Ska its been going on long enough...time to lock....

Originally Posted by Jaw Knee C

Originally Posted by EAGLE 0N

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

I'm not sure why Detroit would give up both Sheed and Chauncey just for Baron (according to ESPN). We obviously have to add in another player like Al
Harrington but ESPN failed to mention that.

Just on the surface, Baron and maybe Harrington for Sheed and Chauncey looks like a steal for the Warriors BUT I believe that the Warriors like where they are
financially. Having the flexibility of Baron's contract coming off the books after next season will be vital for the Warriors success in the future.

I think Sheed's contract is up next year also at roughly $13 mil. That doesn't sound that bad BUT Chauncey's contract has 3 more years at roughly
$11, $12, $13 Million with a team option for the 4th year at $14 Million. That might handicap us because Chauncey is 31 years old. He'll be 32 by the time
next season starts.

Basically what I'm saying is that Chauncey's aging and we'll be stuck with him for another 3 to 4 years if this trade goes through. I'd rather
just having Baron playing out this year and concentrating on trying to trade Al Harrington and TE on someone else somehow.

Good point.

I also wonder - where that puts the direction of the team?

Do Billups and Sheed make the W's title contenders?

But the Warriors will have consistent point guard play for next 3-4 years with Billups. It BD leaves after the season, they have no backup point. Monta is a scorer, not a PG.

and No, Billups and Sheed will not make the W's contenders. Billups will be a liability in the West with all the super PG's in that conference. And they still won't have an inside presence. Sheed will just jack up more 3's in Nellie's offense.
I like the trade for Detroit. They'll have Stuck if Baron decides to leave. And they can further develop their big men with more playing time.

First you say that Billups will provide the Warriors with consistent PG play for the next 3-4 years. Then you go on to say that Billups will be a liabilityin the west. So is Billups a good pick up for the Warriors? Which one is it? Make up your mind
Say we don't do the trade and we still haveBaron... You say that once Baron leaves, we'll have a vacancy in the PG position. Yes, we know that. That's why we have the flexibility financially tomake a push for one. The options will be there, as opposed to us being chained down to an aging Billups where I can see his production going down. Sure he canprove me wrong, but it's unlikely that an aging PG will play at the same level as he did 5 years ago.
Jermaine O'Neal for TJ, Rasho, and #17 pick went through.

Only thing that will stop it is a failed physical from any player.
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by SiccWittit33

Originally Posted by acidicality

* Warriors and Cavaliers are discussing an Anderson Varejao-Al Harrington swap.
is anderson varejao good or something?
why would the warriors do this????

Don't worry. The Warriors won't. It's a baseless rumor. It was already shot down a few pages back.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by Jaw Knee C

Originally Posted by EAGLE 0N

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

I'm not sure why Detroit would give up both Sheed and Chauncey just for Baron (according to ESPN). We obviously have to add in another player like Al
Harrington but ESPN failed to mention that.

Just on the surface, Baron and maybe Harrington for Sheed and Chauncey looks like a steal for the Warriors BUT I believe that the Warriors like where they are
financially. Having the flexibility of Baron's contract coming off the books after next season will be vital for the Warriors success in the future.

I think Sheed's contract is up next year also at roughly $13 mil. That doesn't sound that bad BUT Chauncey's contract has 3 more years at roughly
$11, $12, $13 Million with a team option for the 4th year at $14 Million. That might handicap us because Chauncey is 31 years old. He'll be 32 by the time
next season starts.

Basically what I'm saying is that Chauncey's aging and we'll be stuck with him for another 3 to 4 years if this trade goes through. I'd rather
just having Baron playing out this year and concentrating on trying to trade Al Harrington and TE on someone else somehow.

Good point.

I also wonder - where that puts the direction of the team?

Do Billups and Sheed make the W's title contenders?

But the Warriors will have consistent point guard play for next 3-4 years with Billups. It BD leaves after the season, they have no backup point. Monta is a scorer, not a PG.

and No, Billups and Sheed will not make the W's contenders. Billups will be a liability in the West with all the super PG's in that conference. And they still won't have an inside presence. Sheed will just jack up more 3's in Nellie's offense.
I like the trade for Detroit. They'll have Stuck if Baron decides to leave. And they can further develop their big men with more playing time.

