Sent the wrong girl drunken "I love you" text. Is there any coming back from that?

Poor party txting girls? No females there OP? Naw jp, just keep it moving who really cares. If they couldn't tell you were drunk then their idiots.
There were. The girl I got with loosely resembled her and I sent a pic, "Since I can't have you she'll do."
Most of my texting was during the day when we were just lounging poolside. Later at night when it got a little crazy my phone was probably barely used. Grave was already dug though.
Shouldn't have deleted the responses, they might've been good for a good laugh :lol:

You have to take a less serious approach to these things
Why not just man up and say, "You get that text I sent the other night? I meant it. Come over tonight" Smash, then bounce out. Birds in college that want to smash will smash regardless of what dumb stuff you say.
I think what you should learn from this is texting while being sloppy drunk isn't a good look.
"In life, some people trip, some people fall and some people turn that trip into a beautiful dance"

Use this as a way to show her your fun personality.
I've done the same thing and it's been fine and have laughed about it. This happens so don't feel down about it, once the hang over is done you'll be fine.
I've done the same thing and it's been fine and have laughed about it. This happens so don't feel down about it, once the hang over is done you'll be fine.

I think she already thought I was a little sketch, I just gave her the confirmation she needed to dead all communication. Only way you come back from this is if shorty is already thirst for you. I'll just hope I see her out when I'm looking fresh as hell and I have a cold piece on my arm.
Why not just man up and say, "You get that text I sent the other night? I meant it. Come over tonight" Smash, then bounce out. Birds in college that want to smash will smash regardless of what dumb stuff you say.

Have ya'll really not looked at the thirst thread? You can't keep hitting up birds that aren't responding to you. Every texts makes you look more pathetic and she'll be clowning on you to her friends or the guy that is currently piping.
you are worrying too much about how she feels about the text...her feelings should mean little...if she is still down for yambs u my friend are winning..if not move on to another female
really nothing you can do to save it OP. unless of course this girl is an attention hungry type skeezer.

just move on and learn from this mistake.
Don't even worry about it, unless she's one of those who pretend they have stalkers whenever a dude shows interest (in which case she's not worth your time), then she knows it was a harmless drunk text.
"In life, some people trip, some people fall and some people turn that trip into a beautiful dance"
Use this as a way to show her your fun personality.
This, anything can be recovered from depending on ur game and how much she was feeling you in the 1st place. :smokin
If you just sent her an "I love you" text you probably could have recovered, but sending her pics of the girl you were getting with? Like others said, I think you just need to take the L and move on.
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