theres no need to pm him

live chat with zappos
Just trying to keep out the resellers....Again you don't even need to be VIP.... i've already got them NOT being VIP.

id actually encourage dummies to keep buying up the stock...because they will keep reappering because its a massive GR

theres no need to pm him

live chat with zappos
Better yet, you're right. Don't PM then, listen to ColdCity. You're the one with 13k + posts. I dont have the time you obviously do to post that much in that short a time.

what the hell does that have to do with anything...... & members wonder why new members catch flack

regardless if i have 13k or 132k post
the info i provided was 100% truth
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This thread has turned into the "worry about resellers thread"

for every 1 post of information, there's 3 posts of worry and 5 more of damage control.
RunningHype good man. Glad you're able to get a pair. Lets hope we continue to see the new cws. That seems like the mall to go to. Menlo had nothing
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Sick, love'em

Smh, everybody going crazy for the FB Mints when you should be going crazy for the Crimsons. Them joints are too clean!!!
Smh, everybody going crazy for the FB Mints when you should be going crazy for the Crimsons. Them joints are too clean!!!

Totally agree
without question

opening the crimsons box for the 1st time was like

opening the fb mint box for the 1st time was like the gif when fam opens his laptop & quickly closes it back

i havent impulse bought anything in years but the mints are def in that category
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id actually encourage dummies to keep buying up the stock...because they will keep reappering because its a massive GR
what the hell does that have to do with anything...... & members wonder why new members catch flack

regardless if i have 13k or 132k post
the info i provided was 100% truth
LOL...I'm not a new member here. i have a new screen name. As you can see i only post in this thread. But i guess that's all you have to go by and immediately pass judgement.

I wasn't disagreeing with you. I was merely pointing out that fact that I really don't have the time to respond to PM's in a timely manner. Unlike you, who has 13k posts in 2 years. average that out thats almost 20 posts everyday. I'm lucky if i have 5-10 minutes a day to read through the countless pages this thread moves at. There was no disrepect intended, but obviously if you took offense then thats on you. Simply put, i have a life outside of NT.

Carry on...
don't know if I should buy one of the city pack... they don't look all that nice with it being mid. i'm gonna have to see on foot pictures with jeans to make my decision. as of now, i'm just gonna go for the mints. only can buy two then im done with the roshe game and it's gonna be the mints and mango v2s
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