First you say that Billups will provide the Warriors with consistent PG play for the next 3-4 years. Then you go on to say that Billups will be a liability in the west. So is Billups a good pick up for the Warriors? Which one is it? Make up your mind
Say we don't do the trade and we still have Baron... You say that once Baron leaves, we'll have a vacancy in the PG position. Yes, we know that. That's why we have the flexibility financially to make a push for one. The options will be there, as opposed to us being chained down to an aging Billups where I can see his production going down. Sure he can prove me wrong, but it's unlikely that an aging PG will play at the same level as he did 5 years ago.

is stuckey really that good? i don't really see what hes done to become untouchable and make billups expendable
Honestly, I don't see how this helps either team. Detroit takes a step back in the East with an eye toward the future, while the GSW are stuck in themiddle of the pack out West with mismatching parts.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by Jaw Knee C

Originally Posted by EAGLE 0N

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

I'm not sure why Detroit would give up both Sheed and Chauncey just for Baron (according to ESPN). We obviously have to add in another player like Al
Harrington but ESPN failed to mention that.

Just on the surface, Baron and maybe Harrington for Sheed and Chauncey looks like a steal for the Warriors BUT I believe that the Warriors like where they are
financially. Having the flexibility of Baron's contract coming off the books after next season will be vital for the Warriors success in the future.

I think Sheed's contract is up next year also at roughly $13 mil. That doesn't sound that bad BUT Chauncey's contract has 3 more years at roughly
$11, $12, $13 Million with a team option for the 4th year at $14 Million. That might handicap us because Chauncey is 31 years old. He'll be 32 by the time
next season starts.

Basically what I'm saying is that Chauncey's aging and we'll be stuck with him for another 3 to 4 years if this trade goes through. I'd rather
just having Baron playing out this year and concentrating on trying to trade Al Harrington and TE on someone else somehow.

Good point.

I also wonder - where that puts the direction of the team?

Do Billups and Sheed make the W's title contenders?

But the Warriors will have consistent point guard play for next 3-4 years with Billups. It BD leaves after the season, they have no backup point. Monta is a scorer, not a PG.

and No, Billups and Sheed will not make the W's contenders. Billups will be a liability in the West with all the super PG's in that conference. And they still won't have an inside presence. Sheed will just jack up more 3's in Nellie's offense.
I like the trade for Detroit. They'll have Stuck if Baron decides to leave. And they can further develop their big men with more playing time.

First you say that Billups will provide the Warriors with consistent PG play for the next 3-4 years. Then you go on to say that Billups will be a liability in the west. So is Billups a good pick up for the Warriors? Which one is it? Make up your mind
Say we don't do the trade and we still have Baron... You say that once Baron leaves, we'll have a vacancy in the PG position. Yes, we know that. That's why we have the flexibility financially to make a push for one. The options will be there, as opposed to us being chained down to an aging Billups where I can see his production going down. Sure he can prove me wrong, but it's unlikely that an aging PG will play at the same level as he did 5 years ago.

i knew i wasn't clear after i wrote that. I meant you'llknow what you're gonna get from Billups...15 points, 7 assists for the next few years. but he's gonna get abused by the pg's in the west.

you gotta point about FA pg's. I saw the FA list for 2009 and Chris Paul, Deron Williams, Mike Bobby, Jason Kidd, AI are all FA pg's next summer.
And honestly, i think Detroit should trade Billups and Sheed for Iverson and Camby or Nene. This will give them a legit chance to get back into thefinals.
Jermaine O'Neal for TJ, Rasho, and #17 pick went through.

Only thing that will stop it is a failed physical from any player.
Considering the main players are JO and TJ, a failed physical is in inside possibility.

I still have hope in Ford, but O'Neal is done, in my opinion.
As a Mavs fan, this got me excited...

Dallas Headed for Fiscal Sanity? With billionaire Mark Cuban footing the bill, the Dallas Mavericks have had absolutelyastronomic payrolls in recent years. Including the salary of Michael Finley (finally dropping off the books at the end of this month), the Mavericks will haveover $100 million on payroll - BEFORE luxury taxes.

