Ron Paul Thread. "Farewell Address" Pt.1 Vid and text.

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by AceMaster193

^You have not contributed anything valuable to this thread. As a matter of fact, you have no argument. This is not a popularity contest, it scares me to know there are people like you going to the booths on election day.

So elections aren't or can't be seen as a form of a popularity contest.....
.  Yeah you keep thinking otherwise champ.  Again, just look at the TITLE of this thread, if Ron Paul is or was winning more delegates than Mitt Romney then why has Romney won the Republican nomination with Ron Paul on the outside looking in??  Does anyone have an answer for that??

Because he didn't win anything, nobody has even voted yet.

Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by AceMaster193

^You have not contributed anything valuable to this thread. As a matter of fact, you have no argument. This is not a popularity contest, it scares me to know there are people like you going to the booths on election day.

So elections aren't or can't be seen as a form of a popularity contest.....
.  Yeah you keep thinking otherwise champ.  Again, just look at the TITLE of this thread, if Ron Paul is or was winning more delegates than Mitt Romney then why has Romney won the Republican nomination with Ron Paul on the outside looking in??  Does anyone have an answer for that??

Because he didn't win anything, nobody has even voted yet.


What about the Republican primary then??
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by Deuce King

So elections aren't or can't be seen as a form of a popularity contest.....
.  Yeah you keep thinking otherwise champ.  Again, just look at the TITLE of this thread, if Ron Paul is or was winning more delegates than Mitt Romney then why has Romney won the Republican nomination with Ron Paul on the outside looking in??  Does anyone have an answer for that??

Because he didn't win anything, nobody has even voted yet.


What about the Republican primary then??

NOBODY HAS VOTED YET!! How many ways do you want me to convey this to you?

Romney didn't win anything, the story is not factual in any way.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Word, Deuce why do you continue to be the main consistent anti-Ron Paul poster in this thread and others relating to it? We all get it that you disagree but you're not even engaging in discussion or arguing against any of the things Paul stands for. You feel he's irrelevant or just another Ralph Nader or not worth talking about or all those things combined why not just let these ppl in here live? It's like you feel you have to post and basically convey how much you dislike Paul or his supporters or lack thereof.
I''ll repeat my same comment from page 15.................................

"Why you ask??  Just look at the thread title for example.  All year long I and others have been hearing about this Ron Paul wave that is about to take the country by storm , and how this is the year that Ron Paul will finally win the Republican nomination, but as we now see that couldn't be further from the truth.  Just look threw this thread for more examples from various posters.  We have had charts and graphs saying how much money and support Ron Paul is receiving over Obama and Romney from the beginning of this election process, but none of that (if it was really real to begin with for Ron Paul) has materialized for Ron Paul and his supporters.  Now they are left holding the bag of embarassment looking around like with that bewildered look on their face wondering how and where things went wrong.  It's truly funny to me, I'm getting a kick out of it.  It was would be equivalent to somebody saying that the Charlotte Bobcats were going to have the best winning record this NBA year and how they were going to win the NBA Finals.  We now know that things didn't quite work out that way for either entity.  Just like the Bobcats, Ron Paul also had the lowest winning percentage and had the worst home court record
. "
Yeah I get all that and when he's gone, officially lost after all the votes are counted, and a few months pass and ppl still stop bringing him up you'll probably be proven right completely but why not say your peace and be done about it?

I mean okay, if you enjoy doing this to the ppl posting that support him but aint nobody constantly laughing at Bobcat fans/supporters about how bad their record is and the hope ppl had in them. They speak on it and move on cuz it's the Bobcats. If members want a 15+ pg thread on the Bobcats let them have it.
Looks like it's the end of the road for Ron Paul and all you Ron Paul lovers out there as of today in Tampa, FL. Now that's his dismal campaign has come to a painful end, what's next for Ron Paul and his very few supporters out there??
As a fixture in every Ron Paul thread, the casual observer must wonder what exactly you dislike about his platform. Is it ending the drug war or ending America's wars in general that bothers you so much?
Looks like it's the end of the road for Ron Paul and all you Ron Paul lovers out there as of today in Tampa, FL. Now that's his dismal campaign has come to a painful end, what's next for Ron Paul and his very few supporters out there??


