Selected on affordable housing lottery, but currently unemployed. HELP!!!

Jul 25, 2012
So at the time when I applied for the housing lottery I was employed, but at this moment I'm unemployed and its been about a year since I was laid off. I can definitely afford the rent etc. and getting a job isn't an problem.

On the letter I received asks for multiple documents including last 6 pay stubs and im pretty sure it means you have to be currently employed etc.

Is there a way around this, because I would love to get this apartment.

Help!!!!!!! Thanks
What do you do that you can afford the rent without being employed? Savings?

Maybe you should just a get a job as soon as possible since getting a job isn't a problem.

Then tell them the truth.
just call them and see whats up and just say im asking for someone else or just for general knowledge and go from there
If they see you've been unemployed for a year they may deny you the apartment on the assumption that you won't be able to pay the rent since you're unemployed. I could be wrong though, not gonna say you're screwed cuz I'm not familiar with the system but hopefully it works out though.
Do the right thing not take the apartment, give it to someone who is in a better position to afford the apartment.
I'm sure your approval is based on verified income, not savings etc.
So at the time when I applied for the housing lottery I was employed, but at this moment I'm unemployed and its been about a year since I was laid off. I can definitely afford the rent etc. and getting a job isn't an problem.

On the letter I received asks for multiple documents including last 6 pay stubs and im pretty sure it means you have to be currently employed etc.

Is there a way around this, because I would love to get this apartment.

Help!!!!!!! Thanks
If you can prove that you still fall into the income bracket you were selected for, you should be fine.

I've got interviews for a few, and they're very particular with all the details. Lots of buildings are popping up funded through tax credits that rely on residents being qualified for the apartment, so they don't play when it comes to documentation.

Good luck.
why aint u found any kind of job within the year???
not judging
just asking

Before I was laid off I already made up my mind and was going to leave. So I saved up every check for the past year before I got laid off.

Been doing a lot of traveling since and decided to continue with my degree. Will start looking for a job once I get my school flow going.
Before I was laid off I already made up my mind and was going to leave. So I saved up every check for the past year before I got laid off.

Been doing a lot of traveling since and decided to continue with my degree. Will start looking for a job once I get my school flow going.

Just tell them that exact thing. I'm sure they'll understand and will waive the paystub request from you. They might even waive your lottery pick with it too but you'll never know until you do it.
just call them and see whats up and just say im asking for someone else or just for general knowledge and go from there
This is what I would do too. I don't think any of us is in a position to give you a definitive answer w/o knowing where you applied (city) at least.
Before I was laid off I already made up my mind and was going to leave. So I saved up every check for the past year before I got laid off.

Been doing a lot of traveling since and decided to continue with my degree. Will start looking for a job once I get my school flow going.
that was smart
just be up front and tell them that
I don't know how this works, but I doubt anyone is letting you sign some sort of lease/payment agreement without verified income to prove that you can actually pay. ie I was unemployed for a bit and wanted to postpone my car payments, but they wouldn't do it if I had nothing coming in despite my savings. I was getting unemployment benefits so that counted.

I wouldn't tell them that like dudes are recommending. Question is do they actually verify.
Rapid-re housing program?
any of your homies/fams self employed? Tattoo shop, trade/labor/security..etc..
Tell em to hook it up with a pay stub and pay a fee..
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