Finley's salary ($18.6 million remaining) was voided via the one-time amnesty provision. His number isn't taxed, but Finley(now with the San Antonio Spurs) gets paid just the same.

While the Jason Kidd trade was costly, the future in Dallas may finally include fiscal sanity. This coming season will certainly beexpensive but looking to the summers of 2009 and 2010, the Mavericks may be able to get under the salary cap relatively quickly.

Kidd is scheduled to make $21.4 million this coming season but that's his final year under contract. Even if he stays with theDallas, Kidd isn't going to see anything close to that number again.

Jerry Stackhouse recently signed a new contract with the team but only $2 million of his 2009/10 salary is guaranteed. He does have anincentive in his contract that would guarantee the full $7.3 million - but that requires the Mavericks to win the NBA Finals next season.

Erick Dampier is owed a substantial $13.1 million in 2010 but that money isn't guaranteed unless Dampier becomes an All-Star or ifhe logs at least 2,100 minutes in 2009/10.

The final year on Josh Howard's deal (2010/11) is a team option, lacking any guarantees for the forwards' $12.3million.

If the Mavericks are extra conservative the next couple of years, the only serious committed money in 2010 would be $21.5 million toDirk Nowitzki and Jason Terry. That would give Dallas substantial cap room to chase potential big name free agents like LeBron James, Dwayne Wade and AmareStoudemire.

Considering Josh Howard's struggles and ill-timed admission of recreational drug use, the Mavericks might even be able to get underthe cap next summer if they turn around Howard for expiring contract(s).

It wasn't that long ago that Dallas gave up Antawn Jamison for what would be rookie Devin Harris. It's not outlandish to sayhistory could repeat.

The Mavericks would just have to find a team able and willing to take on the $21.8 guaranteed to Howard over the next twoseasons.
See... The Kidd deal either works out for Dallas in the end and they win a championship, or more likely it simply pushed the rebuilding process ahead a coupleof years by taking Devin Harris' contract out of the equation...

But people still wanna rag Cuban and Donnie Nelson for this trade...
Win/win for the Mavs.

Cap space in 2010 =
Originally Posted by Jaw Knee C

you gotta point about FA pg's. I saw the FA list for 2009 and Chris Paul, Deron Williams, Mike Bobby, Jason Kidd, AI are all FA pg's next summer.

I doubt Chris Paul would want to leave NO, but Deron Williams might. We can offer him Baron's money and also on top of that ask him, "Where wouldyou rather live Deron? Utah or the bay area?" and it would be hard to top that
. I'm not sold on Bibby since he's aging. Kidd is aging, andIverson isn't a true PG plus aging
. Everyone's aging

At the same time, we don't necessarily need a top of the line PG... just someone serviceable. We could fill that void from Baron's offensive game fromanother position. All I'm asking from the future PG is not to be a liability
That's the thing I love about the Mavericks, no other NBA owner is as passionate and as rich as Cuban is.
I doubt Chris Paul would want to leave NO, but Deron Williams might. We can offer him Baron's money and also on top of that ask him, "Where would you rather live Deron? Utah or the bay area?" and it would be hard to top that
. I'm not sold on Bibby since he's aging. Kidd is aging, and Iverson isn't a true PG plus aging
. Everyone's aging
Deron in the Bay would be

Anyways, i think Stephen A Smith said the rumor was bogus. Detroit/GSW hasn't even talked
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by Jaw Knee C

you gotta point about FA pg's. I saw the FA list for 2009 and Chris Paul, Deron Williams, Mike Bobby, Jason Kidd, AI are all FA pg's next summer.

I doubt Chris Paul would want to leave NO, but Deron Williams might. We can offer him Baron's money and also on top of that ask him, "Where would you rather live Deron? Utah or the bay area?" and it would be hard to top that
. I'm not sold on Bibby since he's aging. Kidd is aging, and Iverson isn't a true PG plus aging
. Everyone's aging

At the same time, we don't necessarily need a top of the line PG... just someone serviceable. We could fill that void from Baron's offensive game from another position. All I'm asking from the future PG is not to be a liability

but most 2nd tier point guards will be a liability in the west.
Mike Miller, Josh Howard, Baron Davis and Michael Redd are on the trading block and the Cavs aren't even mentioned except for Al Harrington.

