Ronnie Fieg Collabs - Tracking order link


Always the same people saying the same ****..

Come release day...

"Game time decision"...

"That was an easy cop!".....

"Anyone get shipping confirmation??"


only thing that bothers me is that this is the exact shoe as the Premier 998.........never mind the price. Still I'm probably in for these .
Sheeeeeit I totally forgot about salmon soles.. Just americana, daytona and steel blue came to mind
I really really like them but like everyone is mentioning, the price is making me hesitate.

Also, why is the toe so bulbous in that pic? Most, if not all of my 998 toeboxes taper down almost to a point.
Hoping it's just the shoe tree that's making it look that way
their new methods make the recent 998s look really bulbous and it's not even the toe puff it's also the toe wrap now that is super wide and puffy
A RF price mark up is nothing new last year west released a 530 for 150 ish and ronnies was 185. Ronnie knows he has more leeway/influence than other boutiques so he marks it up more because he's money hungry and doesn't give a **** about the consumer. It's really simple, most of y'all complain but will still buy.

Had to do it. I want to like these because of them being 998s but the price and the colors aren't doing it for me.
I agree.

This year from RF I picked up the Sakura lows, the Diamond GLVs, and the Primos. I know the Diamonds were pretty generic to most, but I thought the other two were unique.

Passed on everything else this year cause they just didn't do it for me like these. the Pacific/Atlantic set, or even the Tale of Two Cities pack.
Best RF collab since Sage to me.... everything else was garbage or an easy pass except Diamond 5s
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A RF price mark up is nothing new last year west released a 530 for 150 ish and ronnies was 185. Ronnie knows he has more leeway/influence than other boutiques so he marks it up more because he's money hungry and doesn't give a **** about the consumer. It's really simple, most of y'all complain but will still buy.
you're correct but nb sets prices. 
These things are retail 270?


I understand runners like what they like and cuff roll pants so it's all good they are clean but no way.
The retail is reportedly $240, but after the $10 shipping and city and local taxes from Kith, the end price would be around $270
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