Sade : Soldier Of Love-February 8,2010

Video and Song is CRAZY

They do win awards (the last 2 albums got Grammy nods), but I think they get overlooked in the mainstream because they stay away from the spotlight so long.Its all about overexposure these days and that isn't something I think the group is too keen on.

But I feel you (II)....not many groups can do what they do and do it as consistently. Name one bad Sade song---you just can't do it.
I'm new. Recommend me some good tracks from her, please


She has classic ALBUMS...

I will do everything in my power to make it to one of her concerts this year.
This song is whack....

I LOVE the video though...

The abstractness is what kept me glued to my computer monitor....

But "Soldier Of Love" stinks
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE


They do win awards (the last 2 albums got Grammy nods), but I think they get overlooked in the mainstream because they stay away from the spotlight so long. Its all about overexposure these days and that isn't something I think the group is too keen on.

But I feel you (II)....not many groups can do what they do and do it as consistently. Name one bad Sade song---you just can't do it.
Lovers Rock was huge when it dropped.

I can only speak for Canada, but "By Your Side" was in the top 5 on the MuchMusic video charts for sometime.
Originally Posted by True Blues

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE


They do win awards (the last 2 albums got Grammy nods), but I think they get overlooked in the mainstream because they stay away from the spotlight so long. Its all about overexposure these days and that isn't something I think the group is too keen on.

But I feel you (II)....not many groups can do what they do and do it as consistently. Name one bad Sade song---you just can't do it.
Lovers Rock was huge when it dropped.

I can only speak for Canada, but "By Your Side" was in the top 5 on the MuchMusic video charts for sometime.

Naw, I feel you--their albums always do well chart-wise. But I swear they're still one of the most famous "un-famous" bands ever, if that makessense. The fanbase is always there and they'll sell records on the strength of their name alone. But it seems like you don't hear about it like youwould say, a Lady Gaga or 'Ye or any other chart topper. They just drop off a handful of pure flame music, do some appearances, tour and then roll out foryears at a time. Even though they could be all over the place b/c they've earned that right by selling millionsof records every time an album is released, they're not.

Ms. Adu sums it up nicely, I think: "I only make records when I feel I have something to say. I'm not interested in releasing music just for the sakeof selling something. Sade is not a brand."

First off, I'm a fan of Sade.

But, in my honest opinion, I feel like NT Music only started checking for her after ABH made the thread/had the sig/avy combo.

Just a thought.
Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

First off, I'm a fan of Sade.

But, in my honest opinion, I feel like NT Music only started checking for her after ABH made the thread/had the sig/avy combo.

Just a thought.
Such a happenstance would be a travesty. Haze is good inmy book... but I don't think he has a following like that.
I disagree, but that's besides the point.

It's just that I've never seen anyone mention Sade in Music, let alone post up
s and
s about her music, until ABH did.
Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

First off, I'm a fan of Sade.

But, in my honest opinion, I feel like NT Music only started checking for her after ABH made the thread/had the sig/avy combo.

Just a thought.
I think it's more that the Music forum is dominated by hip-hop, and NTers are ashamed/scared/whatever to post their "other" musicalinterests until very recently.

I remember a few years ago posting on a separate board comprised of NTers (created by Premo) interested in indie and other non-mainstream music.
Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

First off, I'm a fan of Sade.

But, in my honest opinion, I feel like NT Music only started checking for her after ABH made the thread/had the sig/avy combo.

Just a thought.
i don't think so.. i feel like most of us in here grew up on Sade and were already familiar with her music, but after seeing a thread abouther we realized that a lot of other NTers liked her too.

she's not even that popular on here, so idk what even gave you the impetus for your post
Here's a thought: there is a new album coming out--the first in almost 10 years. Generally when a new album is coming, buzz gets bigger. Hence this thread.Much respect to Haze, but he isn't making or breaking anyone's musical tastes.
But, judging from the replies in this thread, you'd think there would be a "Sade Appreciation Thread" every week or so.

Anyway, I didn't mean to change the topic of discussion. It's not a big deal. Continue with the Sade love.
When I read this title...


I wish that NTers would listen to more quality music like Sade instead of trash made by Lil Wayne, Soulja Boy, Jeezy, Rick Ross, et al.
Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

But, judging from the replies in this thread, you'd think there would be a "Sade Appreciation Thread" every week or so.

Anyway, I didn't mean to change the topic of discussion. It's not a big deal. Continue with the Sade love.
The fact that there isn't make it even better. Their music gets plenty of love, but it's not something you're gonna bump on theregular or constantly be talking about.
Yo Ill be the first to admit that I didn't know much about this lady until a thread where ABH posted a track from soldier of love.. i thought it was dopeand i downloaded lovers rock which was a wonderful album and I couldn't stop playing my favorite song "King of Sorrow"... new album is a mustcop!
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