Saw SHUTTER ISLAND tonight- vol. yes, it's better than The Departed **Spoilers within**

watched it yesterday! Movie is great! i love every minute of it!!!!!!!!!
If you don't want the movie to be spoiled for you then don't click...

I pretty much explained everything in the spoiler though...

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You dudes are looking to much into the movie.

Son was absolutely crazy no doubt about it.

I believe RFX45 understands it.

He was imagining all of this and the doctors were right all along.

The only part is the end where he seems conscious of what he's done and just "lets it be".

He sort of gives into everything at the end and chooses to become another zombie/ghost or what have you of the place like some of the other crazies.

The doctors and everyone was just role playing and "playing along" to his story or whatever to see if it would sort of "cure" his craziness and in a way was an experiment in itself, and the end when he "restarted" all over then the experiment was a failure and he went to have his brains plucked or whatever it was so that he wouldn't be a threat to himself or any of the other people on the island.

C'mon the lady in the cave was him being delusional... how the hell would she get there... how the hell would she survive in there like that?

Also, the part about the note that he found... how did he just like know to go and look under that particular board and find that note like that.

He made up everything so he didn't have to think about being, in a way, the cause of his families death.

The part where he interviews the lady and she drinks the water and nothing is there and then they switch to his POV and it shows her putting down the glass should have told you he was imaging the whole story.

I thought I was bugging with that part too

I was bored as hell with the movie until he met up with the "real Rachel" in the cave... that's when I started to be interested in it again.

I didn't like it when I saw it, but after coming in here and seeing everyone's theories and realizing what the movie is/was and it's concept I sort of like it I would say.

I even think he was imaging that hurricane because that was like some F5 or something hurricane man
well I don't think it was that serious, but when I think of the damage to the wards and the island then it's possible.
I was bored as hell with the movie until he met up with the "realRachel" in the cave... that's when I started to be interested in itagain.
was i confused or did chuck say he was from seattle at first, but then towards the end he corrected leo and said he was from portland or wherever? like he forgot what his lie was?
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

was i confused or did chuck say he was from seattle at first, but then towards the end he corrected leo and said he was from portland or wherever? like he forgot what his lie was?

leo wanted to test him and asked him about the weather in porland. chuck passed the test because he said "no, i'm from seattle."
I was disappointed. The Departed was way better and the movie felt messy and never really flowed.
Originally Posted by razzle dazzle

Me and my friend was
at the music in the beginning.. Kept thinking something was gonna happen. And did anyone think the view was too fake when the marshals were on the ferry in the beginning? Like the graphics were horribly done.

Also, excuse my ignorance or if I missed it but what is the law of 4?

I'm pretty sure it meant to be like that...kinda gives off a feeling of the old films.

Saw the movie tonight...and it was awesome. It was somewhat predictable..but definitely enjoyable. I was actually expecting a lot of posts about how its related to the government hiding information from us...and when we do decide to investigate; they kill us off.
I was disappointed as well. The movie was way too long and too many dead spots for what it accomplished. The END of the movie shouldn't be the ONLY best part in a movie that long. Boring until the end.
I love how whether people think he was crazy or not.. they don't see the other point of view at all....

I'm still convinced he was sane... and from the beginning they were out to get him, I'll have to post more of my explanation later
Originally Posted by Peter Parker

like, i had no idea who was telling the truth near the end

when they was in the lighthouse going back in forth. i didnt know who to believe.

rachel in the cave, there was canned food on the ground. i just want to know how leo was able to scale up and down that damn cliff!

i thought i was bugging with the drinking water thing during the interview.

but chuck was giving him clues midway in the movie about them not getting off the island and them being patients.

was the reason they denied leo the paperwork was because he was an actual patient and they couldnt release the info to him?

what was the deal with the scratching of the notepad by leo, didnt get that.

and axelady was trying to hint leo to get out, because she was hip to the game. i thought she was the most sane one though.

i missed the very beginning of the movie, i came in when they had to give up their guns and what not. and i had to sit in FRONT FRONT FRONT row
I really need to watch this movie again and pick up on all the little details. I'm also convinced that he was not crazy and that those cigs his partner gave him in the beginning messed with his mind.
best scene is when he shoots dude and blood everywhere,,, does a double take and dudes a live no bullet holes.

