"hey,i just got this new phone..and i have no numbers..can i have yours?"

Guy: Are you going to the BBQ?
Girl: What BBQ?
Guy: The one with my meat in your grill.

Excuse me miss do you know how much a polar bear weighs?

Enough to break the ice. Hi, my name is ___.

If I had a dime for every time I've seen a woman as beautiful as you I would have 10 cents.
This works for me all the time. But first you GOT to make sure you MAKE Eye- Contact. After you do that, give it a couple of minutes, and step up to her andsay " hey you look INTERESTING, and I would like to get to know you, my name is _______.?" This always work for me cause you already putting theexpectation on the girl. She's thinking WHAAAAT??? He thinks, "I'm interesting, so I got to make it happen." Plus I do it smoothly where Idon't act like I want anything out of them, which I don't cause if it happens then it does, and if it doesn't, I move on.
Originally Posted by el terrible23

Guy: Are you going to the BBQ?
Girl: What BBQ?
Guy: The one with my meat in your grill.

Excuse me miss do you know how much a polar bear weighs?

Enough to break the ice. Hi, my name is ___.

If I had a dime for every time I've seen a woman as beautiful as you I would have 10 cents.

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

This works for me all the time. But first you GOT to make sure you MAKE Eye- Contact. After you do that, give it a couple of minutes, and step up to her and say " hey you look INTERESTING, and I would like to get to know you, my name is _______.?" This always work for me cause you already putting the expectation on the girl. She's thinking WHAAAAT??? He thinks, "I'm interesting, so I got to make it happen." Plus I do it smoothly where I don't act like I want anything out of them, which I don't cause if it happens then it does, and if it doesn't, I move on.

Good good I like it
2 of my favs
Excuse me but do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes.

The only thing your eyes haven't told me is your name.
That shirt you purchased, was it 20% off? Lets go to the crib and get it 100% off

Baby if I could arrange the alphabet I'd put them on opposite ends, so I could be as far away from you as possible.
Originally Posted by Angryostrich

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]That shirt you purchased, was it 20% off? Lets go to the crib and get it 100% off[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]Baby if I could arrange the alphabet I'd put them on opposite ends, so I could be as far away from you as possible.[/color]
that $+#+ is gold. best line in this thread

that isnt a pick up line, that is something you say when an ugly girls tries to get at you
if you go to school with a girl (preferrably college cuz hs is too small) go up to her and say:

hi, I always see you around campus and I don't know your name?

if she thinks you're attractive she will respond. after she tells you her name tell her yours and proceed to start a convo about whatever. i usually gowith what are you studying, what classes are you taking, or what do you want to do with your life. These are the best to go with cuz for one you are at schoolso it's easy to talk about since you know she is a student, and second BUT most importantly it will tell you what kind of girls she is, lastly it will giveyou at least 10 to 15 minutes worth of convo which you can take from there.

At the end of the conversation be a gentleman and let her get back to her business but DO NOT ask for her number trust me it will keep her guessing and open upthe oppurtunity for you to see her another time and talk to her cuz if she was interested she will remember or notice you.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

This works for me all the time. But first you GOT to make sure you MAKE Eye- Contact. After you do that, give it a couple of minutes, and step up to her and say " hey you look INTERESTING, and I would like to get to know you, my name is _______.?" This always work for me cause you already putting the expectation on the girl. She's thinking WHAAAAT??? He thinks, "I'm interesting, so I got to make it happen." Plus I do it smoothly where I don't act like I want anything out of them, which I don't cause if it happens then it does, and if it doesn't, I move on.

i do this all the time. great minds think alike bro.
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