Samsung Galaxy Note 2 x LeBron James commercial appreciation vol.. Greatest commercial ever

Shoutout to the homie Porter Mayberry (Lebron is watching a video of him dunking in the commercial). Went to HS with dude, and he's doing big things, right now :pimp:
i hate this commercial. cause it plays before every youtube video i ever play. and its like 1:30. so it doesnt end as fast as the other ads if im on another tab multitasking. i just want to hear my song.
from the same article..
"The stories are delightful—Michael Jordan on playing with centers Joe Kleine, Luc Longley and Bill Wennington in 1998: "You know what I have to play with?" He looked right at them and said, "Twenty-one feet of sh--"
my slime, scumbag MJ
I've been planning on buying the Note. Now I feel like like people will call it the LeBron phone.:lol: :smh:
That always happens though with stuff like this. I asked my man did he get after he saw the commercial. Honestly without the commercial I wouldnt paid it no mind since I like the iphone and like Ninja said I just thought it was the S3.
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