Sharing A Place With Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend

What should I know about moving in with an s.o.? What are the pros/cons and big misconceptions.
Also what are things you wished you wouldve known before you made the transition?
I wish I would have known how much of a slob my ex gf was gonna be. I was constantly cleaning after her gigantic messes it was ridiculous. So looking back, I wish we would have set up some sort of chore system.
if you've never lived with your girlfriend/boyfriend, it's a whole new story fam...same thing goes for best friends growing up who start sharing a place together.

i'm not saying avoid it, but know what you are getting yourself into.
Originally Posted by Pmighty

What should I know about moving in with an s.o.? What are the pros/cons and big misconceptions.
Also what are things you wished you wouldve known before you made the transition?
Who your girlfriend actually is in privacy.

Don't move in together unless you already know a LOT about each other, and you are somewhat sure that you want to marry this woman.

Because once you move in together, that's the next step playa.
Originally Posted by doosta45

in house box


expect her to be pregnant in <9months of moving in together
yea thats what my boy keeps sayin but the way i feel about kids......not likely
depends how old you are, kids should not live with kids
Just make sure you've been with that person for a while and know what she's all about, that way there are no surprises.
if its right its right...but you gotta want it too...shouldnt be a second thought to a major life decision

But forreal, make sure it's a neutral spot if u gon do it. I wouldn't suggest it unless u know for sure that's the lady u fittin to be w/ for a grip......And don't rent thru Lobos, they suck

Me and my girl been livin together officially for 2yrs. Before it was stayin over each others dorms for long periods of time. There are def pros and cons to the situation
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

me personally, I think ya'll too young
I'm 24 right now and I cannot imagine myself moving in with someone.

Just make sure you don't start co-signing on legal documents (titles, credit cards, etc).

Both of you guys are working right?
it's not fun..eventually you get tired of sex with the same person....I think it takes a lot of patience and flexibility
dont do it, unless you really ready. I dated a chick about 2 and 1/2 years and moved in w/ her and when I did, it ended that year, so we made it to about 3 and 1/2 year, probably would of lasted longer had I not moved in.

My .02 of a dollar
Unless you are heading towards marriage (ring bought and all), don't do it. My ex and I didn't even last a month living together, and we had been together for 2.5-3 years together prior.

I'm 23 and have been with my current bf for a while now, and I couldn't imagine us living together yet. You learn A LOT about someone by living with them, and yeah, it's not something you should do unless you are prepared for whatever may come your way.
22 & 24 is too young to live together. If you are still together in three years then you two should move in with each other.
I mean, if you two were together long enough to know A LOT about each other and the way you both live/habits, and you get along for the most part [minimal arguments/disagreements] can still change, fam. Not to be a pessimist, but movin' in with each other is a big step, and just be sure you're ready for that. Best of luck, Bromer Simpson.
Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

You learn A LOT about someone by living with them
yea thats what they dont really "know" someone until youve had a child by them or lived with them, but at this point of my life i feel like im ready tho. granted it hasnt been as long long as some of the relationships mentioned in here already but sometimes you have to jump in with two feet
it's not fun..eventually you get tired of sex with the same person
true. but ive never been a big player type dude so settling down isnt really a big problem. i always kept one or two alternates in rotation but thats gets old after a while too so...
Hell No! Unless you're one of those dudes who constantly need to be around their girl. My girls brings it up from time to time but I try to cut that convo short.

I don't see any pros in it whatsoever.
Originally Posted by daprescription

I'm contemplating this right now. Been with the girl for 8 years now, but still don't know.

Is this a serious statement?        

27 here.  that's a big step IMO.  definitely required months (to a year) prior to marriage though. 
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