SideHustles For 2010 ?

I sold nearly 700 black jesus pieces on ebay the past 6 months! ;-) seriously, I was the first one to jump on it, I made history,......just gotta find a niche,and find a great some marketing and bam! I supplied 2 online stores with the black jesus pieces wholesale, it was a great hustle till everyoneand their mama jumped on it, but my marketing was incredible so it kept me going, but i'm already onto the next one... I think one day I sold like 20pieces for $40 in one day, so serious.....I'm going to start an ebay product development company soon and help people develop and source products to sellon ebay....I mean I look on craigslist and there are a ton of people who will tell you HOW to sell on ebay, but no one is telling you or helping you tofind/source products to sell...get at me NT!
Originally Posted by NINE to FIVE

Both my hustles started out from doin simple favors for friends, and then realizing how much $ I could make doin the same for the many customers in the same situation.

Sellin bootleg DVD's (2 for 5 / 5 for 10). Since I DL the movies from the internet the quality of mine are 10 times better than the camera-in-the-theater copies erbody else is moving, and it allows me to be ridiculously more efficient. So now I basically have an unbreakable monopoly within my own hood ...

My other hustle is flippin cigarettes in NY. My fam stay in the city so Im up there like 4 time's a year, and since cigarretes are about a third of the price (bout 3.50 compared to 9) down here (GA) it's an extremely easy and profitable hustle. I usually cop around 20 cartons for 35 each, then sell em by then pack in NY for between $5-8 a pop. There's 10 packs in each carton so you do the math....
My friend knows a lady who goes to LA and gets 6000 of the latest DVDs prepackaged and everything for only 1000$

Originally Posted by maldonado

medicinal marijuana dispensories..

you end up getting busted in the end, selling to the dispensaries now..
Originally Posted by awwsome

Originally Posted by ThatDudeB

Flippin cigs is nice. Good *$%$ bruh. I'm in a pretty ritzy area of the san fernando valley for school and im lookin for a nice hustle. I wanna keep it legal this time too. Im thinking bout baby-sitting and charging astronomical prices

shame cause you if you wanted to be a gardener, you could bank
i used to paint houses and caulk windows and all that. I'll prolly just get back to that. Before i was working out of a company though thistime i'll have to do it myself. Since im not with the company anymore i would have to buy all the supplies myself and they are hella expensive. If I getsome calls and i can get out of the red fairly quickly I'll do it. Gotta see when i get back to the valley.
I thought about the ATM thing last year, but then I was like where am I gonna put it...outside my apt?
Originally Posted by fivefivenine

Originally Posted by maldonado

medicinal marijuana dispensories..

you end up getting busted in the end, selling to the dispensaries now..
whats the difference in what he said and what you said? he said medicinal marijuana dispensaries but u say he get busted in the end and say...idwork and grow for a dispensary if i could in my least id grow as a hobby and sell them what i didn't want if it was great product
Man, I need a side hustle, and none of these Ideas are up my alley. I'm gonna start buying more lotto tickets though.
yea atms are good investment i was at bank of america on saturday and that was the only bank within 3 mile radious...they charge 3$ fee and only have was a long line like 20 people within matter of 5 minutes. they already made 150$ in 5 minutes. so its money there have to have good location
Originally Posted by ThatDudeB

Originally Posted by awwsome

Originally Posted by ThatDudeB

Flippin cigs is nice. Good *$%$ bruh. I'm in a pretty ritzy area of the san fernando valley for school and im lookin for a nice hustle. I wanna keep it legal this time too. Im thinking bout baby-sitting and charging astronomical prices

shame cause you if you wanted to be a gardener, you could bank
i used to paint houses and caulk windows and all that. I'll prolly just get back to that. Before i was working out of a company though this time i'll have to do it myself. Since im not with the company anymore i would have to buy all the supplies myself and they are hella expensive. If I get some calls and i can get out of the red fairly quickly I'll do it. Gotta see when i get back to the valley.

Na man, not that type of gardener...
Right, I actually have something to contribute.

Lately I've been posting up some ads on craigslist + getting customers by word of mouth and I build them computers (get the parts on newegg/other sites).Stuff that sells on dell for $1500 I can easily make for $900-$1000 depending on how good I price I get on the parts, then I charge a fee (250ish) for buildingthe computer itself. Labor time is maybe a couple hours after all the parts come in. Only really works for higher-end computers though, Dell + HP and the likeget ridiculous wholesale prices.
Hmmm... How would you start the ATM...?

