Shooter in NZ live streamed mass shooting on Facebook...

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon. May the victims Rest In Peace.

This world sucks.

This really stems from the evil and hate retheroic stemming from the all of the right wing politicians and news media through the years.

Most politicians sending their condolences don’t even mention the Muslim community or state that it’s islamophobia based - they’re sending their condolences to New Zealand as a whole which undermines the hatred and bigotry that the Muslim community faces everyday, everywhere.

I truly wonder if some politicians are truly sending heartfelt messages or just smiling deep down inside. Because after all, their anti-Arab, anti-Muslim rhetoric is obvious when it comes from countries like Israel, USA, India, Australia, China, etc.

The Muslim community must be protected. As sad it as it sounds, we need to have armed guards protecting places of worship for all faiths.
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New Zealand. Supposedly one of the happiest nations in the world, and a beautiful tourist attraction. Sick ****s all over the globe now who spend their free time on the internet posting about what they think is "degenerate" in society meanwhile they're too pissweak to do anything about their own life. Muslims, jews, blacks, immigrants, homosexuals, women.... they're all out to destroy their white European utopia (even though this turd lived in NZ, go figure) and every minute of their free time is spent regurgitating the talking points of these opportunist pundits who continually show up on YouTube recommendations no matter how many times we flag it as not interested. Get these ************* out the paint. I'm not shedding tears when people like Alex Jones get banned from Twitter. I wish the CEO would've deaded the 3 hour conversation with Rogan with an emphatic "yeah we banned his ***... what y'all gonna do about it?"
I'm from New Zealand. It's my home. I woke up today with my Facebook blown up from people back home. If you're from NZ, there's a mentality that this kind of **** never happens to us. We're one of the most progressing countries in the world.

All I hope is the right and left don't turn this into an argument.
I hope the right wingers in the States don't turn this into a "look NZ doesn't have the gun culture the US does and even they have mass shootings", and I hope the left don't take this as an opportunity to argue against gun ownership.

This **** ain't about guns. This is about someone who was so brainwashed into thinking he was protecting the white race he took it out on a group of people at their place of worship. A certain leader of the free world has made white supremacy and white nationalism more OK than it has been in the past few decades. In his manifesto he mentioned although he disagreed with all the policies and ideals of Trump, he appreciates him as a symbol of whiteness and supremacy. This is about still having to ******* defend ourselves as minorities in 2019. This is about a senator from Australia saying normally, it's Muslims who are the perpetuators. How was someone who held these views ever elected?

I genuinely believe 99% of white people are good, honest people. But please, stop with the prayers on FB and the RIP posts on Instagram. Please just stand up with us and fight the battle with us. Educate those around you about equality and diversity. When we talk about our struggles as minorities, don't doubt it. Just believe and offer support.
Prayers aren't enough. It never will be.
So every single video that's going to be uploaded onto the internet will need to be screened?
Crazy huh? YES. Get garbage off the net anyway. Do some actual background checks to these cites too. Stop letting every idiot post and stream.

Will this happen? No, becuase ad money would drop and I get that.
Crazy huh? YES. Get garbage off the net anyway. Do some actual background checks to these cites too. Stop letting every idiot post and stream.

Will this happen? No, becuase ad money would drop and I get that.

Yes, crazy. And it's not not going to happen because ad money lol.

So we start now? Or we going back to every video that's ever been posted in the past? How does this affect things like twitch streaming, snapchat videos, instagram stories? Who's doing the screening? What kind of content gets axed? What content is ok?
Yes, crazy. And it's not not going to happen because ad money lol.

So we start now? Or we going back to every video that's ever been posted in the past? How does this affect things like twitch streaming, snapchat videos, instagram stories? Who's doing the screening? What kind of content gets axed? What content is ok?
I don’t have the answer to all those questions, I won’t lie, but the people that get paid millions to find new ways to bombard us with ads do. Using eBay as an example they throw in new things all the time and you either roll with it or kick rocks. You name something wrong or create a listing that’s getting too many views at a time it’s get suspended. It’s always changing and become more strict

Look at NT. That’s all I can say with moderation and such. You have to create that understanding and you need to be clear cut with it. The answers are there but it blocks the money.

Again, I KNOW it’s not going to happen

In response to the shooting, this was written


Imagine blaming the Muslim community for an attack that was just perpetrated against the Muslim community?

Homie above said New Zealand is progressive, but then this Senator comes with that mess?

That would be wild even by America's low standards.
Homie above said New Zealand is progressive, but then this Senator comes with that mess?

That would be wild even by America's low standards.
That Senator is from Australia. Senator from Queensland, a state in Australia. Not New Zealand. Different countries.
New Zealand. Supposedly one of the happiest nations in the world,.
got fams all over NZ and some are far from happy. Folks converting to Islam too (sonny Williams). Heard the perp was aussie.. they some of the most racist folks on planet
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