Since Jeremy Lin is doing so well, situational racism is OK.

And while blacks are "accepted" in Hollywood, it usually comes at the price of making him/herself look like a got damn stereotypical fool.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by slickp42189

first off, Asians are more accepted than blacks, if you disagree its because you choose to not honestly evaluate the way blacks are treated and the way Asians are treated
the only empathy you guys are granted is because you have a reputation of having the best work ethic and are still subject to racial degrading, thats whack
If you are talking about education and career-wise then that is debatable, but even then black people can still put themselves in a prosperous situation if they work hard. But overall and especially in Hollywood and the media that simply isn't true. They degrade Asians blatantly without thinking twice i.e. closing eyelids and the word that rhymes with "think" because they get away with it just about every time. The white folks don't do that to blacks without expecting consequences. 

Blacks more accepted in Hollywood, sports, entertainment, music

Asians more accepted in school, jobs, law enforcement, court of law, and other aspect of normal life

Now you tell me as a normal non-celeb how you would prefer to be treated?
This is a good point 
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

 I also agree. People just insult Asians for no valid reason. Like what have Asians generally done to harm others?
first off, Asians are more accepted than blacks, if you disagree its because you choose to not honestly evaluate the way blacks are treated and the way Asians are treated
the only empathy you guys are granted is because you have a reputation of having the best work ethic and are still subject to racial degrading, thats whack
If you are talking about education and career-wise then that is debatable, but even then black people can still put themselves in a prosperous situation if they work hard. But overall and especially in Hollywood and the media that simply isn't true. They degrade Asians blatantly without thinking twice i.e. closing eyelids and the word that rhymes with "think" because they get away with it just about every time. The white folks don't do that to blacks without expecting consequences.
Hollywood is a magic show. You'll be surprised at how much goes over the heads of many. Don't think when it comes to movies that black people are getting high respect and honor. Maybe for Asians they blatantly do things, but when it comes to black people, look for @!*+ that isn't so obvious. Remember, people want to be entertained (love the meaning of that word
) so they buy into the actors, plots etc etc... Stop looking for entertainment and you'll see what I mean. 
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

 I also agree. People just insult Asians for no valid reason. Like what have Asians generally done to harm others?
first off, Asians are more accepted than blacks, if you disagree its because you choose to not honestly evaluate the way blacks are treated and the way Asians are treated
the only empathy you guys are granted is because you have a reputation of having the best work ethic and are still subject to racial degrading, thats whack
If you are talking about education and career-wise then that is debatable, but even then black people can still put themselves in a prosperous situation if they work hard. But overall and especially in Hollywood and the media that simply isn't true. They degrade Asians blatantly without thinking twice i.e. closing eyelids and the word that rhymes with "think" because they get away with it just about every time. The white folks don't do that to blacks without expecting consequences.
get real man, they only do that to Asians? they "degrade" blacks EXPECTING consequences, they dont care because the consequences are nothing, and dude i honestly dont think that word is used nearly as often as the word that rhymes with tiger, honestly i wish i werent going back and forth with you about this, i wish i could say "youre so right, im black and im totally accepted in any racial circle and i feel bad for Asians because they are treated the worse" but thats not the case, and blacks have always been the least liked minority
First off, you gotta know that Asian people make up approximately 5.6% of the United States population.  That means there's a lot of ignorance out there.
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Its not considered racist because he isnt black. If he was black, this thread would be 15 pgs by now

If he was black he probably also wouldn't be getting all this praise
Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Regis

And thats ALL there is to it.
If Lin was black I don't see how it'd be racist of Whitlock saying his penis is small. It's just be pretty gay. Please extrapolate how it'd be racist.

I'm pretty sure OP is black. Maybe all the Asian posters in this thread should make it known that they're outraged over this. I mean really it's either racist or you're saying only black speak up when something racist is said about them. The only problem with the tweet was who tweeted it and it being unprofessional of that person. Not that it was racist or wasn't funny so therefore it's racist.

If this was a NTer who said that you all would've laughed on twitter and kept it moving and there wouldn't even be a thread. All the damn signs you're crying about were held up by Asian ppl celebrating Lin. So you're either saying they weren't and were actually mocking him or they're self hating Asians or are you saying the non Asians laughing at the signs and jokes are racist?