1 - How would you get enough money for customers to withdrawal from?
2 - How much should you spend on a machine?
3 - You might get charged a fee placing one by a store.. right?
4 - Since most ATMs fee is $2.00, how about making yours $1.75, So people can say (oh, the one over there only charge $1.75) ? Your're losing a quarterlol, but you'll get more customers than most
find a local ACTIVE real estate investor, ask him what area(s) he/she buys property in and what price range, go driving through the neighborhood looking forrun down homes, contact the owner see if they are interested in selling, if they are, negotiate a good price, get it under contract, assign the contract overto said investor for a small profit 3-5K... repeat...


Need to do some research on your local real estate market, and have some negotiating skills (search for books on wholesaling online or at the library)

its really not that hard...

closing a deal next week, gonna make like 9K
as far as the ATM thing, you have to keep in mind that a lot of people will just go to ATMs owned by their bank, which i believe is usually free
I'll try to answers few of the questions regarding ATMs.

Finding an ATM shouldn't be that difficult. You do have to look around though. Try craigslist, ebay, or even drive around to see if there are any storesthat closed down that owned one. You can definitely find one for less than $1,500 for a used one. I found a very basic one for $500 in good working condition.Now that you've found an ATM, you need to find a location. I can't disclose my locations, but try to find a location that is independently owned oryour own place of business. There are still great locations available, just need to look. If you're starting with only one ATM, I suggest you use at least$2,000 in rolling to load it. The more busier locations would require more funds in rolling so you don't have to load the ATM so often. If you find alocation that is independently owned, you have to give the owner a piece. A very smart owner would have his own ATM. Some could care less and would takeanything you offer, as long as they're getting a piece. If your surcharge is $2.00, you'd give the owner at least $.75-$1.00. Don't go into muchdetail on how much you're making, but do give the owner enough to make it worth his while.

Now that that is taken care of, be sure to keep the ATM loaded at all times. A customer shouldn't leave because there wasn't any money in the ATM. Thatis the last thing you want. 75% of the time, the customer won't return because they'll remember the ATM didn't have funds last time they wentthere. It is very simple to check and takes less than 30 seconds. Most, if not all, of the newer ATMs tell you how many bills are in the ATM and how many billshave been dispensed. You don't need to open of the dispensing cartridge and hand count it. Since I'm in the process of opening 8 other locations plusthe 2 that I have, I purchased a money counting machine to make counting a lot easier and faster. Also, be sure the bills are in mint condition when loadingthe ATM. If there is a slight tear or bent corners on the bill, more than likely it'll get caught in the dispenser, causing the machine to not function.

The surcharge fee should be reasonable. Don't make it too high where it turns off the customer. True, the customer can just go to their bank and withdrawfunds. But if they know there is an ATM near by, they'll just save few bucks in gas and rather pay the $2.00 surcharge and be on their way. Don't makethe surcharge too low where you can't afford to pay the owner their share. Check around local stores that have ATMs and how much their fees are. Ifthey're all more than $2.00, keep yours at $2.00 to bring in traffic at first and gradually raise it if you need to. Don't get greedy!

This is all from experience and I hate it when the customer leaves due to malfuntion in the ATM. I hope I've answered most of the questions regarding ATMs.

One more thing. This is not just a money generating side hustle, it is a business. Now with all legit businesses comes licensing and tax issues. If you can getaway with it with just one ATM, that's great. If you decide to open up a chain of them and not have proper documents...well you get the point.

Good luck.
Originally Posted by LiLcHiCo4LiFe

I'll try to answers few of the questions regarding ATMs.

Finding an ATM shouldn't be that difficult. You do have to look around though. Try craigslist, ebay, or even drive around to see if there are any stores that closed down that owned one. You can definitely find one for less than $1,500 for a used one. I found a very basic one for $500 in good working condition. Now that you've found an ATM, you need to find a location. I can't disclose my locations, but try to find a location that is independently owned or your own place of business. There are still great locations available, just need to look. If you're starting with only one ATM, I suggest you use at least $2,000 in rolling to load it. The more busier locations would require more funds in rolling so you don't have to load the ATM so often. If you find a location that is independently owned, you have to give the owner a piece. A very smart owner would have his own ATM. Some could care less and would take anything you offer, as long as they're getting a piece. If your surcharge is $2.00, you'd give the owner at least $.75-$1.00. Don't go into much detail on how much you're making, but do give the owner enough to make it worth his while.

