Ronnie Fieg Collabs - Tracking order link

Ronnies a douche, flat out. I let this keep me from copping anything Kith related until the flamingos. But real talk he's deff not a wolf when it comes to his mentality/emotions that he expresses on social media. He's the Wale of streetwear...not a fam of either of them, but I can unbiasedly respect that both are pretty damn good at their craft, seeing that they're wealthy. Ronnie especially considering that Kith/RF designs is essentially a re-branding company when it comes to footwear. Regardless streetwear is gonna be dead soon so I'm enjoying wearing the few brands that I like until we start seeing them everywhere
I don't care about Ronnie or his accomplishments but I'll say if any of us had the same success I think MOST of us would be pretty damn cocky/arrogant. It tends to happen with fame and wealth. Let him be a douche and show his true colors, maybe more people will speak up and he'll garner more negative exposure. Or just don't cop his products if it bothers you that much. The end.




I'll stop copping when it is widely recognized as a clear "look at me I'm a douche bag" connection to the products. Like those hypebeasts decked out in HBA/been trill or those dudes that think they are cool with a whole matching LV outfit. Until than, I'll blindly appreciate the "nice kicks" from random strangers.
I don't even think he's a bad dude. I think he's somewhat thin skinned and then you have to deal with idiots trolling his accounts all day almost in attempt to get blocked for bragging rights or something. I guess blocking people is better than responding to them all with gun threats lol. We all deal with things differently. No shots at Proto because he's a good dude, but I've seen him respond with novel length responses that went on for days when people criticize him. I also see people like Alp who take it all in stride and keep it moving when someone says something negative. Gun threats on the Internet are never popping, regardless of trolling lol.
well thought out, "novel length" (really just a couple or few paragraphs), responses, detailing how you're right, and proving them wrong >>> blocking any and every one who says anything negative...

because of RF's popularity, if he actually did respond to real criticism (not just trolling), people would read all of it and hang on every word and respect him a lot more, having seen where he's coming from, and maybe even that he's right... and he wouldn't have lost so many fans along the way.
Oh damn. Well I don't know Ronnie the person but I will say if you want to be in the spotlight then you have to be able to accept that there will be critics. You have to take the good with the bad.
Agreed. If you look at any celebrities (Not saying he is even at that status yet) IG or twitter and almost every reply is either d-riding or something really offensive and negative. He must have really thin skin to be that successful and not be able to ignore that stuff.
almost a full size run. those things arent going anywhere
I wonder why? the colors I thought were pretty dope. Maybe being a primarily white shoe? no ronnie name to back it? usually kith regardless gets a following for the asics.
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I don't even think he's a bad dude. I think he's somewhat thin skinned and then you have to deal with idiots trolling his accounts all day almost in attempt to get blocked for bragging rights or something. I guess blocking people is better than responding to them all with gun threats lol. We all deal with things differently. No shots at Proto because he's a good dude, but I've seen him respond with novel length responses that went on for days when people criticize him. I also see people like Alp who take it all in stride and keep it moving when someone says something negative. Gun threats on the Internet are never popping, regardless of trolling lol.
yeah different ppl react to things differently. I don't like to assume things about other ppl but based off the few times I've seen him he comes off as an jerk (kinda like spike lee)

Mad props to Alp rocking those glitter butt shorts and just not giving af.
I wonder why? the colors I thought were pretty dope. Maybe being a primarily white shoe? no ronnie name to back it? usually kith regardless gets a following for the asics.
yea i thought they were clean too. im just still broke from the KFE drop lol i woulda copped the pink and teal.
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