What Im saying is that if it were a tweet playing on negative black stereotypes there would be a pretty decent uproar.
If Melo made a shot at the buzzer and someone tweeted that theyre surprised a black man was able to get something done on time I can guarantee you many people would have a problem with that. 
I remember when Lebron made his "Decision" and there were some pretty lengthy threads implying that Dan Gilbert was acting more like a slave owner than the owner of a pro team.

A few months ago you couldnt even say "animal" on NT cause people were getting offended even when it was obvious it wasnt being used with any racial implications.

So I ask you...

Can we just give all racial jokes a pass as long as its funny and with good intentions? 

Or are we only racially sensitive towards black people and everyone else is fair game?

I seen the race card get pulled too many times on NT  so Im pretty surprised to see how many people think this is ok.

Okay but I'm not completely sold unless it's offensively racist and again if in your hypothetical situation it's the same guy tweeting it I feel it'll still get attention because it's Whitlock more so than w/e the tweet entails. The tweet was unprofessional before it was

Quite frankly, if the comment is funny and the intent was to make ppl laugh ppl should not be so quick to claim that it's okay to be racist Lin is playing well. That is simply not the case. However, it's dependent on how funny the line is if it aint it could just fall flat and be ignored. Lin's whole story is special which will get a whole lot more attention but if we a black guy in the same position I don't see this going down the same unless it's offensive. Trying to add in the other stuff imo is where the thread and anymore discussion fail.

I will admit so far I haven't come across any offensive signs or comments yet but for the runs I read I don't know how accurate that reaction could be since I'm not Asian.

As for the questions, depends who is telling the joke and what the joke entails. You can't just give all racial comments a pass because someone says they had good intentions. To me it's always been a case by case basis. Quite frankly I would've preferred some Asian members to point out the racism and have a proper argument as to why it's okay for some fans who are Asians to have certain signs up at games not somebody on the outside trying to dictate what's racist and what's meant to be racial humor and no we're not suppose to only be sensitive about race when dealing with black ppl. Of course not. You do have to understand the relationship and extra sensitivity with the issue of race for black people and America. Every group will handle it their way. It's not fair or equal across the board. Just cuz black ppl feel some way about racism towards them it does not mean in every single situation another group will feel the same way.

The reason Dan Gilbert got called a slave owner was cuz of his statements about LeBron in his letter to Cav fans. If you read it, it is not a stretch at all to see why someone would accuse him of having a racist slave owner mentality. The whole sports entertainment breeds that thinking in a way.

As for the animal thing. Black ppl don't like being referred to as animals. If you know the history you would understand why. It was only a matter of time for certain members would catch on and notice how the same posters would post the same type of insults to the same group of ppl over and over, thread after thread. It's the same thing with that hood rat thread, all images of females form a specific group. It's easy to see the racism in it and it'll always be something around to suspect when you discuss anything dealing with race. That one would get me cuz it was originated by that group and now it's being used against them by ppl who don't really even know what it means.
Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by slickp42189

first off, Asians are more accepted than blacks, if you disagree its because you choose to not honestly evaluate the way blacks are treated and the way Asians are treated
the only empathy you guys are granted is because you have a reputation of having the best work ethic and are still subject to racial degrading, thats whack
If you are talking about education and career-wise then that is debatable, but even then black people can still put themselves in a prosperous situation if they work hard. But overall and especially in Hollywood and the media that simply isn't true. They degrade Asians blatantly without thinking twice i.e. closing eyelids and the word that rhymes with "think" because they get away with it just about every time. The white folks don't do that to blacks without expecting consequences.
get real man, they only do that to Asians? they "degrade" blacks EXPECTING consequences, they dont care because the consequences are nothing, and dude i honestly dont think that word is used nearly as often as the word that rhymes with tiger, honestly i wish i werent going back and forth with you about this, i wish i could say "youre so right, im black and im totally accepted in any racial circle and i feel bad for Asians because they are treated the worse" but thats not the case, and blacks have always been the least liked minority
First off, acceptance isn't the same thing as respect.

Asians are by far the least respected racial group in the U.S.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Any1 going to cite any examples as to how Asians are so disrespected?
The small peepee joke
The asians can't drive joke

The asians are mathematically intelligent joke

Damn they got it good bad. 

