San Francisco Niketalkers, is this really how you guys are living?

San fransico needs to change their zoning and build more houses, apartments.

Look it up, wealthy people are basically preventing new houses from being built. **** is insane,

what's the point of ahving a booming industry if you are just going to concentrate the wealth in the hands of overcaffinated faux libertarian white hipsters with god complexes?
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The dream for people to work at a startup up is get the high salary and stock options, put in 2-5 years of hard work and long hours, company IPOs and then you are literally a millionaire in less than a year. In corporate, the income can be steady but hitting that million mark would take forever.
The dream for people to work at a startup up is get the high salary and stock options, put in 2-5 years of hard work and long hours, company IPOs and then you are literally a millionaire in less than a year. In corporate, the income can be steady but hitting that million mark would take forever.
Yeah and you have to be early in the game to get stock options.

I remember reading about a guy who was the 4th software engineer at a startup and didn't get any stock options lol everyone before him became millionaires. He was SALTY
There are still a lot of people in SF that got in early in tech companies. I know a lot of Facebook people bought in SF when they IPO'd. I know at least a handful of people that got in Google almost 7 years ago and got stock options and are doing well knowing they have that. I know the recent boom of people aren't getting these types of benefits but it did happen for a lot of people that have always been working in tech. Even my uncle was a manager at Zynga during their IPO and he cashed out and went to Fitbit and then they IPO'd as well. Needless to say, he's doing well.
As far as ATL goes, I went to school for 1 semester at GSU right in downtown ATL, downtown ATL sucks, nothing really cool there besides the Westin on Peachtree with that 360 bar on the top and the view where you can eat/drink and spin around.  Buckhead is pretty much where its at for ATL, MARTA is not as good as Bay Area transportation.  It's a lot more of a black population, Oakland was like that before gentrification.  Not as international as SF.  Way less startups to work at, a lot of ppl will work for AT&T, Coca Cola or something.  There's some good restaurants but overall food scene is not like Bay Area.  Hot and Humid during the summer

One semester at State and you have the whole city figured out. Got it. :rofl:
One semester at State and you have the whole city figured out. Got it.
A semester is approximately 15 weeks fam. Unless you're telling me you were out there taking in everything from Edgewood to Buckhead, you can't truly speak on how good or bad the city is.

How old were you when you went to State?
Did you have people relocate here with you or did you have to make new acquaintances?
Did you stay on campus or off?
Did you partake in campus life/activities?
I know what happened in the past stock options were very realistic, but I thought we were talking about now.
A semester is approximately 15 weeks fam. Unless you're telling me you were out there taking in everything from Edgewood to Buckhead, you can't truly speak on how good or bad the city is.

How old were you when you went to State?
Did you have people relocate here with you or did you have to make new acquaintances?
Did you stay on campus or off?
Did you partake in campus life/activities?
Being 20, you weren't able to get into the venues that (imo) are worthwhile. Granted you could hit the clubs, but Atlanta is better when you can explore all it has to offer. Especially if your circle of friends from HS were 20 and under as well. But you're entitled to your perspective. We can agree to disagree.
I know what happened in the past stock options were very realistic, but I thought we were talking about now.

I know some people still believing in that dream. You do have to get in super early though. A friend's brother I know left LinkedIn with stock options to go work for a startup. For the lack of better words, it's a company that is like ebay for real estate. You pretty much ex out the real estate agent and their commission and just do the bidding and buying on your own. Don't know if it would fly but he got a ton of investment in the company where he's hoping it will go somewhere and ultimately IPO.
I agree but it still could be some time when it happens. I want to buy a house but man, it feels so bad to know that this bubble will burst but I just don't think I can wait that long. My biggest regret would to be to buy now and only to have to live in an area that I don't want to and not being able to sell it to get my money back.
Pretty much. Younger generation are living in the now and not living for the later. They want to live in the city and enjoy the benefits of it whether it be eating, drinking, hanging out, etc. Quality of life is so important because I assume they all don't want to regret not living it up in the now and I am sure they all think they will be making this kind of money in the near and far future.
I hate to say it but these tech guys are far worse than the hipsters. I don't speak for all of them but man, some of these young tech people seem very entitled as if they are "old money" or something. This is where gentrification just pisses me off cause these are the guys that think this is what is best for the city when their opinion is so subjective and one sided.[/quote