Now that that is taken care of, be sure to keep the ATM loaded at all times. A customer shouldn't leave because there wasn't any money in the ATM. That is the last thing you want. 75% of the time, the customer won't return because they'll remember the ATM didn't have funds last time they went there. It is very simple to check and takes less than 30 seconds. Most, if not all, of the newer ATMs tell you how many bills are in the ATM and how many bills have been dispensed. You don't need to open of the dispensing cartridge and hand count it. Since I'm in the process of opening 8 other locations plus the 2 that I have, I purchased a money counting machine to make counting a lot easier and faster. Also, be sure the bills are in mint condition when loading the ATM. If there is a slight tear or bent corners on the bill, more than likely it'll get caught in the dispenser, causing the machine to not function.

The surcharge fee should be reasonable. Don't make it too high where it turns off the customer. True, the customer can just go to their bank and withdraw funds. But if they know there is an ATM near by, they'll just save few bucks in gas and rather pay the $2.00 surcharge and be on their way. Don't make the surcharge too low where you can't afford to pay the owner their share. Check around local stores that have ATMs and how much their fees are. If they're all more than $2.00, keep yours at $2.00 to bring in traffic at first and gradually raise it if you need to. Don't get greedy!

This is all from experience and I hate it when the customer leaves due to malfuntion in the ATM. I hope I've answered most of the questions regarding ATMs.

One more thing. This is not just a money generating side hustle, it is a business. Now with all legit businesses comes licensing and tax issues. If you can get away with it with just one ATM, that's great. If you decide to open up a chain of them and not have proper documents...well you get the point.

Good luck.
Where do the data processors fit in? One account is being debited and another is being credited. What entity processes that electronictransaction. If said entity exists what is their cut?
I'm just curious.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Where do the data processors fit in? One account is being debited and another is being credited. What entity processes that electronic transaction. If said entity exists what is their cut?
I'm just curious.

Good question. That goes more in depth. My dads good friend owns his own ATM company where I got started from. They process all the data and funds that arebeing debited and credited. I opened up an account with my bank and the funds are desposited each day from the previous days transactions. I don't muchabout how they run things and what their cut is though. Also, on top of the $2.00 surcharge I pocket from the transaction, I've negotiated with them whereI also get a $.25 kickback per transaction as a "processing fee", which I receive a check at the end of every month. I honestly don't how theyprofit from this and I never asked. It's just better that way. There are many loopholes with the ATM business. Got to look to find them.

Now there are ways to "clean money", but I'm not even gonna go there.
Originally Posted by ThatDudeB

Flippin cigs is nice. Good ++*# bruh. I'm in a pretty ritzy area of the san fernando valley for school and im lookin for a nice hustle. I wanna keep it legal this time too. Im thinking bout baby-sitting and charging astronomical prices
be careful flipping cigs. my aunt used to sell cigs and blunts out of her apt. 50cent/cig. 75cent/blunt. she'd buy a carton of newport shorts.funny thing was that there was a liquor store around the corner, but they would go to her because they was lazy. she would say if you come to my door before9am or after 10pm you better be buying more than 3 cigs because she aint getting out of bed to sell a single cigarette. somebody snitched thinking that she wasslanging or she got a trap house popping off. they raided her house on xmas eve. i got caught up in the raid because i was dropping off presents. just a badsituation. straight trashed her house off some cigarettes. but they found a 9mm and an ounce of weed. she just had tooo much foot traffic going in and out ofher house.

my hustle back in high school, was buying lascoste shirts from the outdoor swapmeet that "fell off the back of the truck" still in the plasticwrappers. id go down there and get like 20+ shirts for about 10-15 dollars each then sell them out the trunk of my car for 50 dollars. i was making a killingwith them shirts, min 40 dollar profit on every sale. me and my hs gf was living the life our junior and senior year. until dude magically disappeared. i triedto find somebody else that sold shirts up there but they wanted 20+ for them
So you load them and handle the money yourself? I'd think you'd have a target on your back pretty quick. I see 2 armed guards loading most machines.
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