Sharing A Place With Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend

It's terrible. You will despise the @!%## very soon. I now understand why woman get beat, like them dudes that wake up and punch their wives before breakfast. I completely understand
Originally Posted by Wade187

It's terrible. You will despise the @!%## very soon. I now understand why woman get beat, like them dudes that wake up and punch their wives before breakfast. I completely understand
Originally Posted by Wade187

It's terrible. You will despise the @!%## very soon. I now understand why woman get beat, like them dudes that wake up and punch their wives before breakfast. I completely understand

Just have a back-up plan in case it doesn't work out. Maybe see if you can sign a six month lease, or something short, set some money aside in case things go south and one of you has to move out. Try to talk ahead of time and figure out certain arrangements that could bring trouble or certain personality quirks that could lead somewhere.

My brother was around 24/25 when he moved in with his girlfriend, but they also planned on getting married the following year. They were together since high school but they waited until they both had jobs and felt comfortable enough to make that step.
If you're not absolutely sure you're going to marry her (or at least have serious plans to do it) DON'T... me and my girl moved in together about a month ago and it feels like it's been forever... be prepared to be nagged about EVERYTHING from the volume on the television to things around the house... if I could do it all again, we wouldn't have moved in... I seriously think about moving out every three days... real @%!$#$% talk... the in-house box is nice though...
Originally Posted by Wade187

It's terrible. You will despise the @!%## very soon. I now understand why woman get beat, like them dudes that wake up and punch their wives before breakfast. I completely understand
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by Wade187

It's terrible. You will despise the @!%## very soon. I now understand why woman get beat, like them dudes that wake up and punch their wives before breakfast. I completely understand
I was thinking of moving into the same apartment with my girlfriend for senior year of college. After reading this thread, I'm having second thoughts.
Na man, don't do it. As a lot of others have said, you learn a whole lot more about them. And it's probably gonna be stuff you won't like.
Like every one else said, just make sure that you really know what she is about and who she is.

Also, be mental prepared. When you live with someone the time spent together increases dramatically. I know that doesn't necessarily sound like a bad thing but it can be a lot to deal with. When you spend too much time with someone you can quickly start to get on each others nerves. So, make sure that you each have time to yourselves. This will save you a lot of headaches.

I'm sure there is more I should say, but I cant think of it at the moment...
Originally Posted by thenewjs23

Don't move in together unless you plan to marry.

I think it also makes the transition easier this way. Try to cut the small arguments down to a minimum amount. Both of you should be very mature in the sense of dealing with each other without raising the level of most discussions to arguments. Lay down ground rules too. The not to do's should be obvious for the both of you. Tackle life as a team. Think like a team. Be a team.

I can't stress enough though, make sure you two plan to marry one day. Don't be that couple who moves out just to screw around. Have a purpose and ultimate goal. There will be tough times but that's life. Deal with them in a mature fashion.
my lady cooks for me so its
..only thing I can't deal with is the bathroom area.  Hair everywhere and make up mess everywhere.
There has to be some kind of serious commitment to make it work,otherwise your not going to have the patience to deal with issues
and some time habits that need to change. Sometimes it takes a while to adjust !
tough situation. It could either bring you two closer together or make you guys hate each other. i suggest you guys wait until marriage
I think waiting to move in with your gf or bf until marriage isn't a good idea.

Because it's good to have experience on how each other acts and each other's habits.

Just think of it like this, if you waited to move in once you are married, and it didn't work out.. the results could be a lot more drastic (divorce).
Moving in with someone is a BIG step, just remember its not something that can change in a day.

The build up is amazing and the first day together is great, but the last day...Thats a whole different world.
Just don't feel as though she is entitled to your passwords to various internet sites.

Respect each other's privacy

No joint bank accounts

No co-signing on anything.

I wouldn't recommend it unless you are about to get married.

Why do you feel as though you should do this? Who brought up the idea?
I'm 26, and I can't see myself living with a gf or even roommates. I like my stuff a certain way, and I am not ready to compromise.
been with my chick for about 3 yrs now, and been living together for about 6 months, no regrets.. alot of our friends date our friends, so we have same group of friends.. split everything 50/50, grocerys,rent, i pay electric, she pays cable. it works out fine, in house box is a plus, living next to alllll the bars so ur friends come home after to keep partying is the loss.. no drunk slopppy box, my girls passes out, n i keep partying lol.. but its straight, u gotta live with the chick, and see whats it all about before u can say u wanna marry her.
Great experience. Eventually you're going to have to learn to live with another person - unless you plan on being a bachelor your entire life sans roomies, it can be rough in the beginning. Especially if you're hard headed and set in your ways. Biggest thing is keep the lines of communication open. She can't read your mind, you can't read her mind. Even if you think it's something like "duh, she should know that" tell her anyways. If you can, get a two bedroom. You and her need personal space.

Oh and pick your battles. You have to let some things slide or you'll hate life.
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