San Francisco Niketalkers, is this really how you guys are living?

Housing a topic everywhere

^^^^I head that as well which I would totally kick myself for if my wife and I get this condo. I doubt we'll sell it in time if that happens. about good timing with your properties.

We find out an answer today if we get the condo. My agent says the seller might go for our counter offer so we're being hopeful. If not, this is the last time we go for a studio/condo. We decided to buy small first cause it wouldn't kill us financially. We also have to buy a car, furniture and other assets which is something we never done in SF. So we're dropping a lot of money all at once and figure to start small.

We almost put a bid on this home. Had a $595k starting bid and sold for $855k. Insane.

If you don’t get it, will you just start looking for a 2/2 or 3/2 or stop looking altogether? Either way it’s a tough spot to be in. We outgrew our place a lot faster than we thought we would both times.

How old is baby?
Very thankful for our room addition work we did last year....we're in the east bay and can tolerate it. With the family at 4, we're comfortable and doubt we'd 'outgrow' the house. It's a very satisfying feeling knowing my equity value, even in a downturn is good and not feeling like we'd ever be 'forced' to move. Feel very lucky given having purchased in 2010. wife never left SF growing up. When I met her 10 years ago, she though Sacramento was right behind Oakland. Haha. She never even heard of Fairfield before and even the smaller cities going toward Vallejo like Hercules, Rodeo and Crocket. I grew up in El Sobrante but just say Richmond because that is the more known city. People always give me that crazy face when I tell them I grew up in Richmond but little do they know, I grew up in the pic below.


Yo that looks crazy. What do people do there?
^^^^Haha. It wasn't that bad. Just the normal burb living. Play with neighbors, backyard BBQs, basketball for days, street hockey, swimming pools, etc. When we got older, we just drove to places like Berkeley or SF to drink and what not which on a good day is like 30-40 min drive.

If you don’t get it, will you just start looking for a 2/2 or 3/2 or stop looking altogether? Either way it’s a tough spot to be in. We outgrew our place a lot faster than we thought we would both times.

How old is baby?

We just found out we got the place for the price we wanted. My wife isn't pregnant yet but we want to have kids asap once we settle in. So if all goes according to plan, we'll have a kid early next year, wait another year and then try for the second kid and probably look to move out around then.

Very thankful for our room addition work we did last year....we're in the east bay and can tolerate it. With the family at 4, we're comfortable and doubt we'd 'outgrow' the house. It's a very satisfying feeling knowing my equity value, even in a downturn is good and not feeling like we'd ever be 'forced' to move. Feel very lucky given having purchased in 2010.

That's the odd think about property value. If you sold your place, where would you move to that make sense. Of course you'd get a lot of money than what you paid but then if you buy something more expensive, your property tax is way more and who knows if you can even buy in an area that would be that much better. But that safety and reassurance you have is nice.
Yo that looks crazy. What do people do there?

Parts of the East Bay, between Vallejo and Oakland, are actually super compact and close. So in that photo it may look like it's far as hell but in reality as Fong said it can be a like a 20 - 30 min drive if your not getting slammed by traffic. When you factor in too that BART runs through the East Bay it never really felt like i was disconnected with Oakland/SF. Just take a BART ride and you there
^^^^Haha. It wasn't that bad. Just the normal burb living. Play with neighbors, backyard BBQs, basketball for days, street hockey, swimming pools, etc. When we got older, we just drove to places like Berkeley or SF to drink and what not which on a good day is like 30-40 min drive.

We just found out we got the place for the price we wanted. My wife isn't pregnant yet but we want to have kids asap once we settle in. So if all goes according to plan, we'll have a kid early next year, wait another year and then try for the second kid and probably look to move out around then.

That's the odd think about property value. If you sold your place, where would you move to that make sense. Of course you'd get a lot of money than what you paid but then if you buy something more expensive, your property tax is way more and who knows if you can even buy in an area that would be that much better. But that safety and reassurance you have is nice.

Congrats on getting the house/condo!! Where are you going to be in Oakland? Do you need to/want to do any work to it?

Start packing now!
Congrats on getting the house/condo!! Where are you going to be in Oakland? Do you need to/want to do any work to it?

Start packing now!

Thanks man. We'll be in Rockridge area. It's about a 15 minute walk to Rockridge Bart which is what my wife and I wanted. We still both work in SF so having a place near Bart was essential. We plan on doing some minor cosmetics to the place and plan on seeing a contractor next week.

We wanted to do a black accent wall like below and some other modern touches. I shoot photos as a hobby so I am going to treat that wall like a photo gallery. Get some massive prints hung up finally.

Thanks man. We'll be in Rockridge area. It's about a 15 minute walk to Rockridge Bart which is what my wife and I wanted. We still both work in SF so having a place near Bart was essential. We plan on doing some minor cosmetics to the place and plan on seeing a contractor next week.

We wanted to do a black accent wall like below and some other modern touches. I shoot photos as a hobby so I am going to treat that wall like a photo gallery. Get some massive prints hung up finally.


