Skype hype...FTW or FTL

FTL now because you can't call without credits. FTW when it was free
I used to talk to my now ex-gf last spring using skype, while she was abroad in Europe for the semester. I hated every minute I spent on there.

Upon her arrival back in the states I sadistically enjoyed destroying that stupid headset.

Needless to say I broke up with her a few months later.

%@+% skype.
im studying abroad in japan rite now, and its the best way to communicate phone wise to family and friends
It's cool. I've never used it, but I remember we had these phones at my old job that looked kinda like cell phones, but you could take them anywhere awifi connection is available and use your Skype account to make calls. Now if all of your people had this, and wifi was more widely available....
Saves me hundreds a month from international calling/texting

The free skype to skype is so appreciated.
Webcam chatting with my friends and family back home effortlessly
Originally Posted by chris steez

how bout texting??
You can send sms messages and the person who receives the message will see the message from your actual cellphone number if you choose.

you skype text to their phone, they reply by texting to your phone. DIRT cheap
Had Skype for a minute. Never used it beyond my original free call. Vonage ftw.
so if im going overseas, can i use it to call my house number back home for free to talk to my parents or do they have to have a skype account to talk?
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