Jul 18, 2007
Yoo i just had to see what yall think cause my bro wasn't really agreein with me
Those Sharkleys that just came out are sooo sick.(sorry no pics) but I had to cop two colorways, I call em the Barkleys(wht/blk/purp) and my new improvedSpacejams(blk/wht/blue)lol. Im surprised yall haven't been talkin about them, unless i just missed the thread
And too add to the madness with the FF discount they both came up to $126 n some change
. Perfect package replacement for those countdown packs. Jordan DEF needs to stepthere game up cause all these bright colors arent attracting those who are faithful coppers.
Perfect package replacement for those countdown packs. Jordan DEF needs to step there game up cause all these bright colors arent attracting those who are faithful coppers.
Not the Carmines just in general. Jordans not really feeding us whats needed. Like those 17's people getting played into buying those just for thecarmines, and bright as in those Olympics coming out...why do i need all those bright colors n my J's?
Now them sharkleys, compared to anything Jordan has brought out recently 21-23, are pretty sick. But some of yall dont have an eye for whats hot, sadly yalljust hop on. But to those who are open-mined you need to see them in person, but it depends on the colorway, footlocker and champs have the best ones.
Lol i was chillin and had some light hearted thoughts...I just thought nike was recently steppin there game up and offering good retros and new releases atreasonable prices, compared to Jordan. And i see people tryna "boo this man" like son i wasnt looking for no applauses lol, just yall thoughts onthe kicks.

But its all love
Are your thoughts on the kicks more geared to the hotness of THE KICKS, or your resentment towards the releases/quality of NIKE/JB recently?

Sorry, I'm intrigued.
I don't think these kicks are so hot to quirk on on the whole Metro area over them. Saying folks "hop on" and dont know style or whatever theremark was.

KickApop? Is that you man?

Come on out from behind that new screen name.
I was just sayin the kicks are fly, what do yall think? Then i added my personal opinion on how i feel about JB recent releases.

and no this isnt kickpop, and i was never trippin on the whole area over some kicks...just callin it how i see it, If what i said does not apply to you whyargue cause i def. said "some"

But its cool i rocked my blk/blu joints today all this arguin bout em might as well rock em
Lets clear this up.

He's saying... do yall think the shoes are hot? Then he refers to his purchase of the 2 colorways as a good replacement package since he wasnt able to copthe 6/17 JB package. He then says Nike is releasing more overall quality kicks nowadays than JB.

Synopsis over.

p.s. - the shoes are quite decent.
I just now realized why I never came into this post. I am not a huge fan of the sharkley's and by no means would I replace any aspect of the CDP's forthem.
ummmm....i like them Sharkleys... and i know some of the JB stuff that has been comin out is not up to our standards, but its a stretch to say that theSharkleys are a comparable solution. i dont think that its a "perfect package replacement"
Can someone please post a pic or a link of these "Sharklays".

Thanks its just that I feel more lost than VARISOXFAN at a WALE concert.
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