September Wrestling Thread 2021

Tommy Dreamer: "If Daniel Bryan/Bryan Danielson and CM Punk show up in AEW, it’s going to be like when Kevin Nash and Scott Hall showed up in WCW. They’re going to be The Outsiders. There’s a shift that’s been going on, but it’s must see television."

Love DBry and Punk but come on now.

We also need to let the Monday night wars comparisons go.
1995 1995
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican has told me he wants to go to a Nebraska home game to see The “Tunnel Walk” in person and wants to touch the horseshoe. IT’s on his bucket list

He's such a big fan that he blocked me one time because I told him I don't watch the college foot ball matches
Tommy Dreamer: "If Daniel Bryan/Bryan Danielson and CM Punk show up in AEW, it’s going to be like when Kevin Nash and Scott Hall showed up in WCW. They’re going to be The Outsiders. There’s a shift that’s been going on, but it’s must see television."

I see what he is trying to say but I don't think it's the same because CM/DB didn't have the Mainstream Recognition/Appeal that Razor/Diesel had.

I guess in a small, "Internet Dweeb" type of way the comparison works since that is the fanbase CM/DB were championed by.

It will make things interesting.

Looking forward to tonight for sure.
I wonder if the non-compete clause is why Daniel Bryan isn’t expected to show up until September. If so, Vince is a b**** for that.
i feel its all but a given that adam cole is gonna be headed to aew after this week

he was part of the elite when it started so im sure thats a no brainer

the big names that would be a surprise is braun or bray which i think both are going back to wwe

i also think bronson reed will be coming to aew too

goldberg contract almost up. think vince holds onto him an he re signs
So Great Value Nitro will come on immediately after Smackdown? Interesting approach. THey will catch some of the WWE fanboys who will stay to watch some more wrestling. Hook and bait technique.
Building up that fanbase for when they go H2H
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