Scenario: There's a piece of hair in your food... What do you do?

Apr 7, 2008
I just take it out and keep eatin if it looks like it came from a head. Never found a squiggly one though. I'd throw it in the trash if that was the case

I know some people are so grossed out by a lil piece of hair that they'll throw the whole whole dish out or make a huge fuss about it to managers or whatnot like people dont shed hair... People that complain about any and everything that could possibly go wrong are one of my biggest pet peeves. That can easily turn a good dinner into an uncomfortable one...

So what you do?
Depends on the food and how it would have got there.

Found a hair sticking out of the pastry on a meat pie I bought a few months ago - that went straight in the bin.

If it was just loose and had obviously just falled onto food then it wouldn't bother me so much.
I asked for a new plate. I didn't make a big fuss about it. Just politely let the waitress know there was a blonde hair in my food that there shouldn't have been. She brought me a new plate and offered to comp the meal.

I guess some people are okay with that but I can't just eat knowing there was someone elses hair in my meal.
Originally Posted by West2East

I asked for a new plate. I didn't make a big fuss about it. Just politely let the waitress know there was a blonde hair in my food that there shouldn't have been. She brought me a new plate and offered to comp the meal.

I guess some people are okay with that but I can't just eat knowing there was someone elses hair in my meal.
are there ocassions where you order food that include hair that should be there?
The top of your head is one of the most filthiest places on your body. It has many sweat glands, and is exposed to the outside world so things collect in your hair easily. I only ask for 3 things when I am at a restaurant: get my order right, don't let my glass get empty, and NO HAIR IN MY FOOD!!!

Besides this I don't give a rat's butt if they nice or even talk to me besides saying, "hi what can i get you."

So I would throw up first if it went in my mouth. Then, I would tell the server and see what he does for me. Usually brings a new plate out and comps the meal. Oh ya and I am never rude unless they are truly just being jerks.
eat it bro....u don't wanna know what i've had to eat this year lol...sometimes i woulda rather had hair than what was in my chow...
Originally Posted by West2East

I asked for a new plate. I didn't make a big fuss about it. Just politely let the waitress know there was a blonde hair in my food that there shouldn't have been. She brought me a new plate and offered to comp the meal.

I guess some people are okay with that but I can't just eat knowing there was someone elses hair in my meal.

Word. I'll send it back if it looks shady for whatever reason.
 Some people dont understand how being polite about things will get you things...  
Originally Posted by The R0yal Family

I take the hair out and break away any piece of food that was attached to the hair.

word.  I perform straight surgery on that piece and then continue about my business.  no big deal really
The texture / color of the hair doesn't matter to me.

If I were to see hair in my food, I would simply ask for a new order.
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

The texture of the hair doesn't matter to me.

If I were to see hair in my food, I would simply ask for a new order.

So if you saw a lil squiggley hair in your food that looks like it could have easily came from someones pants, that wouldnt disturb you? And speaking of hair texture, if there's a long piece in my mouth, THAT will kinda gross me out... I hate the feeling of hair in my mouth, especially if I cant get it out quick enough
I think it's totally acceptable to politely tell your server that you found a hair and would like a new meal.

There's absolutely no need to get loud to the point where other patrons find out that there's a hair in the food. That's how businesses lose customers. Hair in your food is an complete accident.
back in hs, my friend's girl straight up found pubes in her mcdonald's fries
Originally Posted by acidicality

If it's a black hair, I'll kinda assume it might have been mine and just take it out.

I have long natural african american hair.  If it's on the surface and fits that category, I take it out and keep moving.  Anything else and I freak out on the inside, and calmly ask for a different plate.
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