Say something about the NT'er above you Vol. let me get em

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

^Got his sig from the "What's New in 2k2!" section....

What are you talking about?

I'm guessin' you're a Georgia native who likes Blink 182 that also has sole....just a shot in the dark.

(also spelled "survivor" wrong for your sn
Originally Posted by JFKTV


I'm guessin' you're a Georgia native who likes Blink 182 that also has sole....just a shot in the dark.

(also spelled "survivor" wrong for your sn
A New York native, actually. And yes, my sn is indeed mispelled, but I assure you, I've pointed this flaw out many times (once before in this verytopic actually). I would make a new one, but I'd rather not have to wait 30 days to post just because I forgot a v. But word up, blink-182 rocks. A foreffort though dude.
Originally Posted by pookieman

Likes the mob culture
and was born in 86, however he still lives off his parents and drives a 05 beamer
and will never become independant

If this is about me you couldn't be more wrong ---- but it is your opinion
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