Smashed A Co-Worker or Neighbor

Well yeah they been talking about you with the other coworkers since you started, so now they get to brag and be the center of the gossip circle at work.
They have a NEED for that. Even if they only tell one person. Just like they need instagram likes.

Just like when you show ya boys pics of the girl you ******* right?

Yall boys and views on women, I swear yall act like we don't do the same exact ****
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Also it depends on what kind of industry you are in. It's not like this everywhere. My industry is just really suited for it since drinking is almost part of the job since you have to talk to clients. Things just get said and personal info is shared and you just become really close with people you work with.

This happened not too long ago at a brokerage company in New Zealand. A boss slept with her coworker and both were either married or engaged. It was all caught from a person that saw it from a bar across the street. Everyone in our industry like knows about this story and yet all know that this stuff happens all the time.



Very nice lol.
Just like when you show ya boys pics of the girl you ******* right?

Yall boys and views on women, I swear yall act like we don't do the same exact ****
Chill man. I didn't say anything about whether dudes do it or not. He said chicks love the office hook up I just gave a reason why...

Yes dudes talk about chicks they would smash at work

No actually I dont like sharing pics I get. Maybe when i was a boy.. Im a grown man. Getting yambz is barely a conquest anymore. And getting pics is even less of one.
 I prefer to fly under the radar. Which is why i can't mess with blabbering women at work.. once they get it good they gotta tell the story.
Smashed my co-worker twice and it turned out she's the daughter of the executive manager.

I got fired over some stuff I can't even remember now. I really think that was the reason she fired me because word got out.

Also, not co-worker or neighbour but one of the granddaughters of one of my residents when I was working in a retirement village. They always wearing them sexy outfits when they visit the nana :lol:
I've smashed two co workers from the same job...the 2nd one wanted to smash cause she was turned on by the stories I would tell her about me and the 1st one i smashed
Smashed 1 co worker and almost another. Not worth it. Never **** where you eat.

THIS! I work in Education and chicks be practically serving themselves up on a platter. But I try to chill cause I don't need that drama. Chicks be like so when we gonna chill and I'm like I'm not trying to **** my bread or my rep up.
How y'all stay cool with chicks you smash and don't even **** with no more?

I was never able to do that. But I know plenty of dudes who can.
How y'all stay cool with chicks you smash and don't even **** with no more?

I was never able to do that. But I know plenty of dudes who can.
Knowledge of the fact that unless it leads into an eventual relationship it wont last forever.

No point in beefing over something you know has a built-in expiration date.

Either one party catches too much feels and the other person ends things, both parties decide to end it, one finds someone they do have feelings for and see themselves with, etc.

One of these situations happening and stopping the coworker monster mash is inevitable.
A friend of mine recently told me he smashed his upstairs neighbor while his GF at the time was out of town. Hit him with the KillaCam_deadstare.gif
Me and a friend almost turned this chick we worked with into a human chinese fingertrap :lol: She invited us to her place, she eventually stripped to her underwear, then like clockwork her mom came home. She ran to the bathroom to put her clothes on while me and dude just sitting on the couch like uhhh... Luckily the mom knew my friend because he would give her rides home. We used to call her BBS, big butt and a smile.

I miss those Footlocker days. Used to work with some bad ones. Took one girl home and we started messing around in the parking lot at her apt. One of her neighbors started knocking on my car window like "yall cant do that here." C-blocked left and right SMH
Done both on a few different occasions, and it always turns out the same way......BAD!:smh:   If you ain't trying to wife DO NOT DO!  There is no such thing as causal sex with someone you HAVE to see on a regular basis.  

Agreed. I've seen it before both and the guy and the girls side. Some people are just not fit for drama and the worst is when they can't separate that stuff from work. Some girl came in straight drunk and cry to work cause of a guy on a different floor. I mean it's just a bad look on your career and the perceptions of your peers. Unless you plan on really dating a girl from work, smashing some chick and leaving her curbside will lead to some bad stuff for sure.
it could also help your career :nerd:

smashed this girl when i was working retail.

one of these things is not like the other....

retail was my part time job when i was in school

now that i graduated i have a career.

and smashing some high position woman could help a career. The risk is not worth it though.
it could also help your career

smashed this girl when i was working retail.

one of these things is not like the other....
retail was my part time job when i was in school

now that i graduated i have a career.

and smashing some high position woman could help a career. The risk is not worth it though.
Nah..until you outrank her...if you ever out rank her...that D is hers until she tires of it. She could call you up at 3am the night of your anniversary with your wife, you better show up or its game over for your career
I've smashed 5-6 former co-workers in my day.  It is always after one of us has left the company, most of them were a good 15-20 years older than me, so that might explain them being 'smart' about it 
.  When I was doing consulting I was working in this one company's office for about a year and was sliding one of the chicks who had just gotten out of college.  That got annoying real quick.  Never a neighbor (outside college living situations obviously). 
Smashed a married coworker at my old job, literally caught the mouth right at my desk.

Hated that she was married and actually wanted her for myself.

Never again though, like others said, once the fling is over it gets ugly at the gig.

My current job has like no broads I would even bat an eye at. Plus I'm literally the only black male.
not quite a neighbor, but back in HS i ****** with this chick who's sister lived down the street from me. 

she was a friend of a friend and a year younger so we didnt hang in the same circles, just knew each other. 

but man, after we ****** ol girl would all of a sudden always be at her sisters house and would stop by my place every now and then talking about " i was just out walking" 

 man i had to break it down to this *** like "im just not that in to you"  
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Just read that article for the 1st time even tho I have known about the story. Both married/engaged.

How ****** can trust **** in 2015 is beyond me :smh: You need a catscan if you are getting married for any reason other than to get a passport/citizenship, to make sure you cant testify against your partner, or something along those lines.
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Just read that article for the 1st time even tho I have known about the story. Both married/engaged.

How ****** can trust **** in 2015 is beyond me
You need a catscan if you are getting married for any reason other than to get a passport/citizenship, to make sure you cant testify against your partner, or something along those lines.
Life is bigger than what we see on social media and in our own social circles.  From my experience this kind of conversation/thinking only really happens in black/hispanic american communities. I'm not saying everywhere else people don't cheat or hurt one another. What I am saying is that black/latin americans focus waay too much on it. **** happens in life and you gotta take the good with the bad and not blame everyone of the same kind that hurt you for the mistakes of one.
it could also help your career :nerd:

smashed this girl when i was working retail.

one of these things is not like the other....

retail was my part time job when i was in school

now that i graduated i have a career.

and smashing some high position woman could help a career. The risk is not worth it though.

Nah..until you outrank her...if you ever out rank her...that D is hers until she tires of it. She could call you up at 3am the night of your anniversary with your wife, you better show up or its game over for your career

meh depends.

what if you get transfered?

What if it gets you to another department?

of course if you go up and this girl is your straight boss then the door is always open for her to destroy your career.

I agree that the risk is too high.
Ducktale game weak these daya. Most cats dont even work, they are busy fingering their phones on the NT Jobless Thread.
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