I'd take him but come on.

I wouldn't say Baron is on the trading block, teams are trying to pursue him, but I don't think Mullin is out there actively trying to shop Baron.
I think Mullin is definitely listening though, if there's a can't-miss offer on the table, if I were him I'd definitely look into it. As good asBaron is, if we can net great value for him, right now seems like the best time to make a move.
Originally Posted by Jaw Knee C

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by Jaw Knee C

you gotta point about FA pg's. I saw the FA list for 2009 and Chris Paul, Deron Williams, Mike Bobby, Jason Kidd, AI are all FA pg's next summer.

I doubt Chris Paul would want to leave NO, but Deron Williams might. We can offer him Baron's money and also on top of that ask him, "Where would you rather live Deron? Utah or the bay area?" and it would be hard to top that
. I'm not sold on Bibby since he's aging. Kidd is aging, and Iverson isn't a true PG plus aging
. Everyone's aging

At the same time, we don't necessarily need a top of the line PG... just someone serviceable. We could fill that void from Baron's offensive game from another position. All I'm asking from the future PG is not to be a liability

but most 2nd tier point guards will be a liability in the west.

Honestly, who wouldn't be a liability in the west? There's going to be bad matchup problems depending on who we face. Everyone is essentially goingto be a liability
. Who don't have any flaws in their game? Not very many. Even some PGs considered to be top of the line have holes in their game.Nash, Kidd and yeah. When I say liability, I don't mean huge liabilities like an Eric Snow who can't shoot if his life depended on it and other playerslike that. I'm saying players that can contribute on a consistent basis. Quality PGs. Sorry if what I said didn't match what I meant.
Oh no I definitely agree. He's willing to part with Baron if that's what needs to go down. The way I see it, it's a great situation to put yourselfin. You let Baron and Al (
) go for Chauncey and Rasheed. You let go Rasheed next year in hopes that Wright is ready to take his game to the next level andfill in as the starter this team needs.
[h1]O'Neal nearing trade to Toronto for Ford[/h1]
By Adrian Wojnarowski, Yahoo! Sports 3 hours, 36 minutes ago

NEW YORK - After on-and-off again negotiations, the Indiana Pacers have agreed in principle to send six-time All-Star Jermaine O'Neal to the Toronto Raptors for point guard T.J. Ford and the 17th pick in Thursday's NBA draft, a league executive said Wednesday.

After nearly completing the deal earlier in the week, Pacers and Raptors officials needed to exchange more medical information on O'Neal's left knee and Ford's neck before finding a comfort level with the trade. It is believed both sides now are comfortable making the deal, though the trade won't be complete until both O'Neal and Ford pass their physicals.

Toronto also will send Rasho Nesterovic and another role player to match up with O'Neal's salary. O'Neal is owed $44 million over the next two seasons. He played just 42 games for Indiana a year ago with a left knee injury. O'Neal has expressed a desire to leave the Pacers for a contender.

Ford, who has a history of neck injuries, became expendable when Toronto GM Bryan Colangelo decided that he wanted to make Jose Calderon the franchise's future at point guard.

Ford was diagnosed with spinal stenosis, a condition that narrows the openings the spinal cord runs through. He missed the 2004-05 season with the Bucks following neck surgery, and missed 13 games with a neck injury last season after Atlanta's Al Horford leveled him on a breakaway layup. Ford has $25 million and two years left on his contract. Indiana had been searching for a point guard and Ford takes the job now.

Calderon is a restricted free agent, and Colangelo has insisted that he'll match any offer for him. Clearly, the Raptors will belong to him now.

The Pacers would now hold the 11th and 17th picks in the draft.


[h1]Pacers Deal O'Neal To Toronto[/h1]Indiana has agreed to trade six-time All-Star forward Jermaine O'Neal to Toronto in exchange for T.J. Ford and the 17th overall pick in Thursday night's draft. Toronto will also send Rasho Nesterovic and another player to the Pacers to match O'Neal's salary.
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