Fo sho fo sho. They are worse. Hipsters at least had taste. This batch of people are just frumpy and boring. I'm in NYC now its going on here too. The suburbanites want a taste of metropolis. The problem is theysuck majority of the time. [emoji]128565[/emoji]
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Being 20, you weren't able to get into the venues that (imo) are worthwhile. Granted you could hit the clubs, but Atlanta is better when you can explore all it has to offer. Especially if your circle of friends from HS were 20 and under as well. But you're entitled to your perspective. We can agree to disagree.
ATL is one of my favorite cities to visit. I almost feel at home as soon as I step foot in the airport.
I know some people still believing in that dream. You do have to get in super early though. A friend's brother I know left LinkedIn with stock options to go work for a startup. For the lack of better words, it's a company that is like ebay for real estate. You pretty much ex out the real estate agent and their commission and just do the bidding and buying on your own. Don't know if it would fly but he got a ton of investment in the company where he's hoping it will go somewhere and ultimately IPO.
Mannn I know he is regretting that LinkedIn move.
Mostly the idiot transplants and people who have never lived in a proper city and get too excited about SF end up doing that. Most Bay Area natives know you can get your own studio for that much or an apartment for $2100- $2400 15 minutes outside of the city/in the less "popular" parts of the city. Which is still a lot but pretty standard in the non **** parts of the Bay/LA

Before I moved out of SF to my own spot, I was renting a room in a 2 bedroom spot for $1000 in the city. I moved out because I can afford my own spot now, but I live in a luxury apartment 25 mins away versus paying the same for an unrenovated spot built in 1920 in the city.

You can literally take a 10 minute BART ride to Oakland and get great spots for a lot cheaper, but idiots still think all of Oakland is just like East Oakland. The Piedmont, Lake Merrit, and Oakland Hills areas are nicer and cleaner than any part of the city, and Downtown Oakland has improved A LOT
never understood the hate on Oakland

Jack London park is :pimp:

I'd live in Oakland and just train in.

I hear that the yambs out there are weak then a biiiiiii though.
Breh here in Dallas you can get a 1 bedroom in the glasshouse right in the middle of uptown for 1500

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Smh at living with 30 other people for $1800 a month just for location

My homey stays there... That place is :pimp:

I used to live in Manor House in Downtown Dallas... $1.1k for a 625 sq foot corner apartment on the 12th floor with descent views.

Now I'm in the medical district of Fort Worth... $900 for a very LAID spot... no views, but the layout is dope as hell...

W/ washer and dryer, new appliances, and only 4 units in the building.

There's a reason for this, last year numbers are darn near the same too. Atx, h-town, and DFW are seeing swarms of people moving from the west coast

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It's already begun, my g.

Corporations are relocating folks out here left and right... and some are coming just to come.

I'm outta here in 2 years... I can already see the prices rising in Dallas-Uptown and West 7th Fort Worth...

Stuff gonna be crazy in 5 years. :x :x
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A semester is approximately 15 weeks fam. Unless you're telling me you were out there taking in everything from Edgewood to Buckhead, you can't truly speak on how good or bad the city is.

How old were you when you went to State?
Did you have people relocate here with you or did you have to make new acquaintances?
Did you stay on campus or off?
Did you partake in campus life/activities?

millennial out here giving millennials bad name.

Son acts like he knows EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING. :lol:

My dude spent 4 months as a broke 18 year old college student and thinks he's seen a major metropolitan city from top to bottom.
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millennial out here giving millennials bad name.

Son acts like he knows EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING.

My dude spent 4 months as a broke 18 year old college student and thinks he's seen a major metropolitan city from top to bottom.
it's soooooo crazy to me. cali got so much money out there and yall living like peasants. 

meanwhile you can cop a 980 sq ft apartment for 1000 a month down here.

with free cable and's 2016 ****** shouldnt be living like this anymore
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