Sea Glowing XI's

Apr 2, 2010
I'm currently attempting to Sea Glow my Cool Grey XI's....Does any one have any advice for me? Yeah yeah, I know not to get any sea glow in the glue seams, keep it in sunlight for a WHILE...and keep re-applying with a white paper towel...but does anyone know any tricks of the trade as far as Sea Glowing goes that isn't listed in the directions on the bottle?

Also, can anyone post some pics of their SeaGlow experiments? I would like to see actually how "icy" you can get your kicks after they have yellowed.

Is SeaGlow really the miracle product it's hyped up to be?
Put a damp paper towel on the carbon fiber that shows when you drying them in the sun so the clear sole wont separate....
Heat will do that if there is nothing there coolin the bottom
the good: prevents yellowing when soles are not completely yellow and decreases yellowing on severly yellowed soles (i know im using the word yellow too much).

the bad: soles will never be as they were when new no matter how much you seaglow...and even if you do get good results they will yellow again in literally 2-3 wears because the soles will attract more dirt and speed up the yellowing.

dont believe some pictures you see on the net because the camera's flash will make them look ALOT icier than they actually are.

overall, seaglowing is a pain in the as.

the only tip i have is do not let the seaglow dry, keep the soles wet constantly
PATIENCE. PATIENCE. PATIENCE. that's the key. if you don't have the time, then find a time when you will. depending on how much sunlight/heat is outside will determine each "session" process. i've done 5 sessions on my 00 concords and it went from dookie brown to light yellow. i still got maybe about 5-10 more sessions to where i want them to be.

wesdenzel -- right. put a wet paper towel/napkin on the carbon fiber so it keeps the carbon fiber cool. if that heats up, the sole seperates and you gotta clamp it down and let the glue dry back.

StrictlyAirJordan -- yea, pain in the $!@
. true also. even when you get it to the point of "icey" after many many sessions after a couple wears it yellows up again.

the first couple times when the seaglow almost dries and you re-apply, you'll see a noticable difference. a couple more and it seems like the process slows down. so i would suggest to do it another day. from my experience, i did 4 sessions one day and by the 4th, it looked pretty much the same as the 3rd. i cleaned up the seaglow with dishwashing soap and water and DRIED IT COMPLETELY. a couple days later i was at it again and it was a bigger difference.

i don't use island girl product's method with the paper towel. you can either use....

1. cotton ball (rub the seaglow on the soles)
2. 3M scrub pad (scrub the seaglow down into the soles)
3. sunlight


1. a toothbrush dipped in seaglow (two methods in one.

by the way..have you checked out the sneaker care/maintenance post? there's a method on there also. hope WE could help...
you could also try what some dude did where he tinted his soles blue by mixing powder dye with seaglow

idk if u have seen the thread or not but its around here somewhere
It really doesn't take much time to do, maybe 5-7 days max with about 1 application of Sea Glow per 1/2 hours.
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