Salary vs Paid by the hour Vol. Which do you prefer?

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

I hate salary workers. Most of them are as lazy as can be. It's no wonder America is crumbling--they're all counterproductive and don't want to work for their buck. Roaches FTL. My favorite means of compensation I've received was full-commission. It motivates people to work hard, and if you're good, you make more money than your peers.
What are you talking about? Just because you're at your job, putting in the hours, it doesn't mean that you're being productive.Salary or hourly, some people are lazy. Believe it or not, there are people who work extremely hard on salary. I put in anywhere between 40-60 hours/wkdepending on my workload. SMH at people thinking salary based jobs are the problem. You really need money to motivate you? It's this type of person toblame for "America crumbling". What about the feeling you get from a job well done? I enjoy that feeling and seeing results come from my hard work.Makes me wonder what you would do in a salary position.
Slow down, big guy. By saying you work 60 hours a week for the same salary you get for if you worked 40 hours per week, you're actually getting exploitedduring your 60 hour weeks--or over compensated during your 40 hour weeks--depending how you look at it. Your work to dollar ratio is getting bled, and chancesare that you have coworkers letting you pick up the slack. Currently, I work hourly. Everybody around me is as lazy as can be. I have to do the bulk of thework simply because they don't do it. You're right, they would do the same thing even if they were on hourly pay, but with hourly pay, they would atleast be encouraged not to call in so often and leave me with even more to do. By giving them SOME sort of incentive for at least showing up and contribution1% of my contribution, it's at least helping my day go a little bit smoother.

I should have clarified more:
For a lazy person: salary encourages them to stay lazy.
For a diligent person: salary encourages getting exploited.
Originally Posted by BALLYNN

940sicc3 wrote:


come in late, shake the spot early

I agree. This is probably the reason why I love salary pay... Come in late... leave early... and still get paid a full day.

Yeah but guess what its not always like that, sometimes you have to slave it working tooo many hours
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

I hate salary workers. Most of them are as lazy as can be. It's no wonder America is crumbling--they're all counterproductive and don't want to work for their buck. Roaches FTL. My favorite means of compensation I've received was full-commission. It motivates people to work hard, and if you're good, you make more money than your peers.
Well I hate the hourly dudes who, for budget reasons, cannot get OT outside a certain period, who count every minute being at work (productive ornot) as a part of their "8" hours.
When something needs to get done, I get it done.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Slow down, big guy. By saying you work 60 hours a week for the same salary you get for if you worked 40 hours per week, you're actually getting exploited during your 60 hour weeks--or over compensated during your 40 hour weeks--depending how you look at it. Your work to dollar ratio is getting bled, and chances are that you have coworkers letting you pick up the slack. Currently, I work hourly. Everybody around me is as lazy as can be. I have to do the bulk of the work simply because they don't do it. You're right, they would do the same thing even if they were on hourly pay, but with hourly pay, they would at least be encouraged not to call in so often and leave me with even more to do. By giving them SOME sort of incentive for at least showing up and contribution 1% of my contribution, it's at least helping my day go a little bit smoother.

I should have clarified more:
For a lazy person: salary encourages them to stay lazy.
For a diligent person: salary encourages getting exploited.
Ok, I see your point and apologize for implying that you'd be lazy in a salary position, I was just trying to get my point across. However,when I accepted my current job, I did so agreeing that I would put in extra time. I'm not talking about picking up anyone's slack. I do exactlywhat's within my scope of work. Additional hours are spent on business development efforts which I also signed up for and am actually very enthusiasticabout. You can't tell me that I'm (1) getting exploited or (2) overcompensated because (1) I don't approach my job as a "40 hour/wk" jobwhere I come in for 8 hours a day and leave (I'm not a slave and I put in the extra hours as I deem appropriate) and (2) when discussing compensation, mycompany and I both factored in the possible extra hours. I feel like I am compensated appropriately and if not, then it would be time for a salary bumpdiscussion, which my company is not opposed to having.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Yeah, LazyJ, I should have clarified. I suppose I just hate my/lazy salaried coworkers.
I figured I got what you meant.
I feel the same way, I work for a guy you described like your own and have a staff like what I said.
Originally Posted by 940sicc3


come in late, shake the spot early
thats the reason i want salary! my department doesnt offer OT.....soo being here on time and for the whole 40 sucks, even tho i spend a majorityof it on the internet
Ah, you seem to be in a very fair position with good management. A bulk of my posting was fueled by the resentment I have at my own work toward the situation.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Ah, you seem to be in a very fair position with good management. A bulk of my posting was fueled by the resentment I have at my own work toward the situation.
I feel your pain, but to go back to your point about lazy people being the reason that America is crumbling, I blame the whole system. I know howit is to be unmotivated, when I was at my previous job, I didn't care for my work and my effort reflected that. I think the real key is finding the rightjob for each person. I know, easier said than done. However, the way that most jobs are set up and the average person's mindset about work is, there'sno surprise that our economy sucks and more than half the people working hate their jobs. We are raised to not take pride in our jobs, but in the money we makeat that job. It's sad to put so much of our self esteem into something so material.
Salary with performance bonuses. Too bad I don't have one of those. I'm hourly and work relatively hard and I just hate laziness both from those hourlylike myself who take hour and a half long lunch breaks and write half hours down in their pay sheet and Salary employees who sit around in the break room ontheir cell phones talking to friends and wives.
Originally Posted by Destination Kicks

Salary with performance bonuses. Too bad I don't have one of those. I'm hourly and work relatively hard and I just hate laziness both from those hourly like myself who take hour and a half long lunch breaks and write half hours down in their pay sheet and Salary employees who sit around in the break room on their cell phones talking to friends and wives.

add NT browsing for half the day on your list
can u guys tell me wat are some good Salary pair jobs..???

i wanna look into finding a job that pays by salary... this hourly !%%% is wack especially wen u get little hours
For my situation, salary is the only way.

- I telecommute from my place full-time, based in NorCal and corporate is in SoCal. Sometimes my days are long. For the most part, I'm starting by 9ish,done by 3ish. As much as there is to distract me, I think it actually makes me more efficient.
- My "sick days" aren't taken out of my PTO bank of hours, and don't affect my pay at all.
- PTO generally stays untouched since I hardly request time off. Why bother, when I can work from anywhere with a phone/internet connection.
- bonuses are based on my performance overall, and are not affected by hours/attendance.

The biggest reason is the guaranteed amount of pay like mentioned before. I can take vacations, time-off, etc and it never affects my checks.
Hourly jobs FTL, with salary it's a consistent paycheck. Now i have to deal with some weeks having my hours get cut substantially. IF you go in 20 hours ona salary job you're still getting paid for a 40 hour week.
Originally Posted by killahcam06

Hourly jobs FTL, with salary it's a consistent paycheck. Now i have to deal with some weeks having my hours get cut substantially. IF you go in 20 hours on a salary job you're still getting paid for a 40 hour week.
If you guys are so hung up on OT, I believe there are non-exempt salary jobs... Either way, I agree with this man^
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