Salary vs Paid by the hour Vol. Which do you prefer?

Apr 16, 2007
Thing that sucks with salary is you don't get no OT
However youdon't "have" to work your 160 hrs a month put get paid for it. Also bonuses are NICE!
It's not so much as which one does one prefer as to which one can someone obtain right now...

I just say...having a job FtW

Edit: I'm hourly and time and a 1/2 is the BEST
Originally Posted by 940sicc3


come in late, shake the spot early

It really depends on the job. Companies/Positions that establish salaries are usually more "serious" or careers where things like tardiness are lesstolerated. There's always exceptions of course.
I was gonna say can't take advantage all the time, ppl are going to be watching.

it feels like I'm working towards a goal instead of slaving for it. you see it?
Both have pro's and con's.

At least in my industry.

Time and a half is great, however that is in lieu of a bonus.

Being able to have more of a flexible schedule, especially with PTO is a perk of a salary. Knowing month in and month out what your paycheck is going to beallows for more accurate planning.
im salary and i swear im getting f'd over at times.

i was working on this project which involved alot of extra out of my way time, like working extra hours and even came in on a saturday to complete it.

I take my work serious , I dont want to be one of the bums fired here & or lose my job.

I asked my sup , which she asked her boss if my ot time that i requested would be approved, which was 7 extra hours.

He requested that i just bill the contract 7 regular hours & not OT.

I was bummed out, this was yesterday when i had to fill out timesheets,


smh again.
Originally Posted by 940sicc3


come in late, shake the spot early

I agree. This is probably the reason why I love salary pay... Come in late... leave early... and still get paid a full day.
i make a killing in OT... working OT on a easy night surfing NT FTW..... a extra day of OT is a $300
hourly I like getting paid for the amount of time im at work and if i dont want to be at work i can always take some paid time off.
Originally Posted by 940sicc3


come in late, shake the spot early
salary sounds like tha best bet cause OT does sound appealin but as lazy as i am id rather come in a lil late and leave early and kno my checkwill still be lookin good
I hate salary workers. Most of them are as lazy as can be. It's no wonder America is crumbling--they're all counterproductive and don't want towork for their buck. Roaches FTL. My favorite means of compensation I've received was full-commission. It motivates people to work hard, and if you'regood, you make more money than your peers.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

I hate salary workers. Most of them are as lazy as can be. It's no wonder America is crumbling--they're all counterproductive and don't want to work for their buck. Roaches FTL. My favorite means of compensation I've received was full-commission. It motivates people to work hard, and if you're good, you make more money than your peers.

What about base salary with performance based bonuses?
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23


Anything guaranteed is always better.

and plus they always tax the crap out of any overtime I ever get
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

I hate salary workers. Most of them are as lazy as can be. It's no wonder America is crumbling--they're all counterproductive and don't want to work for their buck. Roaches FTL. My favorite means of compensation I've received was full-commission. It motivates people to work hard, and if you're good, you make more money than your peers.

What about base salary with performance based bonuses?

I'm all for anything that provides incentives or rewards for not being a social loaf.
What do I care about time and a half when my salary is more than enough to compensate for the hours I put in? My previous job was salary also, I didn't do#*@#. I told people if converted to an hourly wage I'd be making an inifinite amount of money. That's theoretically what you'd get if dividing mysalary by 0 hours of work done right?

That's beside the point though. I got bored at that job and actually put in more than 40 hours/wk at my current job and am happy here. I SMH at people whoapplaud laziness and making an easy $, but SMH more at jobs that allow it.
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