Sad of my best friends, Big Fame One has passed away

Damn, I remember in 07 when my boy Gotty linked me with Big Fame on some he can show you how to conceal weapons type $@%. I talked to dude for hours aboutlife, women & other randomness. Jake became one of the few people from NT I talked to regularly. I told him I'd link up with him when I went up toSeattle & hit some bars and broads lol. I was gonna hit him up this week letting him know that I was heading up that way in 2 weeks. RIP good brother,I'll have a beer in your memory tonight...
Dang one of the OG's from the early days. I didn't talk to him much be he was always informative with solid opinions within threads.

God bless his family.
Damn that's sad man, I hate when people die young. I always hated his avy but he will always be remembered.
Damn...this is crazy. R.I.P....seemed like a good dude. Never interacted personally but I stole more than enough of his gun knowledge, shared some
'sand have some NT memories of dude. 206 was the 1st person I thought about. Hold your head, fam...


dude was pure comedy, and i wish the best to his family and loved ones.

Chris, keep your head up homie, im truly sorry to hear this.
He always looked out for me, there were times I wanted certain items and I'd go making a post asking Seattle NTers for assistance, he'd cuss me outasking why I would do that when I could've just hit him up. He was always the one to lookout for someone if they needed help.

Man this isnt feeling well, but I'm trying to remember some of the wild stories he would tell me
. If there's one thing about Jake I can say he def IMO lived his life to the fullest everyday.
I clicked on this thread thinking and hoping that it was a sick joke and that Carra's account was hacked.

Jake was one of the coolest NT'ers I've talked to.

He was supposed to visit the Philippines last December and I volunteered to show him around but he postponed his trip to this year.

I even told his homey Chris that I would trick Jake into eating weird stuff during his visit.

Jake, I am saddened by the fact that I never got to meet you in person. I've heard nothing but good things about you.

We will all miss you.

May you rest in peace.

RIP Big Fame One. I never met him or talked to him, but somehow I remember him saying that he has some sort of health complication.
one of the few people on NT who, despite not knowing personally, was someone i respected and liked just from reading his anecdotes, humour and generalknowledge of experience -- like people i grew up around and vibe with in general.

really saddened to hear this tragic news.

my condolences to his family and friends.

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