Should I Believe in GOD if there's a Hell?

Apr 11, 2006
I'm just writing you guys. I don't normally talk about religion to my friends out in the open. I send signs to people because I don't want my karma coming back to bite me because I think I saw what it does to others however it happened. But, do believe I am 100% good and am for the betterment but should i believe in GOD if there's a hell or do we have no consequences while here on earth... sometime it can take about 30-40 years for us to wait for things we don't believe in but during that entire time what's really going on in this planet?!?
Originally Posted by go rilla

*waits for sillyputty* 


Originally Posted by Fox5Kobe

I'm just writing you guys. I don't normally talk about religion to my friends out in the open. 
Yeah, it kinda sucks people don't like talking about this sort of stuff...I definitely feel you on that. I keep my secularism to myself for the most part in public... I have to remember that people will FIGHT you for saying controversial things.

I send signs to people because I don't want my karma coming back to bite me because I think I saw what it does to others however it happened.

Nothing wrong with altruism at all. People remember how you treated them and they want to treat you the same way. Its a shared benefit as a result of our sedentary societies where we see the same people all the time (Cue: Guns Germs and Steel) but IMO, there is no such thing as karma. 
If you do something bad, then your habitual exhibition of "bad" behavior will just get you caught up sooner or later. You were  just as likely to get knocked the first or the 15th time you did wrong so you can't make it seem like someone is actually sitting there taking score...without the ability to intervene. You see what I mean?

But, do believe I am 100% good and am for the betterment but should i believe in GOD if there's a hell or do we have no consequences while here on earth...

Besides your subjective solipsism...

Some people like to think there is a hell for people they can't enact justice on. It makes them feel like those who have wronged them will "get theirs in the end"...when in reality, sometimes the bad guys get away and we have a hard time dealing with that fact. 

And your consequences are defined by the society you live in, which is why its good for societies to continually come together and reassess what they are doing to make sure they know their rules are working and that everyone benefits. 

Morality and other "rules" are defined by society...if it came from a god, none of them would change, would they? And as far as I can tell, we don't follow even a quarter of the "rules" in that book so...that should tell you something.
sometime it can take about 30-40 years for us to wait for things we don't believe in but during that entire time what's really going on in this planet?!?

I don't wait for a "prayer"

I go out and get mine. 

Those who waste time on prayer have a lifetime of wait. 

But other than that, I'm not sure what you're talking about... 
Hell is defined as an eternity without God. If there is no God, there is no Hell, therefore, if you believe in Hell you should believe in God.
Funny how so many people think that Hell exists when there isn't even a SINGLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE for it.
The existence of Hell is not something someone can just go and find. It is a place that exists only in the spiritual realm. No one can prove Hell exists because of that. Even if someone was allowed to see Hell in a vision, would anyone believe what that person said or pass them off as crazy?
Pascal's rationalisation of religion

Great Expectations:
This is an application of the idea of expectation! Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) gave an interesting argument to show that a rational person should believe in the existence of God. Pascal said that we have to make a wager whether to believe or not to believe. He suggests that we are playing a game with two strategies, believe and not believe, with payoffs as follows:

God does not exist God does exist
Probability p (1-p)
Believe -u v
Do not believe 0 -x

Here -u represents the cost to you of passing up some worldly pleasures as a consequence of believing that God exists. If you do not believe, and God is a vengeful God, you will lose x. If God does exist, and you believe that God exists, then the payoff is "v" . Now to determine the strategy that is best, you should compare the two expected values

-pu + (1-p)v and p0+ (1-p)(-x)

and choose the larger of the two. In general, the choice will depend on the value of p. But Pascal assumed that the value of "v" is infinite, and so the strategy of believing is best no matter what probability you assign for the existence of God. Whether Pascal is correct in assigning


is, of course, hardly a matter for mere mathematicians!!!
Originally Posted by nocomment6

Pascal's rationalisation of religion

Great Expectations:
This is an application of the idea of expectation! Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) gave an interesting argument to show that a rational person should believe in the existence of God. Pascal said that we have to make a wager whether to believe or not to believe. He suggests that we are playing a game with two strategies, believe and not believe, with payoffs as follows:

God does not exist God does exist
Probability p (1-p)
Believe -u v
Do not believe 0 -x

Here -u represents the cost to you of passing up some worldly pleasures as a consequence of believing that God exists. If you do not believe, and God is a vengeful God, you will lose x. If God does exist, and you believe that God exists, then the payoff is "v" . Now to determine the strategy that is best, you should compare the two expected values

-pu + (1-p)v and p0+ (1-p)(-x)

and choose the larger of the two. In general, the choice will depend on the value of p. But Pascal assumed that the value of "v" is infinite, and so the strategy of believing is best no matter what probability you assign for the existence of God. Whether Pascal is correct in assigning


is, of course, hardly a matter for mere mathematicians!!!

