Rockets 20 game win streak or Atheletics 20 game win streak from '02

Nov 10, 2007
Im going with the A's on this one. This basically boosted them into the playoffs, which are harder to make in Baseball. Also, with a different pitchergoing every day, it's harder to sustain a winning streak.

Sig check
. And I was at game 20
But on the real I don't know. Basketball is probably harder to win 20 games in a row but in baseball youdon't get much rest and your starters have got to be there almost every-night, especially with the offense we usually have
. So I don't really know,I am going to go with the A's but that is because I am being bias
Rockets, they are doing it in the western conference
you gotta keep in mind the A's streak was a record for baseball, and the rockets are still a ways away from the record in basketball (33).
A's, even though what the Rockets are doing is impressive, much more difficult to do in MLB. Already said but, less rest, longer season, and starterschange every game.
But then again, a 20 game winning streak in basketball would mean more to their season because there's half the games. It would be like a 40 game winningstreak in baseball.
Originally Posted by the PGA tour

But then again, a 20 game winning streak in basketball would mean more to their season because there's half the games. It would be like a 40 game winning streak in baseball.

You know a NBA regular season is 82 games right?
Being an A's fan I'll say the A's too

but both are crazy impressive....but in baseball that's like sweeping 4-5 teams in a row, which is crazy...Tejada was
back then, wasn't there agame where he hit a walk-off something? That was crazy
i knew everyone was gonna say the Rockets

that A's win streak is one of the most impressive streaks we'll ever see. they had NO chance of making the playoffs and then they pull off a run likethat. the Rockets streak is impressive as well, but they've been beating bottom-barrel teams. it's still an extremely impressive feat, but it's nottouching that run that the A's had.

Originally Posted by the PGA tour

But then again, a 20 game winning streak in basketball would mean more to their season because there's half the games. It would be like a 40 game winning streak in baseball.
You know a NBA regular season is 82 games right?
you know there's 162 games in a regular MLB season right? so his comparison is spot on...
In terms of playoff race, A's are more impressive. They were down for the count, but came back. As for the Rockets, they could have crept their way intothe playoffs without the streak, but at the same time, in a sense, needed the 20 game streak to solidify their position.
Originally Posted by the PGA tour

Also, with a different pitcher going every day, it's harder to sustain a winning streak.


that's why that streak > Rockets

Rockets have relatively the same people playing every, there's a 5 man rotation and the starting pitchers set the tempo for the game...
You can argue both ways, but the Rockets streak is certainly nothing to scoff at.

Especially since arguably their most important player went down in the middle of it. Instead of folding like many said they would, they rose to the top of theconference, and basically locked up a playoff spot. In the Western Conference.

Comparisons are sort of stupid though, because they try to take 2 impressive things and make one seem less impressive.

Two great streaks, each amazing in its own regard.
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