SCAMMED by fellow NTer

I emailed him back. I would post my email to him but i don't feel like editing it. I escalated the dispute on pay-pal what info should i submit to them?
USPS still says same thing for tracking

seems like the guy payed more for the shoes to get here slower
hrmmm, he prolly shipped an item to another location and gave yall the tracking number to it. Making you believe its your package?
always pay with ur credit card using paypal. had the same thing happen to me with that nter "'viintage"' kid is so dumb he printed a shippinglabel with paypal and it showed the item was delivered somewhere else that wasnt my verified address. didnt even need to file a dispute cause paypal wasalready on it and did a chargeback on his account and got my money back in a few days.
Originally Posted by JustintimeX21

Got this email from him.

Yo I need to get this resolve before I leave the states. If you want to get this
resolved send me a text or give me a ring.

Do not put my cell phone number up on niketalk. I'm just trying to get this
cleared. I will transfer money from my bank account to your account, and when
you receive the shoes, you send the money back to me. I'm not playing games so,
if you want to resolve this situation at once get back at me.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

What should I do?

Mario is asking that I do the same thing for him, but I gotta be outta my mind to give him my banking information. I'm telling him to just wait till Ireceive the shoes, and I'll cancel the paypal dispute, but I got the feeling that his boy Eric Thompson is putting the pressure on dude. Hope Eric learnshis lession.
why is he upset at you buyers over something he caused?

I just don't understand why if he has his own bank account, he can't set up his own paypal and add his own debit card and just refund you throughpaypal with his own information. doesn't make any sense why he's making things more difficult than they need to be.
Originally Posted by West2East

why is he upset at you buyers over something he caused?

I just don't understand why if he has his own bank account, he can't set up his own paypal and add his own debit card and just refund you through paypal with his own information. doesn't make any sense why he's making things more difficult than they need to be.
cause he lies

and he sent money western union? +%@, i know alotta scams happen through western union
Label/Receipt Number: 0306 2400 0002 0119 3946
Status: Processed

Your item was processed and left our WARRENDALE, PA 15095 facility on November 25, 2008. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please checkagain later.

Looks like the shoes are coming slowly... Maybe I will get them before Christmas.
i got mine today with the addition of i think 5 or 6 vimby tees lol. well i dunno what to make of this guy. hes LEGIT, just bad business ethics meaning he liesabout shipping. and his shipping is worse than snail mail. other than that tho, this dude is alright. keep me updated on your end gentleman. also happythanksgiving.
Vimby tees? At least you got your kicks though. It's gonna be a hot minute before I get mine cause I'm up Canada. What's crazy though is Vimbyactually does some good work. Just yesterday, I seen the Clark Kent interview they did about a month ago and it's one of the most entertaining andinformative interviews I've watched in years. No word of a lie. Here's the link for anyone that hasen't seen it.

Edit: the video was actually done by a company with a similar name Vimeo
right when he said "your playing games", I wouldve posted his number everywhere. dude has no right to act hostile and ignorant.
Originally Posted by NKEAIR

Originally Posted by JustintimeX21

I got my Tees. My money back and I the shoes are coming.

glad to hear!

It sounds like you're getting the kicks for free. I believe Mario just returned your money so you would cancel the paypal dispute. From what Iunderstand, he expects the money sent back to him once the sneakers arrive.
I spoke to Mario on a few occasions, and dude seemed sincere about messing up. Because of this I gave him the benefit of the doubt and cancelled the dispute(so Eric could get off his back) without having him go through the trouble of mailing me the money first. I know it could come back and bite me in the @%%later, but it's thanksgiving (for y'all), and I was in good spirits. Plus, with all of the info I got on dude, there's no way it's worthscrewing me for $50.
He should be banned from Buy/Sell for terrible service. He got banned from ISS for a reason.
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