What if the God(s) is not vengeful?  What if that God(s) valued reason and logic?  What if that God(s) valued evil and you spent your whole life doing good?

How do you know which God(s) it is and what that God(s) demands from humans?

You don't.  So why waste time in believing in one particular god out of THOUSANDS?  You probably have the wrong god or there is no god.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

go rilla wrote:
*waits for sillyputty* 


Fox5Kobe wrote:
I'm just writing you guys. I don't normally talk about religion to my friends out in the open. 

Yeah, it kinda sucks people don't like talking about this sort of stuff...I definitely feel you on that. I keep my secularism to myself for the most part in public... I have to remember that people will FIGHT you for saying controversial things.

I send signs to people because I don't want my karma coming back to bite me because I think I saw what it does to others however it happened.

Nothing wrong with altruism at all. People remember how you treated them and they want to treat you the same way. Its a shared benefit as a result of our sedentary societies where we see the same people all the time (Cue: Guns Germs and Steel) but IMO, there is no such thing as karma. 

If you do something bad, then your habitual exhibition of "bad" behavior will just get you caught up sooner or later. You were  just as likely to get knocked the first or the 15th time you did wrong so you can't make it seem like someone is actually sitting there taking score...without the ability to intervene. You see what I mean?

But, do believe I am 100% good and am for the betterment but should i believe in GOD if there's a hell or do we have no consequences while here on earth...

Besides your subjective solipsism...

Some people like to think there is a hell for people they can't enact justice on. It makes them feel like those who have wronged them will "get theirs in the end"...when in reality, sometimes the bad guys get away and we have a hard time dealing with that fact. 

And your consequences are defined by the society you live in, which is why its good for societies to continually come together and reassess what they are doing to make sure they know their rules are working and that everyone benefits. 

Morality and other "rules" are defined by society...if it came from a god, none of them would change, would they? And as far as I can tell, we don't follow even a quarter of the "rules" in that book so...that should tell you something.
sometime it can take about 30-40 years for us to wait for things we don't believe in but during that entire time what's really going on in this planet?!?

I don't wait for a "prayer"

I go out and get mine. 

Those who waste time on prayer have a lifetime of wait. 

But other than that, I'm not sure what you're talking about... 

God doesn't exist remember? What are you arguing for then? 
"Religion" threads have become a staple on this site...

...leads me to believe two things:

1) People are trolling


2) People genuinely have questions and want definitive answers
what do other religiona believe about afterlife?

and in christianity, how is heaven / hell described? lots of harps and angels / fire and torture?

finally, if you dont believe in christianity, but yiu led a respectful and loving life, do you still go to hell cuz u didnt believe?

Hell is described as a place of darkness, eternal separation from God, being forever alone, a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth and pain from a flame that never dies. It's not a party place like everyone thinks. It's worse than anything we could ever imagine.

Heaven is described as a place of pure perfection. There is nothing other than joy and happiness. You are given a new body in heaven that will never get old or sick. You worship together for eternity and it's better than anything we could ever imagine. Bible says that there will be mansions and streets paved with Gold.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

"Religion" threads have become a staple on this site...

...leads me to believe two things:

1) People are trolling


2) People genuinely have questions and want definitive answers
People think they are ENTITLED to answers......

People think their knowledge represents TRUTH

People think man has all the ANSWERS
Originally Posted by GP9Rm4108


Hell is described as a place of darkness, eternal separation from God, being forever alone, a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth and pain from a flame that never dies. It's not a party place like everyone thinks. It's worse than anything we could ever imagine.

Heaven is described as a place of pure perfection. There is nothing other than joy and happiness. You are given a new body in heaven that will never get old or sick. You worship together for eternity and it's better than anything we could ever imagine. Bible says that there will be mansions and streets paved with Gold.

preciate it fambs...


i'm gonna go to heaven, punch a hole in the wall and head to the heaven pawn shop...
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