I thought i was trippin when i saw the water part.(interviewing the lady)
Originally Posted by doosta45

i missed the very beginning of the movie, i came in when they had to give up their guns and what not. and i had to sit in FRONT FRONT FRONT row

I've done that once. I feel your pain, bro. You should go back and see it in a good seat. The opening, if you want to know,

Spoiler [+]
They were on the boat heading to the island. Teddy and Chuck were talking about the island, and Teddy was finding out all about Chuck because he'd never worked with him before (Chuck was from the Seattle Federal Marshal office, Teddy from the Boston office). Teddy also explains how he doesnt do well with water (the reason being explained at the end)

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Ireally need to watch this movie again and pick up on all the littledetails. I'm also convinced that he was not crazy and that those cigshis partner gave him in the beginning messed with his mind.
Nah he was crazy. After putting some pieces together, I'm convinced he's nuts.
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From the opening scene, we see that 'Teddy' doesnt do good with water, explaining it to Chuck on the boat. He doesnt do good around/with water because his wife drowned their kids in the lake. Also, the books author has said that Andrew/Teddy is crazy
there really shouldn't be any sort of argument regarding if leo was crazy or if he was tricked. the fact that they showed the scene of how dolores drowned the kids and got shot by andrew brought everything together. scorsese didn't add it for no reason.
In the end, the doctors were telling the truth. You guys have to remember how concern Kingsley was with the guard that Leo hurt.
Also, the guard asked if he was going to kill him and the rifle was not loaded so obviously that was a set-up.
The rifle should have been loaded if there really were a secret lab in the light house and the guard was actually protecting it.

I actually read a little info about lobotomy and they started using it (or was on the rise of usage) was at the time period the movie so it seems just about right that Leo would see it as a conspiracy. If I lived in that time and people were being lobotomized, I would imagine stuff like that too. I know it isn't said in the movie but I thought it's a pretty good info that may help. I think if at the beginning of the movie they showed Leo reading a newspaper with reports of lobotomy number rising, then the audience may have wondered in the end if that were true or just imagination and may make the viewers wonder more. Maybe there was a mention of that on the book?
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Ireally need to watch this movie again and pick up on all the littledetails. I'm also convinced that he was not crazy and that those cigshis partner gave him in the beginning messed with his mind.
Nah he was crazy. After putting some pieces together, I'm convinced he's nuts.
Spoiler [+]
From the opening scene, we see that 'Teddy' doesnt do good with water, explaining it to Chuck on the boat. He doesnt do good around/with water because his wife drowned their kids in the lake. Also, the books author has said that Andrew/Teddy is crazy
Word? Ah damn, I was really hoping that he wasn't

Good looks on the info though. I was just about to post something saying something like, "I wish the author would just #@$#@ let everyone know whether he was crazy or not" but I guess (he/she? don't know who the author is) has already done that.
I also believe his "partner" originally said he was from Seattle earlier in the movie but when he asked about the weather over there later he said a different town if im not mistaken

Dude was definitely crazy I thought that was obvious... but definitely some interesting theories
Originally Posted by philly5fan

I also believe his "partner" originally said he was from Seattle earlier in the movie but when he asked about the weather over there later he said a different town if im not mistaken

Dude was definitely crazy I thought that was obvious... but definitely some interesting theories

Leo actually kept asking about Portland but his partner kept saying he was from Seattle.
I thought about it and i still see a few things to make me think he might have been tricked. For one, if they were really trying to help him get better why would the warden get all aggressive with him when he found him in the woods and get him in a confrontational mindset right before droping him off to see kingsley who then revealed for the first time that it was supposedly all a game and he had no partner? The warden seemed satisfied when he was given word to lobotomize him. I also find it ironic that the place leo was looking for all along was the place the orderlies were taking him at the very end. We never saw the brain surgery section of the compound. It wasn't in the lighthouse. If there were any experiments going on i think they would be happening wherever they ended up taking him. Also, their whole excuse for lobotomizing him was because he was such a danger and so he could hurt anyone else. If im not mistaken he killed his wife for killing their children and beat up one of the inmates. Doesn't seem like it warrants a lobotomy. Seemed like they kept him pretty well under control. I think they were trying to trick him but I don't know if it really ended up working. In the end i think the movie was purposely left with out a definite conclusion, it's up to the audience to speculate endlessly.
Theres this guy on the IMDB message boards who is dead set that he was crazy and absolutely refuses to see anybody else's point of view, and being a total jerk about it. I want to post on the board but it wont let me

Anyway I think there are too many things that show logically he was sane before entering, and they were tricking him from the beginning to make him believe their story. If he was really such a danger... why would they let him freely run with Chuck? What makes him special that they did this "role playing" treatment with him but nobody else? Doesn't really seem like to good of an idea to just let him mingle with other crazies if he was one of them as well.

I know the book had him being crazy. But I just think it takes away a lot from the story if thats the case. I like the idea that he was chosen to come to this island due to his research in it, and they chose to mess with his mind and ruin who he was. What fun is it that this institution was just normal and nothing was going on with it?

I definitely need to see it again and try to pick up on everything I might have missed
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