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by slickp42189

first off, Asians are more accepted than blacks, if you disagree its because you choose to not honestly evaluate the way blacks are treated and the way Asians are treated
the only empathy you guys are granted is because you have a reputation of having the best work ethic and are still subject to racial degrading, thats whack
If you are talking about education and career-wise then that is debatable, but even then black people can still put themselves in a prosperous situation if they work hard. But overall and especially in Hollywood and the media that simply isn't true. They degrade Asians blatantly without thinking twice i.e. closing eyelids and the word that rhymes with "think" because they get away with it just about every time. The white folks don't do that to blacks without expecting consequences.
Hollywood is a magic show. You'll be surprised at how much goes over the heads of many. Don't think when it comes to movies that black people are getting high respect and honor. Maybe for Asians they blatantly do things, but when it comes to black people, look for @!*+ that isn't so obvious. Remember, people want to be entertained (love the meaning of that word
) so they buy into the actors, plots etc etc... Stop looking for entertainment and you'll see what I mean. 
No doubt, it comes with a price. But the pictures that the media create are powerful.  Perception is reality. People will treat you based on how your race is portrayed. Look at Josephine Baker for instance, she went to France and the men over there go nuts for black women to this day. All it took was one icon. Black people at least have Denzel Washington and Will Smith to represent them. Asians have Jackie Chan and William Hung. Jackie Chan has to play the goofy guy and stuntman just to get roles. As for William Hung, there's no explanation needed. You know damn well if he was white, he would not have been given that much air time. Instead they rode him to the end as a way to mock Asians. That's not disrespect? Once in a while the media purposely blows up one of those videos on worldstarhiphop of  black people fighting at Burger King and whatnot. But black people should have gotten the hint a while back, that they need to stop doing stuff like that. I've heard news reporters saying +%*+@+!@ nonchalantly. They wouldn't dare to say that N word, even when they probably want to. As far as Asians having it easier in education and careers, that is a myth. Just because you see an Asian man in a suit on the train going to work doesn't mean his life is easy. Most Asian Americans are first generation, and their parents probably came here 30-40 years ago with relatively nothing and did not know English. Imagine if your parents don't know English and they have to put food on the table. Then imagine them helping you with your homework. All while a TV show is on with some character mocking your father's accent. You see people here all the time regardless of race with college degrees and still struggling to make a living for their families. On that note, Asians take the same classes and fill out the same college applications as anyone else. Asians get no preferential treatment. There was even a recent news article that said some bi-racial students found it better to not mention their Asian roots because schools are trying to limit Asian students by looking at their last names.

And FYI I've been pulled over by police several times while WALKING. And I don't even look intimidating or suspicious. One of my close friends is black, he can vouch for me, he's on here maybe he sees this.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

If you are talking about education and career-wise then that is debatable, but even then black people can still put themselves in a prosperous situation if they work hard. But overall and especially in Hollywood and the media that simply isn't true. They degrade Asians blatantly without thinking twice i.e. closing eyelids and the word that rhymes with "think" because they get away with it just about every time. The white folks don't do that to blacks without expecting consequences.
get real man, they only do that to Asians? they "degrade" blacks EXPECTING consequences, they dont care because the consequences are nothing, and dude i honestly dont think that word is used nearly as often as the word that rhymes with tiger, honestly i wish i werent going back and forth with you about this, i wish i could say "youre so right, im black and im totally accepted in any racial circle and i feel bad for Asians because they are treated the worse" but thats not the case, and blacks have always been the least liked minority
First off, acceptance isn't the same thing as respect.

Asians are by far the least respected racial group in the U.S.
Thank you for clearing that up. Asians are more accepted, but less respected. But I'm saying though, black people still have a choice to be prosperous in the same areas that Asians are stereotyped to be successful in.
I agree asians are the least feared but least respected is another division. The Middle eastern community is disrespected daily, the hispanic community gets a lot of hate through Mexicans being constantly looked down upon in society, black community also. There is no denying Asians aren't highly respected but to say least is going a bit over board.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Any1 going to cite any examples as to how Asians are so disrespected?
HAM CITY has a point.

Respect and acceptance are different.

Asian men are stereotyped as nerds, small in size, small in the pants, etc.  A dude could be a black belt and people will still think they have a chance.  Its a combination of the how the media portrays them but its also a cultural thing.  Asians respect other people always and that gets them stepped on.  Also asian women are either sex objects, work in the service industry (food,nails,hair), or are nerds.  These are all stereotypes.  We really act like their arent asians that are just like any other American Kid growing up.  Thats where the disrespect comes from.  Pretty much nobody expects an asian to act "alpha".