Gravedug from the dude who yesterday posted a cnn video about republicans committing voter fraud.
I try so hard to take this guy seriously then he does **** like this.

August 29, 2011 3:59 PM
[h1]Ron Paul: I don't accept the theory of evolution[/h1]
Congressman Ron Paul, who is campaigning for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, says that the theory of human evolution is just a theory - and one that he does not accept.

In a YouTube video of Paul addressing what appears to be a town hall meeting in 2007, the Texas representative let listeners know where he stood on the issue.

"Well, first i thought it was a very inappropriate question, you know, for the presidency to be decided on a scientific matter," he said. "I think it's a theory...the theory of evolution and I don't accept it as a theory. But I think the creator that i know, you know created us, every one of us and created the universe and the precise time and manner and all. I just don't think we're at the point where anybody has absolute proof on either side."

A spokesman for the Paul campaign did not immediately respond to calls for comment.

[emoji]169[/emoji] 2011 CBS Interactive Inc.. All Rights Reserved.
As a fixture in every Ron Paul thread, the casual observer must wonder what exactly you dislike about his platform. Is it ending the drug war or ending America's wars in general that bothers you so much?

I have NO problem with Ron Paul or his platform. I have no problem with Ron Paul because I KNOW he is not going to be elected, reason being is because his support and supporters are few and far in between. I just find this thread and his followers completely funny because they actually thought he was going to get the Republican nomination for President. From the pictures of his rallies filled with people to some of the asinine statements in here made by his supporters, you would think Ron Paul was actually going to do something this year, but he didn't.

Gravedug from the dude who yesterday posted a cnn video about republicans committing voter fraud

Only thing worse than being wrong is being loud and wrong champ.
:lol: Oooops, msnbc!!! :lol:

Do you actually watch that crap?

You were talking about republicans committing voter fraud and when it gets done to Ron Paul on a massive scale you talk ****. Then say you have no problem from the man. You can't be taken seriously. I just think you're funny, that's all.
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As a fixture in every Ron Paul thread, the casual observer must wonder what exactly you dislike about his platform. Is it ending the drug war or ending America's wars in general that bothers you so much?
I have NO problem with Ron Paul or his platform. I have no problem with Ron Paul because I KNOW he is not going to be elected, reason being is because his support and supporters are few and far in between. I just find this thread and his followers completely funny because they actually thought he was going to get the Republican nomination for President. From the pictures of his rallies filled with people to some of the asinine statements in here made by his supporters, you would think Ron Paul was actually going to do something this year, but he didn't.

Gravedug from the dude who yesterday posted a cnn video about republicans committing voter fraud
Only thing worse than being wrong is being loud and wrong champ.

Should have told your boy to run as an independent, but he doesn't have the bawls to do so. 

You can't be mad that the republican establishment doesn't like him. Gotta make your OWN lane.

On top of that, yall don't even realize. Its not that Ron Paul is being shut down...hes just not invited. The parties themselves decide who shows up to debates. They're not regulated or mandated to include different parties unless they feel like it. 
:lol: Oooops, msnbc!!! :lol:
Do you actually watch that crap?

There you go champ, now your seeing how it works. You make a mistake or say something in error and then I as well as countless others put YOU in your place to have you make the correction and everybody is happy. Just follow the rules of the game and your days will be better off for it, I promise you.

As far as me watching MSNBC goes, it's either that or read from Infowars........:lol:. I made my decision and I'm sticking to it.

people are pathetic...none of these cowards deserve to call themselves Americans....America is about fighting for what you believe in...the answers are right in front of us yet people still want to elevate these politicians....its just weak thinking.
Pig Love... Why is it you think that Paul will be immune to all of the corruption and all the "puppeteering" that goes on with every other presidential candidate just being a talking head according to you?

Hes probably just another piece of the plan, eh?
people are pathetic...none of these cowards deserve to call themselves Americans....America is about fighting for what you believe in...the answers are right in front of us yet people still want to elevate these politicians....its just weak thinking.

There is no elevation of Ron Paul the politician. Ron Paul epitomizes ideas of Non-Aggression/Violence, voluntary association, and individualism. Ron Paul has been censored for a reason.

In another thread you posted a link on Marxism/Communism, which is philosophy that bolsters violence, anti-private property, and its flawed philosophy has never demonstrated any type of awareness of the allocation of scarce resources. No idea of price systems or economic calculation.

