Should I quit playing basketball?

Aug 29, 2005
Sorry for the long read, but Im kind of lost.

Im 24 right now and playing pro basketball was always my dream. I was pretty close to getting there about 2 years ago, but got injured pretty bad and had toget two surgeries since then. Last summer I was healthy enough to start working out and was really focused. Got back on the team I used to play for before, butthe coach changed and because of that and some politics I wast even given a fair shot after all the work I had put in. I tried to stick it out, but I reallywasnt welcomed there and no matter what I wasnt going to play, so I quit about mid-season after a couple of months of training with the team. I got some groininjury, so that was a good reason to just stop showing up.

Later on I went on some tryout with another team and they want me to come playing next year. Its like a 40 minute drive, but they say I will get the gas moneyback. From what I saw the team is pretty weak, but seems well organized and coached. The coach didnt say it exactly, but he did let me know that I willprobably get all the shot I want and they play the uptempo style that I like.

I havent actually played for the last 2 seasons and one part of me wants to give it a try, but on the other side Im thinking it may end like it always doeswith my "career". Im just graduating college now, started my own company recently and want to start a second major. Still for the last couple ofyears basktball was my main focus, so its hard to quit it just like that and I get the feeling that Im missing something. Recently I just started playing againafter quiting on the previous team and it really feels good I guess.

Right now the summer is coming and in the past summer was all about playing ball and getting ready for the season. The problem is I dont know if I want toplay, and if I dont know that then I dont know if I should train for it. Never before I did anything different during the summer than focus on training, so Ikind of dont know whats there for me?

Help me out with this decision people

Cliff notes:
*I got injured and didnt play for the last 2 seasons
*I have an "offer" for next year to play and maybe get it going again
*I just graduated college, started my own company and Im looking to start a second major
*I still enjoy playing ball a lot, but kind of feel like I might fail (injury or whatever) once again and thats what I really dont want to do
*Dont know if I should try playing competitively again, or just go on with my life?
Seems like you have a lot going for you that doesn't involve playing basketball.

So yes, I would quit basketball as a profession.
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

Sorry to break the news but you won't make it to the NBA


Thanks for letting me know.

But on the real, Im from Europe, so here you say you "made it" when you play in some 1st or 2nd domestic league, so thats what I was aiming forchasing that dream.
If this is something you really want to do, then go for it.

If you feel you're capable of playing at the NBA level then don't let anybody stop you. As far as your game you either use it or lose it. I'd saykeep working at it and maybe see about playing in summer pro leagues. Not sure how those work though. Even if you don't make it to the NBA maybe overseasor NBDL???
You are about to start your own business, you have a major, and you could risk injury playing ball.

In all honesty, I would go the business route and go back to school.
Keep chasing ya dream fool, but after 30 just stop....u still young, just dont put yo self in a situation ta get injured again, if u kno u cantblock a shot or get a rebound don't try and get it, cuz chances are u might get injured again!!!!
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

the coach changed and because of that and some politics I wast even given a fair shot
this is a very common excuse amoungst...quitters.

so, yes.
Its all right, you can have your opinion. The thing is it is just a generalization and you dont know the situation I was in. Its still coolthough, cuz I actually know how it was and Im not worse that those who played all the minutes.
You have to decide if this is still truly your dream. If you can live with chasing this dream for the rest of your life regardless of if you get make it ornot. Look at these dudes telling you to stop chasing your dream when you hit 30. That's not gonna happen. When you put that much dedication into somethingyour not gonna give it up just like that. Ever heard of Victor Page? That will be you if you don't make it, or maybe you'll get lucky and your hardwork and dedication will be rewarded. What you have to decide is if you love basketball enough to make it your life.
Honestly...whatever makes you happiest in life dude. You want to chase the dream of playing ball? More power to you. If not? Totally respectable too given thework you've put into your academics/business stuff.
Originally Posted by Wade187

You have to decide if this is still truly your dream. If you can live with chasing this dream for the rest of your life regardless of if you get make it or not. Look at these dudes telling you to stop chasing your dream when you hit 30. That's not gonna happen. When you put that much dedication into something your not gonna give it up just like that. Ever heard of Victor Page? That will be you if you don't make it, or maybe you'll get lucky and your hard work and dedication will be rewarded. What you have to decide is if you love basketball enough to make it your life.
You might be just right.

Before I used to think that no matter what I will still play and chase that dream. If I dont make it its gonna be still fine, cuz I tried and I can live withthat without a problem. Right now I realised that being a pro baller is not all good, and there is a lot of stuff that goes around basketball about politics,about who knows who AND about the money. Say, a year or two ago I would never quit on a team like I just did this year, but I guess my mindset is a little bitdifferent and that is the "problem".

Still, as you say, I feel like I "invested" so much time into it already that its getting hard to quit just cuz of that reason alone. Like I said, Idont even know whats there besides playing ball and working out in the summer. Im not sure, though, if my mind is still in it like it used to be.

Right now I think Im leaning on trying to do everything at once - ball, school AND my business, all "full time". I dont even know if its possible,but I guess I will find out soon.
Go for 1 last hoorah with this new team. And if it doesn't work out, become one of those rec league legends.
keep the dream alive, as long as you got a job and making some money while playing ball and training then its all good. Its what make you happy and thats whatcounts.
You shouldn't even be making this topic, in my opinion. If it's your dream, go for it and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Basketball issomething your body will only allow you to do for a limited amount of time; you'll always be able to start a business, get a cushy office job, etc.

If you feel you've gotten as far as you can and are satisfied with what you've accomplished, then hang it up if your new passion is in starting up abusiness.

Whatever your decision, just make sure it doesn't end in regret later on in life.

Look at Jamario Moon... dude chased his dream everywhere and finally cracked the league when he was 27 years old. I know your goal is not the NBA, but thisshould be proof that you may go though rough patches on the road.

D-League is 100% full of guys chasing their dreams, some young, some old... but they're still there, barely getting paid, with the slim hope that they geta shot.

Nobody can tell you the right move for you to make... you'll have to sit down and think where your mind and heart are.
The only thing worse than u not reaching ur dreams is regretting that you never gave it your best shot....

If it's truely a life long dream, and u have an opportunity, go for it...would u really be content living a 'comfortable' life not knowing whatcould have been?

1 Thing tho, if it becomes obvious to you that you've done all you could, and if you don't make it, that's probably the time to throw in thetowel. There's a difference between chasing dreams and chasing fantasies....anyways, best of luck
You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it. Period.

Live by that.
Do it man. you can go back to school ANYTIME you want to. maybe with that extra cash you can pay for your school tuition.

don't listen to the haters man, they're just jealous. just keep on working hard. Don't live the rest of your life saying "what if....."

remember, school will always be there and you can start your business whenever you want. Your body won't be able to play ball that long.

good luck to whatever you decide to do.
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