***SF Giants 2009 Season Thread (88-74)***

THis is why I have been saying it for a month now that we will not be making the playoffs. How can you catch a break like THAT in the 9th inning and not takeadvantage? I mean, thats a once in a decade type break......and we cant capitolize.

Im sorry that this team is giving a lot of you guys false hope and putting you through a rollercoaster of emotions. Hopefully tonights game will put more ofyou at ease, like I have been for the past few weeks.

Damn shame though.
Couldn't just take one from Colorado? Sigh...

And when Velez was about to steal home I was kinda hoping they would try for that play
. God damn. %@%* Bochy. %@%* Lansford. %@%* Renteria.
dland24 wrote:

Im sorry that this team is giving a lot of you guys false hope and putting you through a rollercoaster of emotions. Hopefully tonights game will put more of you at ease, like I have been for the past few weeks.

thats what im saying, ive stopped worrying about making the playoffs a while ago, what happened in the 9th tho? i stopped watching
i got my goddamn hopes up i wasn't even watching this game knowing that they won't sweep and here comes the roller coaster 9th inning...ITS YOUR SANFRANCISCO GIANTS alright...
Even tho we are not prolly making playoffs I didn't think we'd even be in position in september. Were 1 big bat from being Fav in NL West. It was a funseason.
Originally Posted by JumpmanJordanAddict89

Even tho we are not prolly making playoffs I didn't think we'd even be in position in september. Were 1 big bat from being Fav in NL West. It was a fun season.
We're more than one big hitter away, IMO. We need a
upgrade over Renteria and anupgrade over Rowand. Then we may have something.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by JumpmanJordanAddict89

Even tho we are not prolly making playoffs I didn't think we'd even be in position in september. Were 1 big bat from being Fav in NL West. It was a fun season.
We're more than one big hitter away, IMO. We need a
upgrade over Renteria and an upgrade over Rowand. Then we may have something.

More than likely Rowand will be back next year. With the money hes making I'd have to agree maybe not the best move but we have him. I think everyone elsein the outfield can go. Nate he's ok coming off the bench, until he fixes the whole in his swing I just can't see him starting. Lewis
things hes WAY bettter than he is he can go somewhere else and try to be astarter. I really am starting to like Torres but hes just not an everday player either but someone that you can put in for late innings for speed/defense. Donteven get me started on Randy Winn weak *!%

gusyouout wrote:
God damn. %@%* Bochy. %@%* Lansford. %@%* Renteria.

Why do we continue to blame Bochy? Hes doing the best job he can. It wasn't his ieda to sign Renteria or Winn to 9 million dollar contracts. Don't youthink he'd love to have better players to plug in?


As for Lansford
I'd like to hear what he says during BP clearly itsnot the right things. Maybe within the next couple of weeks he can work with Kevin Fransden 1 on 1 on how to get a @*#*$%@ bunt down
Originally Posted by JumpmanJordanAddict89

Even tho we are not prolly making playoffs I didn't think we'd even be in position in september. Were 1 big bat from being Fav in NL West. It was a fun season.

I couldnt possibly disagree more with this statement. We are so many bats away from being the favorites to win the west, its ridiculous. We need an upgrade atLeftfield, Centerfield, Rightfield, First base and Shortstop.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by JumpmanJordanAddict89

Even tho we are not prolly making playoffs I didn't think we'd even be in position in september. Were 1 big bat from being Fav in NL West. It was a fun season.

I couldnt possibly disagree more with this statement. We are so many bats away from being the favorites to win the west, its ridiculous. We need an upgrade at Leftfield, Centerfield, Rightfield, First base and Shortstop.
That's what I'm saying. This team's problems are more than finding a #4 hitter. If the plan is to have Uribe at 3rd and keep Pablo at1st, that'd be a way to sure up 1st, but there still needs to be upgrades all over.
Originally Posted by LB510

gusyouout wrote:
God damn. %@%* Bochy. %@%* Lansford. %@%* Renteria.

Why do we continue to blame Bochy? Hes doing the best job he can. It wasn't his ieda to sign Renteria or Winn to 9 million dollar contracts. Don't you think he'd love to have better players to plug in?


As for Lansford
I'd like to hear what he says during BP clearly its not the right things. Maybe within the next couple of weeks he can work with Kevin Fransden 1 on 1 on how to get a @*#*$%@ bunt down

The Giants were clearly doing fine with the lineup that was going on without Renteria. Then he just throws him in there when he's not even100% only to $!%! up the chemistry. Ishikawa had great numbers recently, especially leading up to yesterday's game. Then he just gets yanked when thelineup was already doing terribly with Uribe at third and Pablo at first.

People complain about Rowand, but he clearly hits better leading off than near the end. Why not just put him back there? Bochy put him back on the bottom ofthe card after Rowand's injury and he's clearly slumped. Why not put him back there if he can get some hits. That's a gigantic problem and thereisn't much to lose if he doesn't pick it up.

I'm not 100% sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Giants' record recently with Pablo at first and Uribe at third is terrible. I don'trecall them winning that much with that lineup.

And I don't even need to mention the way he decides to put in PH's. He probably thinks of a number and whoever guesses the closest gets the AB.
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