Ronda Rousey has become extremely annoying TITLE CHANGE

Rousey never was serious about her craft. You don't have longevity like the true greats without focusing on your craft and improving every aspect of your game.
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Oh okay.

Well I'm still not aware of any mma fighters that would be considered among great athletes.
She always been ugly to me.....but this weigh in she was kind of purdy.
This was totally sarcastic, FYI.

Moral of the story is, Floyd is invincible and Rhonda is not.

Holly rocked her! :rofl: All that talkin' about Floyd, she should have focused on her training. That's why she got her joint shifted. Gotta' go get plastic surgery now. Serves her right.

Floyd ain't invincible just fast

Riiiiiight... ofcourse it was.


Steffi Graf?! Jackie Joyner Kersey?! Who the hell said Rhonda was better than them!? The blasphemy!


I dont want to hear anything else about this flash in the pan fighter. As far as i'm concerned her & Adrien Broner are the biggest disappointments in Women's UFC & Mens boxing. Lump them up both in the same categories. Big let downs. I never understood her hype. She beat up on some average to decent contenders but nobody who was really ahead of their class. Get her outta' here. Couldn't even last a full 60 seconds with Amanda. This is the great female athlete to have ever participated in athletics? Ha! Shows how much ESPN viewers know about sports! :smh:
Oh okay.

Well I'm still not aware of any mma fighters that would be considered among great athletes.

Jon Jones.

If you put his out of sport discretions aside (which is hard to do because they're keeping him from doing what he excels at).
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used to be a fan of Ronda. but what turned me off wasn't that fact that she was cocky (every fighter should have some cockiness to them), it was seeing how poorly she took her first L to Holm. going on TV crying and saying she was suicidal and ish. what part of the game is that? it doesn't matter how good or dominant you are, every athlete knows how to take a loss. what message are you sending to the little girls that look up to you when you're walking around like you're hot ish when everything's running smoothly, but as soon as you take your first loss you contemplate taking your own life? it's time Dana White stops slurping Ronda and start focusing on how he's gonna excel the career's of the more skilled female fighters.
used to be a fan of Ronda. but what turned me off wasn't that fact that she was cocky (every fighter should have some cockiness to them), it was seeing how poorly she took her first L to Holm. going on TV crying and saying she was suicidal and ish. what part of the game is that? it doesn't matter how good or dominant you are, every athlete knows how to take a loss. what message are you sending to the little girls that look up to you when you're walking around like you're hot ish when everything's running smoothly, but as soon as you take your first loss you contemplate taking your own life? it's time Dana White stops slurping Ronda and start focusing on how he's gonna excel the career's of the more skilled female fighters.

Excellent post which pretty much sums up my feelings. Everyone takes Ls sometimes but the greats use those Ls to fuel them not contemplate suicide. I feel sorry for her if she contemplated ending her life but it's not worth it.
I almost feel bad for her, the fall from grace has been crazy. If I were her I would take all the money she made and call it a career
The whole jumping off of her bandwagon because she isn't "humble" is some BS. It's fighting. Nobody puts up money to watch or bet on a scary, insecure, indecisive fighter. What entertainment value is in that? lol It's all a facade. Nobody is concerned with what these athletes are dealing with behind closed doors anyway, because we shouldn't be. Deion Sanders was suicidal after winning a Super Bowl. Nobody knew that until years later.
everytime i see MMA fighters get ROCKED by boxers/combos it makes me laugh when people say they can beat real boxers :lol:

look at her poor defense she caught a 10 piece combo and didnt even know what to do with her hands :lol:
everytime i see MMA fighters get ROCKED by boxers/combos it makes me laugh when people say they can beat real boxers :lol:

look at her poor defense she caught a 10 piece combo and didnt even know what to do with her hands :lol:

you talking about mma fighters or regular joes? if it's strictly boxing, they got no shot. but if you throw everything else, they got a shot
if you cant defend a takedown from a wrestler or bjj, it's a wrap. damn near impossible to get back up
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MMA is inferior to boxing when it's not on the ground.
Yeah as dude mentioned but not just with Ronda I don't see a lot of mma fighters with the proper defense consistently when the hands are thrown.

How do they expect to get to the ground against a boxer if they can't even get in close when those hands are thrown? Strictly with counters?
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the only punch would probably be the uppercut. if that lands when the wrestler shoots, it's a wrap
but if you cant land, then your going to the ground

didnt james toney get taken down by randy couture. grant it, couture was an elite wrestler, but tony was a high level boxer as well
really depends on the fighters. i just dont see a mma fighter succeeding in boxing and vice versa
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same way ronda got rocked they just stand there

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