Stop looking at Ron Paul the politician, the politician is irrelevant in this apparatus we call the U.S. government. If any of you have read any of his books, you would see that he doesn't even agree with this (or any) form of government and would not have vouched to ratify that worthless Social Contract that people hold up as some ridiculous Divinely written POS.
^ Nearly forty years of consistency begs to differ.
This is what kills me... Y'all are so quick to leap on anything that your favorite conspiracy blogger can put on his website without a shred of evidence but its not feasible that Ron Paul could succumb to this high level conspiracy that takes place in Washington.

Were killing off Navy SEAL's because they didn't really get OBL so they don't spoil the "real story", unmanned drones are flying over my head daily loaded with LGM's, the WTC was detonated from the inside etc. and Ron Paul is gonna roll his old *** into Washington and do what about it? 
There is no elevation of Ron Paul the politician. Ron Paul epitomizes ideas of Non-Aggression/Violence, voluntary association, and individualism. Ron Paul has been censored for a reason. In another thread you posted a link on Marxism/Communism, which is philosophy that bolsters violence, anti-private property, and its flawed philosophy has never demonstrated any type of awareness of the allocation of scarce resources. No idea of price systems or economic calculation. Stop looking at Ron Paul the politician, the politician is irrelevant in this apparatus we call the U.S. government. If any of you have read any of his books, you would see that he doesn't even agree with this (or any) form of government and would not have vouched to ratify that worthless Social Contract that people hold up as some ridiculous Divinely written POS.

If I want to be famous I can just be a black republican. Those guys are always pushed to the front. They stay getting screen time. 
I try so hard to take this guy seriously then he does **** like this.

[if IE]><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="640" height="390" /><![endif]

August 29, 2011 3:59 PM

[h1]Ron Paul: I don't accept the theory of evolution[/h1]

Congressman Ron Paul, who is campaigning for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, says that the theory of human evolution is just a theory - and one that he does not accept.
In a YouTube video of Paul addressing what appears to be a town hall meeting in 2007, the Texas representative let listeners know where he stood on the issue.
"Well, first i thought it was a very inappropriate question, you know, for the presidency to be decided on a scientific matter," he said. "I think it's a theory...the theory of evolution and I don't accept it as a theory. But I think the creator that i know, you know created us, every one of us and created the universe and the precise time and manner and all. I just don't think we're at the point where anybody has absolute proof on either side."
A spokesman for the Paul campaign did not immediately respond to calls for comment.

[emoji]169[/emoji] 2011 CBS Interactive Inc.. All Rights Reserved.

You could stand to learn a thing or two from that quote. Theories do not equal facts.

You tote evolution as a fact when that is merely you're opinion of the theory... That the theory is a fact.
There is no elevation of Ron Paul the politician. Ron Paul epitomizes ideas of Non-Aggression/Violence, voluntary association, and individualism. Ron Paul has been censored for a reason.
In another thread you posted a link on Marxism/Communism, which is philosophy that bolsters violence, anti-private property, and its flawed philosophy has never demonstrated any type of awareness of the allocation of scarce resources. No idea of price systems or economic calculation.
Stop looking at Ron Paul the politician, the politician is irrelevant in this apparatus we call the U.S. government. If any of you have read any of his books, you would see that he doesn't even agree with this (or any) form of government and would not have vouched to ratify that worthless Social Contract that people hold up as some ridiculous Divinely written POS.
:rofl: CLASSIC

...your obviously holding up a reactionary defense mechanism to protect your own ego...

take that faux liberal act somewhere else...please..

a philosophy that bolsters violence? really? see how your reactionary counter revolutionary rhetoric prevents people from learning?

thanks to you...and your 21rst century McCarthyism...a lot of people will further convict alternative ideology which is already condemned enough by the powers that be (I wonder why)

...all that you said couldn't be more far from true..I don't refer to alternative thought as 'Marxist' which is clearly a verbal if one has to subscribe to everything that comes out of that line of thought. :smh: :rolleyes

'no idea of price systems or economic calculation?' :rofl: what a JOKE...thats not true at all. I can't believe you just tried to get that across.

'anti private property' :smh: I'm not even going to get into that...obviously you don't know what its like to be another mans property do you? You don't even understand the concept property.

