For any kind of photography, whether it be on your smartphone or your dslr, lighting is an important factor. If your going to shoot outside do it when the sun is high around noon and set up your shot so the shadows work for you. If your indoors move some lamps around and get it nice and bright. Take test shots and play around and see what works.
I know the chick on the right. This was at my graduation :lol: Steezy did you take this pic?

:lol: you graduated from SU last year?...that's my sisinlaw (green eyes) girl next to her is her neighbor who also happens to have gone to SU....I spent the weekend up there for her graduation, cool school.
For any kind of photography, whether it be on your smartphone or your dslr, lighting is an important factor. If your going to shoot outside do it when the sun is high around noon and set up your shot so the shadows work for you. If your indoors move some lamps around and get it nice and bright. Take test shots and play around and see what works.

What is it with all this misguided advice!?....I'm sorry bros, don't mean to be an a*** but I have to correct ya, shooting when the sun is directly above you at noon is by far the worst time to shoot, the best time to shoot is early morning, when the sun is on its way up or late evening, about 2 hours before sundown (the latter is actually te best) regardless of what anyone says the sun is not really your friend, clouds are....and you definately don't want it directly a over you want the sun at a level that you can shoot into it (if you enjoy sunflares) or putting behind you...a cloudy day is really ideal though, think of clouds as natures diffuser.
Yeah I graduated from SU this past May and I studied abroad in Hong Kong with the other girl in the photo (Ana). Your sisinlaw looks familiar but I don't know her. Did you meet a chick named Yelissa?

I wouldn't remember names man...I'm terrible at that...SIL studied abroad in London.
Don't feel like going through all my phone photos. But here are a couple.

No filter or anything. These arent really impressive but decent. I have way better than this tho

Ill post some that even shocked my eyes later on
 completely off topic, but where is that burger from?
Y'all boys cold blooded.

Clearly here to amuse others with comments.

For those who I legit helped with this thread, and the messages, you're welcome.

Just trying to help.

If I thought this would become what it did, would of never even started this thread.

Some folks get a kick out of making others look stupid/unintelligent.


Oh well, anyways, thread has been de-railed since page 2.

Mods, you can lock this joint up.

Thank you.

P.S. I'm changing my watermark, for the crafty folks.
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