SMH at dude not standing up for his girl

Man, I would of took out my Ipod. Put on some Travis Porter "All the way turnt up" ga tech style, and went ham and turkey on those two jabronis. atleast i'da took my A whoopin like a G.
ZeroGravity23 wrote:
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

@ the guy in the background screaming after every drop

What do you mean rationalize it? Like I said. Just because you are at a baseball game with a female doesn't mean you have ANY feelings invested in her. Hecould have JUST met this woman. But for some reason, the OP puts it out there that, "Dude was there with his GF." How the HELL do we know this.

Again I say, depending on how important this woman is depends on how a reaction should be. It is a HOSTILE environment. An UNSAFE environment in which you arearound folks that WANT a reason to get something started. It would NOT be smart to try and FIGHT the dudes. Especially not over a female that you MIGHT NOTeven give a damn about. I mean why?

YES it sounds admirable that you all say you will stand up for the woman but you have to take a second and THINK about it. Is it REALLY worth looking like ahero when you PROBABLY will end u SERIOUSLY hurt? I don't think so
Originally Posted by trethousandgt

I hope she presses charges against that dude, what type of scum bag pushes a woman down the stairs?

Where did you see him push her down the steps?
I dont care how how much I'm gonna get beat up, if someone did that to my girl, no doubt i will go down swinging.
Originally Posted by chino905

I dont care how how much I'm gonna get beat up, if someone did that to my girl, no doubt i will go down swinging.

Ok what if she WASN'T your girl? It was just someone you were out with? Date #2 or 3
If it's wife material I would of stood up for, but she definitely doesn't look like it......feed her to the Seriously though I would of tookher somewhere else anyway for it wouldn't escalate (preferably to the crib to put that mouth in check)
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

What do you mean rationalize it? Like I said. Just because you are at a baseball game with a female doesn't mean you have ANY feelings invested in her. He could have JUST met this woman. But for some reason, the OP puts it out there that, "Dude was there with his GF." How the HELL do we know this.

Again I say, depending on how important this woman is depends on how a reaction should be. It is a HOSTILE environment. An UNSAFE environment in which you are around folks that WANT a reason to get something started. It would NOT be smart to try and FIGHT the dudes. Especially not over a female that you MIGHT NOT even give a damn about. I mean why?

YES it sounds admirable that you all say you will stand up for the woman but you have to take a second and THINK about it. Is it REALLY worth looking like a hero when you PROBABLY will end u SERIOUSLY hurt? I don't think so're thinking STRICTLY from a relationship point of view. He could have just met her like you said, but if he's going to take thetime out of his day to attend a game with her, then he cares to some capacity. There is no getting around it.

Ok what if she WASN'T your girl? It was just someone you were out with? Date #2 or 3

This contradicts EVERYTHING that you have been saying.....if you're on a 2nd or 3rd date with whomever, you have feelings towards that person. You arearguing just to argue...this facade you are putting up is as transparent as that marques houston suit.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07're thinking STRICTLY from a relationship point of view. He could have just met her like you said, but if he's going to take the time out of his day to attend a game with her, then he cares to some capacity. There is no getting around it.
I disagree. People go out all of the time and don't give a damn about the person they are with. Maybe you should check out of this fantasyhotel you are living in
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07're thinking STRICTLY from a relationship point of view. He could have just met her like you said, but if he's going to take the time out of his day to attend a game with her, then he cares to some capacity. There is no getting around it.
I disagree. People go out all of the time and don't give a damn about the person they are with. Maybe you should check out of this fantasy hotel you are living in
All the time? You're a fool. Who exactly do you go out with that you don't give a damn about. Like if they got hit by a car crossingthe street, you'd just shrug your shoulders and go about your business? Personally, if I don't give a damn about someone, I'm not hanging out withthem....period. Again, you're arguing JUST to argue. You make no sense.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07're thinking STRICTLY from a relationship point of view. He could have just met her like you said, but if he's going to take the time out of his day to attend a game with her, then he cares to some capacity. There is no getting around it.
I disagree. People go out all of the time and don't give a damn about the person they are with. Maybe you should check out of this fantasy hotel you are living in

DC, Im with you bro. dont argue with simps and e-hero's man. You cant win
act like a %@%*% and get beat like a %@%*%

its her own fault, shes lucky he didnt throw her over the railing after slapping him
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by chino905

I dont care how how much I'm gonna get beat up, if someone did that to my girl, no doubt i will go down swinging.

Ok what if she WASN'T your girl? It was just someone you were out with? Date #2 or 3
lol i just read what u wrote above me, so let me first start off by saying that my comment wasn't directed at you personally since i justbrowsed on the first page and posted.

but if it Wasn't my girl, and just someone I was on a date with, then yes I think I would be less likely to fight for her.
Originally Posted by imahustla08

woulda been funny as hell if dude walked out of the porta potty and yelled "Whoever did that aint got no mamma"�
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