Smartphone Recommendations?

LG optimus g pro ... if you want the big boy ...

Nexus 4 if you're on t-mobile ...
Get an HTC One.

Samsung GS4 just feels completely cheap.

iOS is getting old and stale and needs a major update.  They've stopped innovating a while ago.
I use a nexus 4 and love it. $300 and great.

There are very few recommended phones

Nexus 4
Gs4(I recommend the Google edition)
HTC one
Note 2
Nokia lumina 920
Nokia lumina 820
iPhone 5
Blackberry Z10

They are the only phones that matter right now. Anyone will leave you happy
I can't cosign that z10
To the ppl who have an iphone 5, what are the things that you don't like about the phone?
To the ppl who have an iphone 5, what are the things that you don't like about the phone?

1.It works. I dont care what Android can'ts say Android is still rough around the edges. Its not a biggie if you have never used iOS, but if you have used iOS and go to android you def notice its not as smooth due to the fact that there is much more going on graphic wise, but some people are able to get use to it.

2.The app quality of the compared Android app is better. Many may say I`m tripping but they more than likely just dont want to admit. Download an app such as myfitness pal on Android and on iOS, the iOS version is better quality. Android often gets popular apps late too ie.Instagram, Cinemagram, VIne (I dont think its out for android yet), etc

Many developers are lazy and just do basic ports instead of building from the ground up, but the fact there is so many different hardware devices running android its tough to ensure apps will work perfectly with all of them.

3.Better Camera, this is all subjective but to me, my iPhone 5 camera is better than the HTC One (besides in extremely low light, but even then the HTC One and iPhone 5 out perform the GS4 in low light), and the iPhone 5 camera is equal to the GS4, the GS4 images appear warmer to me which I did not like really.

4.Gaurenteed Updates. With Android you can only have that on Nexus devices, and Nexus devices arent available through every carrier, so you can only use Tmobile or ATT. The CDMA NExus devices didnt get updates as fast as their GSM counter parts.

5. Actual Customer support- With android devices you pretty much have to google how to fix your device or you are at the mercy of your Carrier dealing with a rep who more than likely doesnt own your device, so they have to go through a crappy troubleshooting process, while with the iPhone you can deal with Apple directly at their retail stores, sure the sales rep probably want be a genius but at least they have had training to specialize in the stuff, and you can get your device swapped in store.

6. A ton of accessories/compatible with accessories. There is not a product out that is meant to be synced with Smarthpones that doesnt have the iPhone on the cover/in their ads. They always work and there are many to choose from. When I worked in Wireless I use to see many people come to the store because their android devices werent compatible with their car.

All in all if all you want is access to apps, txt,email, camera iPhone is the way to go. If you want a LArger screen or have the time on your hands to customize everything about your phone, you may prefer android.Outside of customization Android and IOS do the exact same thing so dont let these boys fool you, if you dont care about customizing the look of your phone, than it comes down to if you prefer the physical build of the iPhone compared to whatever android device you are looking at.
if you NEED blackberry its the Z10. It also one of the phones that matter because its the only way to the blackberry os. It ain't perfect but still
dont get me wrong... i think its a dope *** phone.. i just wish i would have came out earlier.

if the z10 came out in early 2012, i think BlackBerry would be find right now.

the swipe features are very smooth. Hub and Balance are really nice features.

it just doesn't have the same spark as the other phones do. hold it up to an iphone or s3 or s4 or htc one... it just doesnt look like it belongs.

i think it could have been a tab bit thinner too...

other than that, the device is dopeness... just came out a little too late.
You want quality build, awesome screen, stupid quality sounding phone speakers- HTC One

A Nice sized phone with a boat load of features, good camera, good battery life- GS4 (better feeling than the GS3 which is cheap and plasticky)

A BEAST, OD in size 1/2 phone 1/2 tablet and wanna stunt, forever lasting battery life, great camera and speakers, and a boatload of features- Galaxy Note 2

Something simple, small, but good in the hands, works right out the box, tons of apps- iPhone5
if you NEED blackberry its the Z10. It also one of the phones that matter because its the only way to the blackberry os. It ain't perfect but still
dont get me wrong... i think its a dope *** phone.. i just wish i would have came out earlier.

if the z10 came out in early 2012, i think BlackBerry would be find right now.

the swipe features are very smooth. Hub and Balance are really nice features.

it just doesn't have the same spark as the other phones do. hold it up to an iphone or s3 or s4 or htc one... it just doesnt look like it belongs.

i think it could have been a tab bit thinner too...

other than that, the device is dopeness... just came out a little too late.

That's the story of Blackberry's life.

A day late and a dollar short.
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