Picked up a pair of OG Mesh Women's. Am I the only one here that prefers [just by a tiny bit] the mesh on them than the Men OG Mesh?
I think the womens mesh have two different types as well though, the sprites in store seemed different from my other womens cw's I own. But no I don't, its less flexible and more restrictive, but that's my opinion
Team reds coming to us in June
source? June is next week.. is there a more specific date? And does that include the blue heros 
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source? June is next week.. is there a more specific date? And does that include the blue heros 
I just read it on sole collector, and blue heros don't have a release date but said this summer so they won't be releasing at same time i imagine. Limited nike accounts so we'll see what stores get them
These and the Thunder Blues (if that is the name of them) are beautiful! Great pick ups!! I'm in need of a size 10 (cough!)

Blue thunders were my first priority but nowhere to be found so I decided on these. And very satisfied! :D

Not pictured: daily pair of sails, iggys, and sirens.

2x Calypsos

2x FB Mints

3x Iggys

3x Sails

1x Mango

1x Sport Red

1x Cyber

1x Siren Red
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Not pictured: daily pair of sails and iggys.

2x Calypsos

2x FB Mints

3x Iggys

3x Sails

1x Mango

1x Sport Red

1x Cyber
mustve paid bank on all these. buying from those resellers. nice collection
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Not pictured: daily pair of sails and iggys.

2x Calypsos

2x FB Mints

3x Iggys

3x Sails

1x Mango

1x Sport Red

1x Cyber
Nice collection! But damn! what do you do in your calypsos? the bottom is like more black then usual=P nonetheless, all sick
Man those Maroons and Hero Blues look good. Hopefully I can pick those 2 up when they release!
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I really hope someone paints the swoosh on the Maroons black really want to see that and think it'd look pretty nice
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