Serious Post: First kiss on a date for ADULTS.....VOL: Same rules apply as when we was kids?

I usually just ask. It's bold but respectful. When you're dropping her off at her place, just be like "can I get a goodnight kiss?" or something along those lines.

Guess that works, but if u wanna be bold then do it no questions asked. Their on a date w you for a reason.
It's been awhile since I have been on a first date. Here's one thing I've gathered though, if you have anything planned or predetermined, you are setting yourself up to be disappointed. I don't plan that stuff. There's no point. Let whatever happen happen because it's where the moment took you, not because of some idea of what should happen. If dating was as easy as simply abiding by archaic rules, there wouldn't be nearly as many people trying to find love online. Dating is hard. There isn't a rule in the book that can guess what's going through the mind of the person across the table.

Quality info right here. Repped.
I never kissed on the first date (if I think she had potential to be wifey). To me it comes off kind of thirsty trying to get that kiss. With me the kiss just happens. It might be second or third date. I'm usually questioned on why I didn't make that move. My current girlfriend asked that and I responded " You were so interesting that I honestly forgot about it and I wanted things to move organically." After that convo she has been rapped around my finger ever since.
A classy woman wouldn't take a pic like that, just sayin. People give you clues on how to treat em, you should believe em...
Didn't you post the same question in the TAY? You should have WIO when you already knew you weren't getting the kiss. At least if you WIO you would know if she was down, nom sayin'. Now you gunna waste dat $$$ on sum Wimmenz u might not smash, at least if u WIO frum da get go u already kno, nom sayin (srs as this thread is srs)
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you're welcome
If you are scared, just give her a peck on the cheeks 

real talk..tho.........i dont think its tht srs...
I usually just ask. It's bold but respectful. When you're dropping her off at her place, just be like "can I get a goodnight kiss?" or something along those lines.
dude...i think this should have been the right move.......asking for permission is pretty cool......i mean nobody is going to be like.."actually, id rather not...." ya know?...its just a kiss....on the cheek
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