Nice. I love Rockridge. The next few months are going to be crazy. Good luck!
Hey is anyone in tech/software industry specifically sales that knows what job market is like in the bay ares? Like how hard would be it to land software sales job for at least $80k/yr ? I have about 1.5yr experience in software sales and just became an account executive (small to medium businesses) for a startup in Dallas but its hq is in Palo Alto アミーゴ アミーゴ heatpinoyboy heatpinoyboy
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got a job offer in sunnyvale. does anyone live there or in the area that can shine some light on the pros and cons. thanks in advance.
got a job offer in sunnyvale. does anyone live there or in the area that can shine some light on the pros and cons. thanks in advance.

Very laid back area with good restaurants, but also a very boring part of town. Damn near everyone there is an engineer in mid 30s/40s, so if you want to grab drinks after work nearby and meet women/friends, be prepared to head somewhere else around 7-8. However, it's close to a lot of good bars in Santa Clara Koreatown, downtown San Jose, Santana Row, Mountain View, etc., so it's a good central location for the South Bay/lower Peninsula. It's also right past the massive morning traffic in San Jose :lol:

If you're working on/near Mathilda Avenue, pretty much everything you need is within walking distance. Restaurants, bars, public transportation, barbers, grocery stores, etc. It's also very clean and peaceful, so you won't get the nasty fiends yelling or doing other weird @$#@ on every block like they do in SF .
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Very laid back area with good restaurants, but also a very boring part of town. Damn near everyone there is an engineer in mid 30s/40s, so if you want to grab drinks after work nearby and meet women/friends, be prepared to head somewhere else around 7-8. However, it's close to a lot of good bars in Santa Clara Koreatown, downtown San Jose, Santana Row, Mountain View, etc., so it's a good central location for the South Bay/lower Peninsula. It's also right past the massive morning traffic in San Jose :lol:

honestly think the south bay is just boring in general tbh :lol:

sunnyvale is cool though, lots of great restaurants
honestly think the south bay is just boring in general tbh :lol:

sunnyvale is cool though, lots of great restaurants

I used to think so back in the day, but I have a lot more fun there than I do in the city. Especially at all those bars on El Camino Real and downtown SJ. The most important things for me are being in a clean environment with my type of people, which I dont get in SF at all.

Going out in the city=dodging human feces/urine to end up in a cramped bar with obnoxious hipsters/tech bros with BO. It makes me miserable.

Visiting all the South Bay restaurants/bars with women that look good, smell good, and dont look like they just rolled out of bed and threw on a Patagonia to dress up>>>
I used to think so back in the day, but I have a lot more fun there than I do in the city. Especially at all those bars on El Camino Real and downtown SJ. The most important things for me are being in a clean environment with my type of people, which I dont get in SF at all.

Going out in the city=dodging human feces/urine to end up in a cramped bar with obnoxious hipsters/tech bros with BO. It makes me miserable

yeah im sure we've talked about this before :lol:

the city's cool once in a while and only if you're doing something and getting out

dont get how people "spend the day in sf".
^^^^Haha. It wasn't that bad. Just the normal burb living. Play with neighbors, backyard BBQs, basketball for days, street hockey, swimming pools, etc. When we got older, we just drove to places like Berkeley or SF to drink and what not which on a good day is like 30-40 min drive.

We just found out we got the place for the price we wanted. My wife isn't pregnant yet but we want to have kids asap once we settle in. So if all goes according to plan, we'll have a kid early next year, wait another year and then try for the second kid and probably look to move out around then.

That's the odd think about property value. If you sold your place, where would you move to that make sense. Of course you'd get a lot of money than what you paid but then if you buy something more expensive, your property tax is way more and who knows if you can even buy in an area that would be that much better. But that safety and reassurance you have is nice.
What i mean is, we have a 15 year mortgage, so we're trying to pay off the note as quickly as possible. It's a satisfying feeling knowing you have plenty of space, so my comment toward being 'forced to move' was like if we were in a 2 bedroom with 4 family members. Instead, we've redone our house to the specification we like knowing we'll be there long term with less aspirations to move to a more expensive community (i.e. keeping up with the Jones'). Also, with respect to equity, should I ever need to re-locate, it's just nice knowing the spread between what we owe and the market is solid, and could withstand a big downturn while not being underwater.
yeah im sure we've talked about this before :lol:

the city's cool once in a while and only if you're doing something and getting out

dont get how people "spend the day in sf".

Haha. My dude sfc415 needs to change his signal to sj408 or something. His hate for SF is always noted.

I don't know......there is a certain appeal about living out here and I would say the biggest pro is commute. I am not saying it justifies the current rental market but if it was affordable for everyone, I would say do it over doing long commutes into the city. With that being said, if I didn't work in SF, I would almost give to craps about it. Part of SF living for me is because my job is out here. It'd be super different if that wasn't the case.
Damb, my fiancé used to commute from Modesto to SF everyday for work. Finally got fed up and applied to similar jobs in the Central Valley and it paid off. Got a similar corporate job, paying 30% more of her old salary. We went from looking at one bedroom apartments to looking at 5,000 sq ft homes. They bay is cool and all, but I feel like I’ll be just as happy in the valley, if not happier than I would in the bay. Different strokes for different folks though.
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