Shady College Roommate

Mar 29, 2007
My roommate for college has become pretty sketchy this semester.  I knew he smoked and stuff last term but he never did it in the dorm so it didn't bother me (I'm a college student too).  Now, I'll come back to my dorm to find it smelling of weed, or find the window open, and the fan on.  I'm positive that he sells out of the room too.  Recently there have been a couple drug busts in the building and I don't want to be kicked out of my university for something that he did.  Is there anyway to get out of my dorm assignment without snitching on him.
Sounds like you have yourself a chill roommate.
And SMH at you for even thinking about snitching. 

And how are we supposed to know your university's dorm change policy.
I would just stay with your current roommate though, there shouldn't be any problems if you're not doing anything.
Originally Posted by DB WEST

My roommate for college has become pretty sketchy this semester.  I knew he smoked and stuff last term but he never did it in the dorm so it didn't bother me (I'm a college student too).  Now, I'll come back to my dorm to find it smelling of weed, or find the window open, and the fan on.  I'm positive that he sells out of the room too.  Recently there have been a couple drug busts in the building and I don't want to be kicked out of my university for something that he did.  Is there anyway to get out of my dorm assignment without snitching on him.

Did he happen to have a toilet paper roll with a dryer sheet in it by his side?

Dude, leave the kid alone and let him chill.  Just request a room change or something.  I'm thinking you were going to say you walked in the room and the dude was blowing lines.
Originally Posted by minnetrapolis

if you're not smoking or dealing there shouldn't be a problem
and to add you know nothing about him smoking or dealing...
you stay in your room studying most of the day and if you're not in your room you're partying or Just "gone out".
you're not a noisy person and you keep to yourself.
w/e he  was doing, you knew nothing about it.
Originally Posted by IcyyyESR Two3

And SMH at you for even thinking about snitching. 
Dude specifically asked how to get out of the dorm without snitching, genius.

A lot of you dudes are tripping, telling the guy to "let the room mate chill". Chances are, he'll get in trouble if his room mate is busted.

Real talk though home boy, get out of the dorm. Just say you don't like his noise or cleaning habits.
man, i wish that was how sketch my roommates were. mine are x10 worse than yours. and its a house too so its not like we got RA's coming through so its a free for all. 
IcyyyESR Two3-I guess the part where I said snitching wasn't an option went completely over your head.

I've done more than my fair share of dirt in high school but it's unfair that I can be kicked out of my university for somebody else's mistakes. I smoke weed, and drink but I smoke my weed outside of the dorm like every other kid with any sense. I pay my tuition in cash, and I'm not throwing that money away because some kid who got a 13 on his ACT wanted to turn our dorm into a trap house.
Originally Posted by DB WEST

IcyyyESR Two3-I guess the part where I said snitching wasn't an option went completely over your head.

I've done more than my fair share of dirt in high school but it's unfair that I can be kicked out of my university for somebody else's mistakes. I smoke weed, and drink but I smoke my weed outside of the dorm like every other kid with any sense. I pay my tuition in cash, and I'm not throwing that money away because some kid who got a 13 on his ACT wanted to turn our dorm into a trap house.

Umm, no offense, but you are the stupid one.
Oh yeah Marv i forgot to mention that his friends do steal from me. I came back to my dorm afternoon after I had been partying at my friend's school for the weekend and next thing you know one of his friends came to the door wearing my coat, and I had to talk to him about that too.
Originally Posted by DB WEST

IcyyyESR Two3-I guess the part where I said snitching wasn't an option went completely over your head.

I've done more than my fair share of dirt in high school but it's unfair that I can be kicked out of my university for somebody else's mistakes. I smoke weed, and drink but I smoke my weed outside of the dorm like every other kid with any sense. I pay my tuition in cash, and I'm not throwing that money away because some kid who got a 13 on his ACT wanted to turn our dorm into a trap house.
i just read a little too far into if worst came to worst you would bad...all this damn complicated philosophy reading got me thinking too far into things
Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

his friend wore your clothes?
grimey, just imagine some dude answering your door in your robe and house shoes smoking
Originally Posted by DB WEST

Oh yeah Marv i forgot to mention that his friends do steal from me. I came back to my dorm afternoon after I had been partying at my friend's school for the weekend and next thing you know one of his friends came to the door wearing my coat, and I had to talk to him about that too.


anyway.. just say you and him dont get along or something to get outta the dorm if it's that deep... i dont see why you two cant solve your problems over a blunt though.
Upstage him and start selling meth out the room. Then he'll move and you're free to live with all your meth money
Originally Posted by Nasdaq

Invest in some febreeze air spray.

It's college , relax a little

f that...if OP doesn't smoke there's no reason for him to have to walk into a room where he has to smell that stuff everyday...make some @*%# up about how ya'll don't get along or something...
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