone has EVER gotten as many calls as Wade gets.
Are you serious?
You must be pretty young and didn't see much of Mike, particularly just before the first retirement and the second. For instance, if you remember his last regular season game ever as a bull, which fittingly came against the Knicks, he dropped 44. Shooting 24 free throws. So lets not get started down that road.

This event's really just a microcosm of the scrutiny Wade gets around here. Wade literally did NOTHING (hence the hilarity of it); didn't flop,didn't travel, didn't get a weak reach. Completely the scorekeeper's simple mistake, not even something the refs (who along with Stern should bethe real targets of the complaining for those that feel so slighted) did wrong. Just probably some old wrinkly dude who forgot to take his ginseng pills andhad a brain fart, yet many of ya'll take it and run as an indictment of Wade.

I know it's not Wade's fault, but it's still funny. If this would have been anyone else in the league, it would have been a non story.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Where's the topic on tag abuse? Is there a limit to the amount of tags I can put? Method Man a Wade fan?
Originally Posted by Method Man

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Originally Posted by eaglebball1499

Yes MJ got calls. But noone has EVER gotten as many calls as Wade gets.
Are you serious?
You must be pretty young and didn't see much of Mike, particularly just before the first retirement and the second. For instance, if you remember his last regular season game ever as a bull, which fittingly came against the Knicks, he dropped 44. Shooting 24 free throws. So lets not get started down that road.

This event's really just a microcosm of the scrutiny Wade gets around here. Wade literally did NOTHING (hence the hilarity of it); didn't flop, didn't travel, didn't get a weak reach. Completely the scorekeeper's simple mistake, not even something the refs (who along with Stern should be the real targets of the complaining for those that feel so slighted) did wrong. Just probably some old wrinkly dude who forgot to take his ginseng pills and had a brain fart, yet many of ya'll take it and run as an indictment of Wade.

actually MJ rarely average over 9 free throws a game. only 3 times he averaged more than that. his career avg is 8 fta per game which is not out of theordinary. wade is now averaging 9.2 for his CAREER. if it wasn't for the injury, he would be avg 11+ and he might retire averaging shaq-like free throwattempts for a guard
I hear you nyk buck, but you also have to remember that MJ played in an era where you could body guys up, hand check, etc (remember those old 72-70 Heat-Knicksgames?). There were much fewer fouls called generally, meaning much fewer FT's taken generally. I can assure you that if Mike were playing in today'sNBA, where defensive 3 seconds, lack of hand checking, no-charge areas, and other measures taken to artificially inflate scoring, he'd definitely be takingmore than 8 FT's per game.
Conclusion: If you drive to the basket you will get calls no matter what evident from the amount of FT attempts in MJ's early career vs. his late.
Why are you comparing Wade to Jordan?

Can someone post that youtube video of Heat v. Lakers where Kobe was getting shafted so bad it wasn't even funny.
in an era where you could body guys up, hand check, etc (remember those old 72-70 Heat-Knicks games?).
the good ole' days.
i miss the days when players were allowed to playdefense.
Let's pretend, for the sake of illustration, that you're a pathetic man-child whose entire sense of self-esteem is derived from the achievements of a sports team whose success he has absolutely nothing to do with and you're SO obsessed with sports that you sincerely HATE people whom you've never even met primarily as a result of their team affiliation

that cant be directed at anybody personally.... can it?

that video is disgusting

@ D. Whistle.

at the salty dudes in this thread
It's funny, even many Heat fans on other boards laughed. As far as hating Wade, I don't really hate him that much. Yall are putting too much into it ifyou think I'm fuming mad all during the day about it or it really affects me at all.

I've somewhat given up being mad at Harris, Wade, Bell, CMaggs, and all of them. They are only taking advantage of the bastardization of the game Stern hasput into place. It's not really basketball to me and total irony that on the highest level of basketball, they play the softest and have all these rules inplace designed to help them because Stern wants to artificially inflate scoring and force someone into the next MJ spot.

I just laugh at so many of the flops these refs buy though because most of the time, they don't make any sense. Like how are you going to go up for ajumpshot, land, THEN fall? Here's an example. Tony probably did touch Bron's leg, and if so the danger of the play is flipping his legs from under himand Bronlanding on back or side or something. But that didn't happen, Bron landed on his feet, he won, he beat the foul, he landed on his feet! So now whywould he fall after?
DatZNasty: This is why the hate isn't on the refs or the NBA. The hate is on the players that are trying to sell contact. Dwayne Wade still doesn'tknow how to land after elevating. This Lebron video is a good example of using the fall the sell NO CONTACT AT ALL.

When it comes to Wade, taking his numbers into account, you are left asking one simple question. Is Dwayne Wade the best player in NBA history at getting tothe free throw line? Better than Jordan? Better than Iverson? Better than Oscar Robertson? Better than Bird and Magic? Right now, the numbers say YES.
Those videos are disgusting...

The first one however isnt that horribly bad. Sure, there were a few missed calls, but that life.

The heat lakers game tho,
Not good at all.
Let's pretend, for the sake of illustration, that you're a pathetic man-child whose entire sense of self-esteem is derived from the achievements of a sports team whose success he has absolutely nothing to do with and you're SO obsessed with sports that you sincerely HATE people whom you've never even met primarily as a result of their team affiliation

wow. i just realized method man made a grammar mistake.


switching from the 2nd person ("you") to the 3rd ("he").. should have picked one and stuck with it.
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