Saw this on the way to work today. I think it's pretty powerful.

Jordan Novice

over/under 18 years old

i'd hope and assume under but that still isn't a reason to not understand the significance of that pic
Originally Posted by baseballer10p

Originally Posted by Jordan Novice

What's bp?

british petroleum

So now this is a colonial thing too

Originally Posted by osubass1

Originally Posted by kdawg

Originally Posted by baseballer10p

Originally Posted by Jordan Novice

What's bp?

british petroleum

So now this is a colonial thing too


i guess i don't understand your comment considering that is what it stands for...

i think it was an attempt at a joke, and if I interpreted it correctly (could be wrong) it was decently humorous.

BP = BRITISH petroleum (like you said, that is what it stands for)

USA being a former colony of England (Britain)

BP creating this huge mess in the USA

Its a colonial thing (the joke) since BRITISH petroleum is b-slappin their former colony with immeasurable damage to the wildlife and welfare of its residents.

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