Smack Cam.

the laugh/scream :lol: and there mostly real i think he just caught his boys playing 2k most of the time lol
Wanna bet?
These females never should of have laid their hands on him and definitely never should of have gone behind the counter. He clearly had a motive to handle these females, I bet they aren't doing that again.

I hope they got arrested for assault afterward as well. 

For anyone that's going to say they are females or why he went ham, 1. they put their hand on him first and proceeded to follow him 2. you don't know if this dude was scared for his life, he was defending himself anyway he knew how.
These females never should of have laid their hands on him and definitely never should of have gone behind the counter. He clearly had a motive to handle these females, I bet they aren't doing that again.

I hope they got arrested for assault afterward as well. 

For anyone that's going to say they are females or why he went ham, 1. they put their hand on him first and proceeded to follow him 2. you don't know if this dude was scared for his life, he was defending himself anyway he knew how.

If women want to act like ratchets and put hands on a man for no reason, they deserve to get beat down. To many hide behind that "he's a man, I can do whatever I want and society says he can't touch me so he won't" mindset. They know what their doing and know right from wrong. I've worked with little kids before in summer camps and they don't know the difference between right and wrong so obviously your going to be much more patient with a developing mind then a grown adult who knows their behavior is wrong.
The cashier did the right thing. I'm all for a good laugh but you don't go up to a random person and smack them. Especially if that person is at work smh. Why would they even jump over the counter? I'm glad my man hit em with the pimp cane :nthat:
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The one where the girl slap her sleeping father and he get up swinging. I was no good after that
That cashier did what I would have. Beat them females down. I don't condone hitting a woman but once she touched me its all bets off. Women need to think twice before hitting a man.
Wanna bet?

am i the only person who is utterly annoyed at the sound of a woman screaming/yelling like that no matter what the situation is?

like it REALLY makes my skin crawl it's so damn annoying.

and i mean not like "agggggggh" screaming but like screaming words like the lady screaming "stop"
We get it, this would not fly in your tough guy circles...just enjoy these
everybody wanna make it know how tough they are....but that joint when african dude smacks his pops his the funniest

why you sound hurt?

1. it's a forum. if 30 people wanna say this wouldn't fly in they circle then they can do that.
2. i don't think anyone is trying to look tough. because i know my natural reaction when i saw that girl get hit with the jug was "damn that dude needs his *** whooped" ****, when i showed my girl she was like "OMG he would have gotten his *** whooped" :lol: so was she tryna show me how rough and rugged and tough she was?

Even though its staged as hell I heard he broke his nose when the red head dude smushed his face in the pie. :lol:
It's funny, I'll admit it.

Still wrong though, some are just blatantly OD though. To the point where any self-respecting man would have to fight all transgressors.

The one where dude jumped over the couch and smacked dude through his legs and got out of dodge unscathed was just impressive. :lol: Great athleticism.
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