Even though they might get jobs the co-workers believe they are "super smart" and are only interested in their work skills.  

Black people will demand that respect and almost to a fault at times.  Will some aren't taken seriously we do have the chance to be respected.  Some folks might hate us and not accept us but they still will respect us.  

But lets not sit here and have a battle for the least respected race.  That's foolish.  Both sides have different things they must overcome to make it in this white mans world.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Any1 going to cite any examples as to how Asians are so disrespected?
The small peepee joke
The asians can't drive joke

The asians are mathematically intelligent joke

Damn they got it good bad. 

As if those are the only stereotypes that Asians are perceived as. 

Here's some more:

-Physically weak


-Sexual deviants


When was the last time an Asian ever had a lead role in American film without involving martial arts? When has an Asian ever had a role in a movie/TV show as a normal character? Yes, blacks do get the shaft in the corporate world moreso than Asians (I'm not refuting that at all) but the media is much more dominant in everyday life and the way Asians are portrayed as is juvenile. There are very few positive portayals of Asians in the media and that's fact.
Another point, we've determined that Asians are more accepted in the corporate world, yet you still see more black CEOs.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

But lets not sit here and have a battle for the least respected race.  That's foolish.  Both sides have different things they must overcome to make it in this white mans world.

freakydestroyer, I was going to respond to you, but this mans statement right here made me delete what I was going to say. 

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Another point, we've determined that Asians are more accepted in the corporate world, yet you still see more black CEOs.
And more Asian Billionaires.  
There are very few positive portrayals of Blacks in the media too. We could be here all day if we wanted to list commonly believed stereotypes about black men and women.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Any1 going to cite any examples as to how Asians are so disrespected?

I can't believe you had to ask this question. Everyone's favorite movie in Las Vegas was filled with Asian jokes.

The disrespect for minorities is at an all-time high in America.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Any1 going to cite any examples as to how Asians are so disrespected?
HAM CITY has a point.

Respect and acceptance are different.

Asian men are stereotyped as nerds, small in size, small in the pants, etc.  A dude could be a black belt and people will still think they have a chance.  Its a combination of the how the media portrays them but its also a cultural thing.  Asians respect other people always and that gets them stepped on.  Also asian women are either sex objects, work in the service industry (food,nails,hair), or are nerds.  These are all stereotypes.  We really act like their arent asians that are just like any other American Kid growing up.  Thats where the disrespect comes from.  Pretty much nobody expects an asian to act "alpha".

Even though they might get jobs the co-workers believe they are "super smart" and are only interested in their work skills.  

Black people will demand that respect and almost to a fault at times.  Will some aren't taken seriously we do have the chance to be respected.  Some folks might hate us and not accept us but they still will respect us.  

But lets not sit here and have a battle for the least respected race.  That's foolish.  Both sides have different things they must overcome to make it in this white mans world.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Another point, we've determined that Asians are more accepted in the corporate world, yet you still see more black CEOs.
And more Asian Billionaires.  
I get the feeling a lot of Asians are taking offense to the direction this thread has turned. Myself and others are not trying to be on some "my **** is bigger than yours" tip (pun/reference 100% intended),  I'm just calling it like I see it.

If I had it my way we'd all be level on every single playing field but that's just not reality.
Originally Posted by illmatic34

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Any1 going to cite any examples as to how Asians are so disrespected?
The small peepee joke
The asians can't drive joke

The asians are mathematically intelligent joke

Damn they got it good bad. 

As if those are the only stereotypes that Asians are perceived as. 

Here's some more:

-Physically weak


-Sexual deviants


When was the last time an Asian ever had a lead role in American film without involving martial arts? When has an Asian ever had a role in a movie/TV show as a normal character? Yes, blacks do get the shaft in the corporate world moreso than Asians (I'm not refuting that at all) but the media is much more dominant in everyday life and the way Asians are portrayed as is juvenile. There are very few positive portayals of Asians in the media and that's fact.
black people in films are often portrayed as caricatures too
Asians don't have to work hard for what they have, money just grows on trees, or their parents just came here with a boat filled with gold? I know my post on the last page was pretty long, but if you read it you will get a better understanding of how it feels like to be in our shoes.
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