Royce White article on Grantland. My take: I am not on his side anymore after reading.

Whose side are you on in this situation?

  • Royce White

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  • Houston Rockets

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  • Total voters
Jan 5, 2003
First of all, let's have a real talk about this. No "TL;DR" garbage. You knew coming into this thread that you were coming into a serious conversation.

Here is the article. It's long.

This article single-handedly changed my take on Royce.

I have suffered with general anxiety and have taken prescribed medication for the last six years. I know EXACTLY what he is going through. It's hard for me to board planes, not like "ooh I'm a little nervous" hard, but sweating/chest-tightening/nauseous hard. Physically challenging. In high school, I used to throw up before band class because I was going into a room with 100 people in a tight space. It's a real thing, and I know what it is all too well.

That said, I feel the best I have in years right now. I take Prozac, and I am fine when I go to Wolves games. I am fine traveling now unless it's something big like an international flight. I tried about four different medications and found the right one and the right dosage. For that I feel very lucky.

Royce, you aren't the first one to go through this. The rest of us have had to go through therapy and medication in order to live our lives. We can't just stop showing up to work. I've made excuses for years and lied and lied to cover up my odd behavior or symptoms, but in the end, I've had to use my therapy and training to cope. And guess what? I made it through it. I am stronger mentally now. I improved myself. I still have work to do, but I feel good — thanks to my own efforts.

This was the most unreasonable paragraph:

The crux of White's demand to the Rockets is that he needs his own personal doctor to decide whether he's in the right mental frame of mind to play a game or attend practice. That seems reasonable — until you consider what would happen if all 400-plus players in the NBA made the same request (for both mental and physical ailments). It would reinvent the power dynamic, effectively allowing players to dictate when they were healthy enough to participate.

But White doesn't see it like that.

Except that he does.

"My request was to have an addendum to my contract," he begins. "Now, would that set a precedent? That's not really my thing. I asked for something to be put into my contract. Not something for all players to use."

He is not the first NBA player to suffer from anxiety disorder, nor will he be the last. SOMEHOW, the ones before him found ways to cope.

Either they adapted, or they left the league. He is not special, he is just the latest athlete that might retire because of a health condition. Look at Dajuan Wagner (ulcerative colitis) or Magic Johnson (HIV). Look at every athlete ever that retired because of bad knees, ankles or backs. Do they have a god-given right to play NBA basketball? Should we let them play in a wheelchair?


The NBA is for the most fit athletes available, Royce. You can adapt. You can get better, and when you do, there will almost certainly be a try out waiting for you. But the league and the world can't halt their operations to make other-worldly exceptions for you. I don't like the bus, but I take it to work every day. Should I get my employer to have a limo pick me up each day? It's unreasonable.

The Rockets have shown incredible flexibility to this point, allowing him a lot of leeway and breathing room. They have given him their money, time, patience, and drafted him 16th overall. At this point, he owes them.

As of this article, I am not on Royce's side anymore. And I am one of his self-proclaimed "#AnxietyTroopers"...
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im not going to sit here and act like i understand his disorder, because I dont.

but he sounds dumb..he signed a contract to play basketball. he should be playing basketball. they already made an exception by providing him ground transportation..

i will repeat..he sounds dumb...hes saying most people have a mental illness, but then saying he should be granted his own personal doctor? im sure dennis rodman has some sort of 2013 "mental illness", but he showed up to play every game (im being generous)....and was compensated for it.

im just glad the celtics didnt draft him...all the physical talent in the world...
I love the part where they say he sounds like a '9th grader who just wrote a great research paper on mental illness"

Describes my feeling exactly everytime I hear him talk
didnt they reach an agreement for him to go to the dleague in a couple weeks
I love the part where they say he sounds like a '9th grader who just wrote a great research paper on mental illness"

Describes my feeling exactly everytime I hear him talk

Same. That was a great take. Klosterman is good.
can someone please explain what exactly was done by iowa state to accomodate him?

i wouldnt know.. but i'm just curious if he had this many (or any) issues with how things were handled on any non-pro level teams he would have been on
didnt they reach an agreement for him to go to the dleague in a couple weeks

they sent him to the d-league, he said no. so they deactivated him. he's extremely open with everything on twitter. smh.

oh and magic didn't have aids. but that's neither here nor there.
He is not the first NBA player to suffer from anxiety disorder, nor will he be the last. SOMEHOW, the ones before him found ways to cope.

