Self Taught Careers

Jul 18, 2012
Have any of you guys skipped the college route and taught yourself a skill? Was it hard for you? Did you make good money?
I went to college, got my BA, but by chance fell into a totally different field . . . so in that sense, my career is self-taught.

I went to college for literature and thought I'd graduate and do something in journalism. After graduation while I was on the job hunt, I started tinkering with computers and web design / development as a hobby and a relative saw what I could do and mentioned that there were lots of paying jobs for doing exactly what I was doing at home for a hobby for.

So I started out entry-level and learned on-the-job. I was behind the ball on a lot of things since my co-workers either went to graphic design schools or college for computer science. I bought a lot of books and taught myself everything. I stayed at work late and stayed up at home even later because I genuinely enjoyed what I was doing and would have done it for free anyways.

Yes, it was hard, but it was something I enjoyed doing. So in fact, it wasn't really hard, it was more like a challenge since I kept wanting to make myself better.

I'm not rich, but, I made more money than I thought I'd make. But most of all, I made a career out of something I love doing.
Usually the best photographers that I've seen are self taught,

also a lot of chefs learned in the field instead of going to school

A majority of the bosses that ive had, have never finished college.. instead they had an idea, followed through with it and made their business'
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