Paul is no different than any of the other people he works with...he's a millionaire...who has no interest aligned w/ the people....and neither do you.

He doesn't agree with any form of government? so what does he agree with? no government at all? thats impossible. :rofl:

just stop man. you just proved your failure to reason by subscribing to all those stereotypes and connotations about alternative ideologies.

your blatant social-reactionism is the worst type of political character there is.

^ You say the same nonsense in every thread. Are you loading up the Armalites and taking to the streets?
I'll say the same things until people get the message that its time to take responsibility of our own destiny....its more than being in the streets...ideological foundation comes before action...go get smart with someone else...

You know, it really saddens me to see a world filled with war and violence...for a person to attempt to put the blame on an alternative ideology really speaks volumes of the contemporary situation....your petty contradictions have no weight against the social depth of history and of that work....take a ******g seat...and vote for your stupid millionaires in November.
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[h1]Grassroots Conservatives And Ron Paul Fans Are Freaking Out About This New Republican Party Rule[/h1]
Grace Wyler [color= rgb(204, 204, 204)]|[/color]  23 minutes ago  [color= rgb(204, 204, 204)]|[/color]  [color= rgb(153, 153, 153)]99[/color]  [color= rgb(204, 204, 204)]|[/color]  1


Grace Wyler / Business Insider
[/td][/tr][/table]TAMPA, FLA. —  The floor at the Republican National Convention briefly erupted into chaos  Tuesday, when supporters of libertarian gadfly Ron Paul  burst out into boos and chants of "point of order" over a new Republican Party rule that conservative activists say will sharply curtail the role of state parties and the party's grassroots base. 
The rule — which passed on a vote voice despite loud "nays" from the floor — allows the Republican National Committee to override any decision made by the convention's Rules Committee.  It's one of several measures passed at the convention today that Paul supporters protested, including a decision by the credentials committee not to seat all of Paul's Maine delegatesand a rule that would force states to select delegates based on the results of their primary or caucus. 

Immediately after the rules vote, grassroots activist Kristina Ribali, new media director for the Tea Party/grassroots organization FreedomWorks, sent off a stream of tweets lambasting the GOP Establishment and the Romney campaign for ignoring calls for a vote and forcing through a rule that will centralize power with the national party. 

A sample from her Twitter feed  gives a good idea of how the grassroots feels about the rules change: 

Twitter / @KristinaRibali
And more: 

Twitter / @KristinaRibali
As Ribali's tweets illustrate, the dissatisfaction with the GOP extends far beyond Ron Paul's Liberty Movement to other Republican activists that are not part of the traditional Republican Establishment,  like the Tea Party and social conservatives. 

In an interview with Business Insider  Monday, FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe  expounded on Ribali's arguments: 

"I think the Republican Party overstepped its bounds by establishing a more top-down process,"  Kibbe explained. "But they are essentially fighting against history. Politics is becoming more decentralized and more democratic — dramatically more democratic. More command and control from the top down is just a bad approach."

The new rules are a short-sighted attempt to prevent the Ron Paul supporters from embarrassing Mitt Romney, Kibbe said, but they could end up having long-term consequences on the future of the Republican Party. 

"They were worried about a few Ron Paul supporters creating a bit of drama on the floor, but they essentially are throwing the baby out with the bath water," Kibbe said.  "They are telling any grassroots delegate that wants to get involved in the process that they can't be included in the process. It's potentially dangerous." 

"This was a ham-fisted procedural stunt by the Romney campaign — they didn't appreciate how quickly information traveled and they got caught doing something that has always been done by insiders,"  he added. "It's a real distraction at a time when every one is trying to come together."

Kibbe conceded that the Republican Party may also be playing a long game, aimed at curtailing the potential power of other anti-Establishment activists down the road — including a possible primary challenge from the right, or worse, from another Paul. 

"I think this was more about 2016, to be honest with you,"  Kibbe said. "But if Mitt Romney isn't able to hold together a broad coalition, he won't be successful." 

But Kibbe does see a silver-lining — to him, the 2012 rules fight looked like the last, desperate power grab from a slowly dying Establishment. 

"It strikes me as one of the final showdowns between the old top-down system and the new bottom-up system," he said. "Because the grassroots will be heard." 

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