Either they adapted, or they left the league. He is not special, he is just the latest athlete that might retire because of a health condition. Look at Dajuan Wagner (ulcerative colitis) or Magic Johnson (HIV). Look at every athlete ever that retired because of bad knees, ankles or backs. Do they have a god-given right to play NBA basketball? Should we let them play in a wheelchair?


The NBA is for the most fit athletes available, Royce. You can adapt. You can get better, and when you do, there will almost certainly be a try out waiting for you. But the league and the world can't halt their operations to make other-worldly exceptions for you. I don't like the bus, but I take it to work every day.
But he's asking for this. That's how he's choosing to adapt and cope. Clearly he's been prepared to sit out and not play unless he's given what he feels he deserves. He's taking a stand saying he's choosing not to adapt in the way the NBA dictates, but wants it on his own terms. Whether he's right or wrong, that's the choice he's making. Clearly he's willing to suffer and sit out, and it's up to the Rockets and NBA if they make the concessions he wants or if they reach a compromise.

He's in the position that he can sit out, yes.. most don't have that power. But he does, and he's exercising it.
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Yeah he needs to get over himself. I feel like because of all this he will never ball well.
hes a clown.  He has a real illness but he's still a clown.  Hope he gets it together one day
On one side he think's he's Lebron an on the other he has social anxiety disorder...very polarizing guy he is.
This article didn't make him look good at all. Not sure how long this guy will last in the league. 
I posted this article in the NBA thread. Maybe it's better in it's own thread though.

This is a very intriguing situation. To me, it's not necessarily about taking a "side" but rather examining the commentary this raises. I'm someone who struggled with anxiety in the past as well, so I can relate to a lot of what he talks about.

The most interesting thing about White, and they pointed this out in the article as well, is that he seems extremely normal. I've seen him in a few interviews, and not only does he not come across like someone with anxiety would be expected to, he is actually fairly charismatic and well put-together. Society generally expects victims of 'anxiety' to be frail nerds cowering in the corner; not a physically imposing, intelligent, outspoken star athlete who should seemingly be taking the world by storm. This is why I think we shouldn't be too hasty to pass judgment on White. Just because he has the confidence to advocate for himself doesn't mean he isn't suffering.
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didnt they reach an agreement for him to go to the dleague in a couple weeks

they sent him to the d-league, he said no. so they deactivated him. he's extremely open with everything on twitter. smh.

oh and magic didn't have aids. but that's neither here nor there.

nah, the suspension is done. he suppose to be ready to report on feb 11th
The fact that he's only "shooting around" once a week should be enough for the Rockets to terminate his contract.
Worst thing he could've done was get on Prozac.
Why's this??? I was thinking of getting on tihs....

I'm on it, and I've never felt better. It took a while to get used to, though.

If you are on a med and it's not working after 2 months, switch to a different one. It can take a while to find something that works for each individual.

That's why I don't get why Royce has been on the same meds for six years... it's obviously not working. :smh:
I love the part where they say he sounds like a '9th grader who just wrote a great research paper on mental illness"

Describes my feeling exactly everytime I hear him talk

The most accurate thing that has been said about this entire situation.
I feel for his anxiety, its something that should be handled carefully from the Rockets organization & they have done just that. They've been very considerate with him & sooner or later I think Royce needs to step up & fulfill what he chose to do when he entered the draft & signed his contract. Again, his anxiety needs to be attended to & I think Houston has played their part with that, but now it's on him to do the same.
I found the article informative but contradictory (White's responses) and basically just thought, shut up and get on with your job. This dude's arrogance is also annoying, keeps talking himself up and hasn't played a second of NBA action.

I think the whole situation does have some issues for myself in that, White is making $3.4million a year to do something we would all kill to do and refuses to play. But, personally I have little understanding of mental illness to White's extent. I guess that's where my lack of sympathy lies with this ridiculous saga.

The money part of this all is probably what is at odds with most people. In my mind people think "this guy is getting how much? and he refuses to play for mental illness reasons? get rid of the bum."

This was a great bit from the article - 'White seems like a brilliant ninth-grader who just wrote a research paper on mental illness and can't stop talking about it. He's arrogant, and perhaps not as wise as he believes himself to be.'
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